Hello, neighbors,

This Sunday morning, our neighbor Susanne Riveles will give an address
at the Baltimore Ethical Society on her research into Nazi war resistance.
I am really looking forward to this talk, and I hope you can attend.
Here is the announcement.


Title:     Belated Justice for Nazi Resisters
Where: Baltimore Ethical Society,
           306 W. Franklin St. (in the old Congress Hotel)
When:  10:30 a.m., Sunday, Jan. 20th.

Susanne Riveles will report on contemporary research findings about
Nazi crimes against humanity.  Only since the fall of the Berlin Wall
are new Nazi justice records accessible to researchers in a unified
Germany.  She will describe the organization, work and persecution of
the largest Berlin-based resistance organization fighting the Nazi
regime on numerous fronts.  The members of the group were driven
underground and acted under the permanent threat of being arrested.
Over 200 members were caught, tried by the infamous Peoples Court, and
executed in the last months of World War II.

Susanne Riveles was born in Berlin, and her family suffered severely at
the hands of the Nazis.  Her father was executed for his role in
Resistance activities.  She later earned her Ph.D. in African studies
at Howard University.  Her studies relate the treatment of the people
of Namibia under German colonial rule to the Nazi racially
discriminatory treatment of Jews.  She has worked with Amnesty
International and led the Southern Africa Coordination Group in the
defense of prisoners of Apartheid.  She was Director of the Africa
desk for Lutheran World Relief and was Director of the Education and
Advocacy for International Justice and Human Rights Program for Church
World Service. In those roles she has traveled to Africa, and has
written, testified and advocated to improve conditions for development
and human rights.  She is currently on the Boards of the Abell
Improvement Association (AIA), the Charles Village Community Benefits
District Management Authority, and the International Alliance of Women
(IAW).  She is Regional Vice President for the Americas and Convenor
of the IAW's Commission on Women, Peace and Security.  She is
responsible for the Planning, Land Use, Sanitation and Housing committee
for the AIA.

For more information about the Baltimore Ethical Society, please visit

 http://www.baltimoreethicalsociety.org/  .

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