I replied to the survey also but that doesn't immediately solve the problem and my back up of hazard wastes. I doubt the city will supply a hazard waste dumpster. the liability would be to great given the nature of the wastes. someone would have to organize and monitor the hazards coming in. etc etc

On 01/04/2011 04:23 PM, John Spurrier wrote:
Sharon and Judy,

I replied to the survey forwarded by Mary Pat Clarke. In addition I sent her an email suggesting that maybe there would be a way to instead of having bulk trash dumpsters one month have a limited drop off of hazardous materials somewhere in Charles Village.

From: slg2...@cs.com
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2011 14:20:33 -0500
To: chat@charlesvillage.info
CC: cvcapresid...@charlesvillage.net; davidh...@charlesvillage.org; m...@charlesvillage.org
Subject: Re: [Chat] hazard waste


When I saw the email from Mary Pat Clarke yesterday, I forwarded it to David Hill and Matthew Bradby at the CVCBD and asked if they knew about it and what they planned to do. I am awaiting there response which I will make sure is posted on the Chat List as well.

Sharon Guida, CVCA Sanitation Committee

In a message dated 1/4/2011 2:15:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, jdy...@verizon.net writes:

    since the city is discontinuing hazard waste recycling, does
    anyone have
    any ideas? can the benefit district set up something? this is
    going to
    be an  ecological disaster.
    judy berlin

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