---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jake Kendall <j...@cariboudigital.net>
Date: Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 2:29 AM
Subject: [Ictd] Opportunity to connect with African university students
To: <i...@cs.washington.edu>

Hi All
I know it's been a super long time since I have posted here -  I hope it's
the right forum!

I have an African startup founder who is looking for university students
from top tier US universities to be beta testers on a new audio product
that connects students from African universities with others in the world.
The founder is great - Harvard grad, well respected in the local ecosystem.
[For those who don't know/remember, I was at UW but now run DFS Lab which
is an early stage investor in African tech]

Blurb here from the founder (reach out directly if you are open to being a
tester or want to talk to him about the product - edymag...@gmail.com):
Univus is the first edtech company that is bringing all the world's
students to connect, learn and collaborate on one single student-only

In its initial phase, Univus is connecting American college students,
including students at top universities like U. Washington with those at
Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Yale and notable African universities like the
Africa Leadership University to foster communities where learners can chat
on any range of social and intellectual topics in real time. Over the long
term, Univus will create visual and messaging to deepen learner networks
and offer additional use cases in learning and collaboration.

Univus is currently seeking beta testers for its flagship audio product and
sees the U. Washington CS department as an attractive test bed. We request
an introduction and access to 20 CS undergrad students who are using
Android phones to help us test, refine and build the existing Android app.
Your support will be highly appreciated.
Ed Magema
LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/ed-magema-b7305846>


Jake Kendall
Director, DFS Lab <http://www.dfslab.net/>
WhatsApp: +1-917-324-5987
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