Folks: I'd like to share this note I got from Steve Rivelis.  --Emil

----- Forwarded message from Steven Rivelis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Delivered-To: unknown
Subject: Gulf States - Rebuilding Community
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 20:55:26 -0500
Thread-Topic: Gulf States - Rebuilding Community
Thread-Index: AcYdY8CEtJiBje7mSpKTTyQQsADNuQ==
From: "Steven Rivelis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Steven Rivelis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Campaign Consultation, Inc. has been invited to work with states and
communities along the Gulf Coast to help them as they rebuild the fabric
of their communities.  Prior to beginning to do this work, Linda and I
recently drove 10 hours along the Gulf Coast to witness the devastation
firsthand.  In our drive from the panhandle of Florida through Biloxi
and on into New Orleans, the loss we witnessed is incomprehensible.  I
thought you might want to read Linda's observations: 

People living in trailers next to splinters of wood and rubble that used
to be their homes, their neighborhoods, their communities. 

Poignant moments where despite the heartbreak, makeshift homes display
wreaths, decorations of seasonal light and notes of hope to passers-by. 

Neighborhood Watch signs -- the only thing left standing in entire

Family names with street addresses spray-painted on buckled foundations,
curbs, any found surface to indicate what once was. 

Trees sticking up from gulf water where they shouldn't be ... washed
from land in the storm surge.

An iHOP sign indicating open 24 hours a day, now featuring a debris
strewn stretch of chopped- up asphalt.

No business, no commerce, no jobs -- how are people surviving?

We took pictures, but stopped after awhile because photographs will
never tell the story as it is.

Much work needs to be done! 

-- Steven
Steven Rivelis, CEO
Campaign Consultation, Inc.
2819 Saint Paul Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21218  USA
T.410.243.7979 x 11
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"One of the Top 100 Inner City Companies in the U.S." 
                                               -- Inc. Magazine/ICIC 

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Emil Volcheck

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