Dear Chapel community --

Cray Inc. and the Chapel open-source community are proud to announce the release of version 1.14 of Chapel! This release's highlights include:

* A number of performance improvements due to:
  - optimizing array accesses
  - accelerating promoted expressions over aligned arrays
  - streamlining memory management via 'jemalloc' improvements
  - reducing contention in reductions
  - enabling bulk transfer over strided array slices
  - implementing 'sync' variables using native 'qthreads' features

  The impact of these optimizations can be observed in our nightly
  performance tracking graphs:

* A number of additions and improvements to Chapel's library modules:
  - a new 'BigInteger' module providing a 'bigint' type and operations
  - an 'MPI' module supporting message passing within Chapel programs
  - a 'ZMQ' module for inter-process communication via ZeroMQ
  - a 'BLAS' module supporting the level-3 interface
  - improved 'Search' and 'Sort' module routines

  Descriptions of these modules can be found in Chapel's online

* Support for new array distributions:

  - distributed sparse domains and arrays: access these by creating
    sparse subdomains of 'Block'-distributed domains.

  - a 'StencilDist' distribution which provides a variation of 'Block'
    that is specialized for stencil computations:

* Online documentation improvements, including:

  - nicely formatted versions of the primer and "hello world" examples
    from the release:

  - new articles in the (work-in-progress) users guide:

* A now-complete set of the Computer Language Benchmarks Game programs,
  including several style and performance improvements over previous
  versions.  Find these at $CHPL_HOME/examples/benchmarks/shootout/ in
  the release.

* A new capability for generating stack traces on 'halt's:

* The ability to pass Chapel functions to external C routines:

* Significant improvements to the 'chplvis' execution analysis tool:

* Support for setting default CHPL_* settings via .chplconfig files:

* Improved support for reduce intents on parallel loops:

* The ability to implement Chapel's atomics using C's:

* The closing of several classes of memory leaks, most notably
  sync/single variables.

* Improved error messages when flagging modifications to 'const'
  shadow variables introduced by parallel constructs.

* Updated versions of the jemalloc, GASNet, Qthreads, hwloc, and
  MassiveThreads third-party packages.

Not to mention numerous portability improvements, bug fixes, and
feature enhancements.  To see a far more complete list of changes in
version 1.14.0, refer to the list at the end of this message, or to within the release or online:

Contributors to this release include:

  Ben Albrecht, Cray Inc.
  Matthew Baker, ORNL
  Paul Cassella, Cray Inc.
  Brad Chamberlain, Cray Inc.
  Sung-Eun Choi, Cray Inc.
  Laura Delaney, Whitworth University / Cray Inc.
  Lydia Duncan, Cray Inc.
  Michael Ferguson, Cray Inc.
  Ben Harshbarger, Cray Inc.
  Andrea Francesco Iuorio, Università degli Studi di Milano / GSoC
  David Iten, Cray Inc.
  David Keaton, Cray Inc.
  Engin Kayraklioglu, George Washington University / Cray Inc.
  Vassily Litvinov, Cray Inc.
  Tom MacDonald, Cray Inc.
  Deepak Majeti, individual contributor
  Phil Nelson, Western Washington University / Cray Inc.
  Michael Noakes, Cray Inc.
  Nikhil Padmanabhan, Yale University
  Nicholas Park, DOD
  Elliot Ronaghan, Cray Inc.
  Preston Sahabu, Cray Inc.
  Kushal Singh, Int'l Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad / GSoC
  Kenjiro Taura, University of Tokyo
  Chris Taylor, DOD
  Greg Titus, Cray Inc.
  Tony Wallace, Cray Inc.
  Hui Zhang, University of Maryland

To download and install the release, see:

Whether you're a Facebook or Twitter user, or would simply enjoy
stalking us online, check our project's social media pages for a
steady stream of informal posts about the project and language:

Our development repository is hosted at GitHub, making it the best
place to track or contribute to ongoing Chapel development:

Our main project page continues to be hosted at:

and it remains the best place to find Chapel-related information such
as papers, presentations, blog posts, tutorials, news items,
collaborations, job listings and the like.

As always, we're interested in your feedback on how we can make the
Chapel language and implementation more useful to you.

On behalf of the Chapel Development Team,
-Brad Chamberlain

version 1.14.0

Seventeenth public release of Chapel, October 6, 2016

Highlights (see subsequent sections for more details)
* performance optimization highlights:
  - optimized array accesses for programs using simple/common array operations
  - dramatically improved performance of promoted expressions over aligned data
  - streamlined memory management through new jemalloc upgrades and features
  - optimized reductions by using an atomic spin lock rather than a sync var
  - enabled the bulk transfer of strided array slices by default
  - significantly optimized 'sync' variables when using 'qthreads' tasking
* standard library highlights:
  - added a new standard 'BigInteger' module providing value-based 'bigint's
  - added new communication package modules for MPI and ZeroMQ
    (see and
  - added new package modules for BLAS, MatrixMarket, and range chunking
     $CHPL_HOME/modules/packages/MatrixMarket.chpl, and
  - dramatically revamped the Sort and Search modules, including comparators
    (see and
* domain map highlights:
  - added support for Block-distributed sparse domains and arrays
  - added a new 'StencilDist' distribution in support of stencil access patterns
* implementation improvement highlights:
  - added a capability for generating stack traces on 'halt's
  - improved support for reduce intents on parallel loops
  - added the ability to implement Chapel's atomics using C atomics
  - added the ability to pass Chapel functions to extern C routines
* documentation and example code highlights:
  - added the primer and "hello world" example codes to the online documentation
    (see and
  - completed and updated our suite of Computer Language Benchmark Game codes
    (see $CHPL_HOME/examples/benchmarks/shootout/* and
  - added several new pages to the online users guide
* additional highlights:
  - made significant improvements to the 'chplvis' execution analysis tool
  - added support for a new .chplconfig file supporting default CHPL_* settings
  - clarified errors related to modifying 'const' intent-based shadow variables
  - updated versions of: jemalloc, GASNet, qthreads, hwloc, massivethreads
    (see $CHPL_HOME/third-party/*)
  - closed several classes of memory leaks, most notably due to sync/single vars
  - improved the portability of the code base
  - numerous bug fixes

Configuration Changes
* added support for a new .chplconfig file supporting default CHPL_* settings
* added an '--anonymize' flag to 'printchplenv' to hide potential sensitivities
* enabled 'jemalloc' by default on 'darwin' platforms using 'gnu' compilers
* enabled 'jemalloc' for target compilers 'pgi' and 'cray-prgenv-cray'
* changed the 'numa' locale model to use the 'distrib' scheduler for 'qthreads'

Semantic Changes / Changes to Chapel Language
* Chapel now permits trailing commas within tuples and array literals
  (see 'Tuple Values' and 'Rectangular Array Literals' in the language spec)
* made casts between 'real' and 'imag' types preserve floating point values
* added support for empty 'only'/'except *' qualifiers on 'use' statements
  (e.g., 'use M only ;' or 'use M except *;' requires qualified naming)
* added a new reduce= operator for intent-based reductions
* made assigning stridable ranges and domains to non-stridable an error
* stopped implicit 'use' of standard automatic modules within user sub-modules

Syntactic/Naming Changes
* added the ability to specify an optional 'do' on 'otherwise' statements

New Features
* added a capability for generating stack traces on 'halt's
* added support for iterating over, and querying the 'size' of enumerated types
  (see 'Enumerated Types' in the language specification)
* added support for recursive record/class initializers
* added new .bulkAdd()/+= features for sparse domains supporting bulk index adds
* added support for reduce intents with different input/state/output types
* added an 'align' operator for domains
  (see 'Domain Alignment' in the language specification)
* added casts and safeCasts to turn stridable ranges/domains into non-stridable
* added support for 'retType' and 'argTypes' queries to first-class functions
* added the ability to create serial iterators for types
  (see 'The Method Receiver and the 'this' Argument' in the language spec)
* added early prototype support for class/record initializers (constructors)

Feature Improvements
* added support for a requestCapacity() method on associative domains
* added the ability to query locality information of domains and distributions
* improved the support for compilerError, compilerWarning, and compilerAssert
* made promoted array assignments always use a parallel loop
* extended the number of indices that an associative domain can store
* added the ability to have 'param' formal arguments on parallel iterators
* preserved 'param' values within the context of 'forall' loops
* added support for casting from 'param' values to arrays

Interoperability Improvements
* added the ability to pass Chapel functions to extern C routines
* added support for casts to 'string' from 'c_void_ptr' and 'c_ptr'

Standard Modules/Library
* added a new 'BigInteger' module providing a value-based 'bigint' type
* strings:
  - improved the flexibility of arguments passed to join() calls
  - made a version of split() that handles arbitrary whitespace
  - made the 'ascii()' routine return uint(8)s rather than int(32)/int(64)s
  - changed the default binary string format to data_toeof
  - removed most library functions on c_strings
* Math module: added support for standard operations on 'complex' values
* Buffers module: added support for buffer.copyin/copyout methods
* Reflection module:
  - added getFieldRef() functions to obtain a reference to a field
  - added the ability to query whether a type method can be called
* DynamicIters module: added a dynamic iterator for domains
* GMP module: deprecated the 'BigInt' class in favor of 'bigint'

Package Modules
* added initial support for a 'BLAS' module supporting the level 3 routines
* added an MPI module supporting message passing between Chapel images/locales
* added a ZeroMQ module supporting inter-application communication via 0MQ
* added support for a 'MatrixMarket' module providing file serialization
  (see $CHPL_HOME/modules/packages/MatrixMarket.chpl)
* added a new 'RangeChunk' package for dividing ranges into multiple chunks
* Sort module: dramatically revamped the module, including comparator support
* Search module: dramatically revamped the module, including comparator support

Domain Maps (Layouts and Distributions)
* added a new 'StencilDist' distribution in support of stencil access patterns
* added support for Block-distributed sparse domains and arrays
* extended Block distributions to support strided bounding boxes

Performance Optimizations/Improvements
* optimized array accesses for programs that use simple/common array operations
* optimized the performance of promoted expressions over aligned data
* optimized memory management through new jemalloc upgrades and features
* optimized reductions by using an atomic spin lock rather than a sync var
* enabled the bulk transfer of strided array slices by default
* implemented 'sync' variables natively for 'qthreads' tasking
* optimized functions returning references to avoid widening them when possible
* optimized on-statements that end up being local
* optimized the implementation of decrementing remote task counters
* stopped heap-allocating variables due to on-clauses for 'fifo' and 'muxed'
* improved the performance of intrinsic-based floating-point atomic 'fetchAdd's
* fixed a potential performance issue when growing/shrinking arrays as vectors
* made modest improvements to the performance of associative domains
* optimized the implementation of .re and .im for complex values
* optimized base**exp operations when 'base' is a param power of two

Memory Improvements
* obtained memory allocation improvements through 'jemalloc' upgrades and usage
* closed memory leaks caused by 'sync'/'single' variables
* closed a memory leak relating to 'args' arguments sent to main()
* closed a memory leak caused by module-scope detuple variable declarations

Example Codes
* added all remaining Computer Language Benchmark Game programs
  (see $CHPL_HOME/examples/benchmarks/shootout/* and
* significantly improved existing Computer Language Benchmark Game programs
  (see $CHPL_HOME/examples/benchmarks/shootout/*)
* made improvements to LCALS for style and performance
  (see $CHPL_HOME/examples/benchmarks/lcals/*)
* changed ISx to use low-level PCG interface to match the reference version
  (see $CHPL_HOME/examples/benchmarks/isx/*)

Tool Changes
* 'chplvis' improvements:
  - added a "settings" window
  - fixed undetected 'chplvis' regressions in 1.13
  - made significant improvements to the user interface
  - added new views of execution-time data
* 'chpldoc' improvements: improved formatting and handling of many situations

* added the primer example codes to the online documentation
* added the 'hello world' examples to the online documentation
* added a new primer example for modules and 'use' statements
  (see doc/release/examples/primers/modules.chpl)
* added a number of new sections to the user's guide
* significantly re-worked the multi-locale execution and quickstart docs
  (see and
* moved information about execution on UDP-based systems into its own document
* added usage ('use ...') information to chpldoc-generated module documentation
  (e.g., see
* added documentation for the 'chplvis' file format
  (see $CHPL_HOME/tools/chplvis/TextDataFormat.txt)
* updated the steps required to build Chapel with newer HDFS sources
  (see and
* added an archive of past language specification versions to the online docs
* updated and fixed minor issues in the language specification
* fixed a plethora of spelling mistakes throughout the documentation
* fixed several online documentation formatting errors

Compiler Flags (see 'man chpl' for details)
* added a new --denormalize flag that cleans up generated code before codegen
* stopped throwing --vectorize when --fast is thrown

Portability Improvements
* improved the portability of the code base to gcc 6.x
* improved portability to FreeBSD, Solaris, illumos, OmniOS, Ubuntu
* added initial support for compiling single-locale programs for 64-bit ARM

Cray-specific Changes
* removed an obsolete warning about having hugepage modules loaded on Crays

Syntax Highlighting
* added instructions for using vim highlighting for Vundle and vim-plug users
* fixed portability of Chapel's emacs mode for emacs 24.x
* added support for nested block comments to emacs and 'highlight' highlighting
* fixed the highlighting of binary literals in Pygments
* updated our support for Andre Simon's highlighter to support version 3.x

Error Message Improvements
* added a clarifying statement for 'const' errors due to task/forall intents
* made string OOB messages print the offending index
* squashed C warnings considered to be noise in the back-end compiler
* added an error message for declaring constructors/initializers without parens
* added an error for user fields named 'outer'
* fixed some spelling errors in error messages
* removed warnings for assigning serial iterators/iterables to arrays
* removed a misleading warning about records and forall intents

Runtime Error Checks
* added bounds checking to string index/slice operations

Bug Fixes
* fixed a bug in which having CONFIG_SITE set could break third-party builds
* made 'compare_exchange' conform to memory order requirements on failure
* fixed incorrect 'fetchAdd' and 'fetchSub' implementations on atomics
* fixed a bug in which 64-bit atomic loads on 32-bit systems were not atomic
* fixed a longstanding but infrequent race condition in privatization
* fixed a bug in handling 'ref' return intents
* fixed a bug involving 'ref's to array elements
* fixed a bug for recursive functions that return records
* fixed a bug in accessing overridden methods
* fixed a bug in which reduce intents could not be applied to arrays
* fixed a bug in iterating over strided, unsigned domains and arrays
* fixed a bug in BlockCyclic array accesses for 3D+ arrays
* fixed a bug for membership queries in sparse CSR layouts
* fixed a bug when storing max(int) in an associative domain of ints
* fixed a bug in which arrays within records were incorrectly being localized
* fixed a bug in which (+/-1)**k was incorrect for negative values of k
* fixed a bug in advancing I/O channels
* fixed bugs in the mapping of GMP functions down to the underlying C library
* fixed a bug in which readline()'s 'amount' argument was used incorrectly
* fixed a bug in which writeln(str) and writef("%s", str) behaved differently
* fixed a bug related to using an 'enum' within a library module
* fixed a bug ignoring whitespace when casting strings to values
* fixed a bug in which the back-end compiler would warn about dead code
* fixed a bug in which 'printchplenv --sh' was missing some variables
* reduced cases when standard modules were automatically 'use'd in user code
* fixed some issues with copy propagation
* fixed an occasional compile-time failure in inserting wide references
* fixed a bug in which sleep() could under-sleep by 1 microsecond
* fixed some bugs with the --llvm-wide-opt flag
* fixed a race condition in the 'pbs-aprun' launcher
* improved how we handled environment variables with backtics in 'amudprun'
* fixed a bug related to locale models and order of resolution

* added an --spmd flag to the 'mpirun' launcher for SPMD Chapel+MPI runs
* added --walltime, --partition, --exclude flags to 'slurm_gasnet_ibv' launcher

Runtime Library Changes
* added the ability to implement atomics using C atomics ('cstdlib')
  (see and
* re-enabled support for massivethreads for single-locale executions
* added support for out-of-segment non-blocking puts and gets for 'gasnet'
* changed the 'fifo' tasking layer to allocate task stacks in heap memory

Generated Code
* improved generated code readability when using the new --denormalize flag
* added function IDs and a function ID -> name table to the generated code
* enabled the LLVM back-end compiler to produce debug information
* improved #line directives in the generated code when using --cpp-lines
* improved the generated code quality for 'local' blocks

Third-Party Software Changes
* added 'libunwind' as a new third-party package in support of backtraces
* upgraded jemalloc to version 4.2.1
* upgraded GASNet to version 1.26.4
* upgraded qthreads to version 1.11
* upgraded hwloc to version 1.11.4
* updated massivethreads to a new version
* enabled decay-based purging in jemalloc
* improved 'jemalloc's detection of 'librt' when using cray-prgenv-* compilers
* disabled 'jemalloc's statistics gathering features by default
* added support for the new Qthreads 'distrib' scheduler

Testing System
* added a 'close' button to the performance graphs to simplify screening them
* improved support for 'notest'ing and 'skipif'ing directories
* added the ability to perform multiple trials in correctness testing
* added the ability to limit the number of concurrently executing tests
* added the ability to squash email notifications by setting CHPL_TEST_NOMAIL
* fixed graph annotations for days without any associated data
* removed the need to provide an argument to '-[no]stdinredirect
* improved how compilation errors are reported for performance testing
* made the test system accept empty .compopts/COMPOPTS files
* avoided the use of spool files when using moab/torque via ''

Removal of Deprecated Features
* removed 'locale.numCores' which was deprecated in 1.13
* removed 'typeToString()', deprecated in 1.13 in favor of casts to strings
* removed support for 'setter', 'reader, 'writer', deprecated in 1.13
* removed support for 'fieldNumToName' & 'fieldValueByNum', deprecated in 1.13
* removed the deprecated 'AdvancedIters' module
* removed support for KNC

Developer-oriented changes: Module changes
* significantly refactored sparse domain map modules
* reimplemented 'sync' and 'single' variables as records
* made string code call more directly to mem* routines in C
* made the chpl_here_* routines more generic w.r.t. integral types
* added a 'PODValAccess' config param that returns POD array elements by value
* added a method to the 'bytes' type to get a raw pointer to memory
* adjusted printing within 'DefaultRectangular' to avoid IO dependences
* cleaned up the use of '_desync' functions
* unified the formatting of the 'ChapelSyncVar' module

Developer-oriented changes: Makefile improvements
* removed no-longer-used RUNTIME_GEN_C[XX]_FLAGS macros

Developer-oriented changes: Compiler Flags
* re-enabled support for the --minimal-modules flag
* added a --[no-]parse-only flag to optionally stop compilation after parsing
* added an experimental --incremental flag that generates multiple .o files
* added an experimental flag for performing CSE on array accesses
  (see --[no-]replace-array-accesses-with-ref-temps

Developer-oriented changes: Compiler improvements/changes
* moved the handling of PROC_NEW to the resolution pass
* cleaned up the representation and handling of varargs
* refactored the remote value forwarding pass
* refactored the gatherCandidates stage of function resolution
* fixed a bug in tryStack when resolving constructor calls
* optimized away the creation of tuples for varargs functions in some cases
* refactored CallExpr::codegen()
* revised isSyncType() to be more consistent and meaningful
* moved the "direct on" optimization to the parallel pass
* stopped treating 'defaultInitializer' specially for iterators
* fixed some filename arguments that were still strings rather than 'int's
* stopped unnecessarily remote value forwarding values to task functions
* improved how sync/single operations are identified by remote value forwarding
* changed how the compiler represents parallel iterable expressions
* improved the number and quality of checks performed by the --verify flag
* replaced uses of homegrown containers with STL equivalents in the compiler
* added QualifiedType support to prepare for revamping representation of 'ref's
* fixed the indentation of --html output when viewed within Google Chrome
* added support for a simple 'ForallExpr' AST node, used only during parsing
* implemented certain reduction expressions using forall expressions

Developer-oriented changes: Runtime improvements
* added callbacks to the Chapel runtime's communication calls
* simplified and sped up the implementation of chpl_executeOnNB()
* eliminated type punning and use of volatile in the implementation of atomics
* refactored 'extern "C"' declarations to avoid crossing #include boundaries
* changed uses of 'atomic_flag's to 'atomic_bool's to match C11's atomics

Developer-oriented changes: Documentation
* added developer support for console-/man-based chpldocumentation
  ('make man-chapel')

Developer-oriented changes: Third-party improvements
* changed many third-party directory structures to avoid using version numbers
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