I thought others on the Charles Village list might be interested in this info from PETA.


Christine Gray


PETA’s ‘10 Worst Laboratories’ List

7. Johns Hopkins University
In February 2005, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) agreed to pay $25,000 to settle USDA charges concerning repeated and egregious violations of the AWA. JHU is the most prestigious university ever to receive such a major fine, and USDA charges were only pressed in this case because of JHU’s baffling refusal to correct violations year after year. USDA inspectors charged that animals were not given anesthetics or proper veterinary care during painful experiments. At least 37 primates were kept in cages that were too small or failed in some other way to meet even the most basic humane standards.

PETA brought public attention to JHU’s negligence in ecstasy studies that led to the gruesome deaths of several primates. JHU experimenter George Ricaurte “accidentally” injected the animals with “speed” instead of ecstasy, killing them and invalidating his own research. Unbelievably, Ricaurte continues to waste about a million taxpayer dollars each year on his illicit drug studies on monkeys and baboons. It is utterly shameful that JHU receives more National Institutes of Health (NIH) money for experimentation than any institution in the world (about $600 million each year) yet cannot spare the time and effort needed to provide basic care to the thousands of animals it uses.

In addition to its poor record of animal care, Johns Hopkins has a penchant for cruel and bizarre basic research. For example, Lloyd Minor studies “vestibular compensation” in squirrel monkeys. In lay terms, Minor studies how eye movement reacts to sudden high-speed head movements and rotations by implanting metal coils in the monkeys’ eyes. He then surgically installs steel poles in the monkeys’ skulls, which lock into a special restraint chair. The chair is rapidly spun and propelled, exerting tremendous force on the immobilized monkey. In variations of this experiment, Minor cuts out pieces of the monkeys’ brains, hoping to see if these “lobotomized” monkeys respond differently to the chair spinning. Minor does not even pretend that this research has any clear application to human health, but he continues his torture chamber-like work on innocent monkeys as well as chinchillas. Shockingly, this project receives almost $500,000 each year from the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.

Please write, call, fax, or e-mail the head of the university and politely ask him to stop these atrocities:

William Brody, President
Johns Hopkins University
Office of the President
242 Garland Hall
3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218
410-156-6097 (fax)


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