I'm not so sure you would be saying this if you had accidentally thrown $120 out with the trash and someone took it before you realized what had happened and could retrieve it.

Way to take the moral high-ground there.


On Jun 2, 2005, at 2:22 AM, jdy wrote:

sorry i see it differently. cars and trash are like refried beans and sour grapes. no comparison.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dale Ghent
To: The Charles Village Chat List
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Chat] trash picking

Generally, garbage or refuse that someone leaves out for pickup is still their property. Rifling through someone else's garbage, before it's picked up by the trash hauler, is considered trespass.

Taking someone's "garbage" if you're not the authorized trash hauler is, basically, theft. Ownership of trash ends when the hauler receives it.

So, I would think that Judy is in the wrong twice... once for going through trash, and second for taking something from it.

Think of it as screwing with someone's car parked on the street. Would you do that?


On Jun 1, 2005, at 2:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I would hope that you would try to find out whose garbage you were rifling and return the money to that person.

I personally have no problem with people picking up visible items left outside as trash--if no one wants that banged-up table and I can use it in my yard, so be it. But I have a BIG problem with people who "pick" through small trash, since what you call trash picking is one way people steal identities. Not everyone is careful enough about what goes into the trash, and people intent on stealing identies will rifle trash looking for credit card bills, bank statements, and other identifying numbers.

Thus, if I saw you or anyone else picking through my trash, I would be very angry, would chase you off, and might in some circumstances call the cops. I have certainly called neighbors when I have seen people going through their trash.

Again, I hope you will try to return the money.


-----Original Message-----
From: jdy
Sent: Jun 1, 2005 1:22 PM
To: Charles Village Discussion List
Cc: The Charles Village Chat List
Subject: [Chat] trash picking

to all you folks who look down on us alley shoppers,
i got a real bargain yesterday. $125.00 stuffed in a pencil box. in the same aisle was a small Tupperware container overflowing with pennies and some foreign coins.
sorry-- sale is over.

:~) judy

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