The five foot wooden Egret or Heron from the 3133 Guilford Ave. back yard has landed on the eastern Shore around Rock Hall.   I miss it already.   Good luck to you both, Gren and Janice.   Institutions have short memories but our memory as residents of Charles Village goes back some 38 years.  In spite of the ebb and flow of AIA and other community organizations,  Gren's contributions have been great, always very pro-active for the city -living residents especially in quality -of-life issues.  We can thank him as a strong neighborhood leader for a lot of things that made our community better over the years.   If we all had a General Store and a pot-belly stove to gather around, he would be our elder statesman. 
Tune in to our squabbles once in a while, Dr. Dogbone.
Carlene and Paul
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