Hi Chapel Users --

For those who've been following the Chapel project recently, you know that in striving to harden the core language, one of the things we've been working on has been to replace the original class/record constructor design with a more flexible and robust approach called initializers. Unfortunately, towards the end of 2017, we ran into an unanticipated "gotcha" in the initializer proposal that has caused us to rethink aspects of it. The result of that effort is that we are emerging with a revised initializer proposal, referred to loosely as "new initializers."

This mail has two goals:

(1) to point those who are interested in the topic to the following GitHub issue which provides a high-level description of this new approach, with links to a CHIP and presentation for more details, along with related


If you are interested in reviewing the revised proposal and providing feedback on it, this GitHub issue is the place to do so.

(2) to give those users who may have already started adopting initializers a heads-up that changes are coming -- and potentially quite soon for those of you who work from the master branch. As the transition takes place, if you need help converting your code over, please let us know.

In any event, our goal remains to get initializers to the point that they can completely replace constructors, at which point we will deprecate constructors and then retire them (timeline TBD).

In advance, sorry for any hassle this causes, and thanks for any feedback,

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