My fiancée Janet and I ordered a pizza to be delivered from the Papa 
Johns on 33rd St.  It took over an hour to arrive (when we called to ask 
where our pizza was, they said it was on its way and was late because 
they were really busy on the night of a football game).  Finally, it did 
arrive, and a slice was missing.  It looked as though someone had eaten 
a slice of our pizza.  Also, one slice was upside down on top of the 
other slices.

It was really creepy, and we threw out the pizza.  Janet called, and 
first was on hold until she gave up.  She called again a few minutes 
later, and spoke to the manager.  He was apologetic and offered to send 
another pizza, but at that point we had no appetite for pizza.

In fact, if we had known how long it would take for the pizza to arrive, 
we would have cooked something ourselves, but we had decided that that 
would take too long.  It would have been faster.

And as much as we would like to support a local business, Papa Johns 
will no longer get our business.  In an era when some food is tainted, I 
do not want to wonder whether the food I get is safe to eat.


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