Good Afternoon, 


I wanted to get an announcement out a littler earlier this year regarding 
commencement which will take place on May 23 rd .  As you know there are 
several days of planning on and near campus which effects parking and traffic 
circulation.  In planning for emergency preparedness, please note the second 
bullet below regarding restrictions to eastbound traffic on University Parkway. 
 Once more details about the detour becomes available I will pass that along.   


<! > No parking along the curb lane of University Parkway effective Thursday, 
May 16 beginning at 4:00pm - Saturday, May 25 at 11:59pm.  We will have signs 
posted a few days in advance announcing the restrictions.  


<!> The eastbound lanes of University Parkway will be closed on Thursday, May 
23 from 6:00am - 4:00pm.  This is a new item to allow those attendees in our 
mobility impaired seating section to park closer to Homewood Field.  In the 
event of an emergency or evacuation, these individuals will be able to safely 
and efficiently exit and get to their cars.  


Thank you for your patience and understanding during JHU’s commencement.  



Melissa Thompson 

Johns Hopkins Government & Community Affairs 

901 S. Bond St, Suite 540, Baltimore, MD 21231 

office.443.287.9900 _ fax.443.287.9898 


All – 


Recreation and Parks will be doing some seeding on the intramural fields in 
Wyman Park.  Signage will be displayed on Wednesday, stating that  the turf is 
under renovation and to stay off; seeding on the field will begin on Monday, 
April 8. 


Please share this with your neighbors. 


Thank you, 


Melissa Thompson 

Johns Hopkins Government & Community Affairs 

901 S. Bond St, Suite 540, Baltimore, MD 21231 

office.443.287.9900 _ fax.443.287.9898 


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