----- Original Message -----
From: "David McNab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: [freenet-chat] Attn - all freenet site authors - grab your
FreeWeb domains now!

> > Question:  Did you seperate presentation and functionality
> > like a good OO designer?
> To a fair extent, yes. I've given it a try.
> But after a 7 year break from programming, I've only recently started
> converting my thinking from structured design/programming to OO, and
> switching from C to C++, so while I've tried to achieve a reasonable level
> of encapsulation, you will inevitably find faults with the design.
> For instance, classes don't follow a strict hierarchy - they tend to
> each other willy-nilly. This is probably sacrilegous to OO purists.

Don't worry, I'm hardly an OO purist.

Also, GTK+ is basicly all written in plain C, but is still very object
oreinted, which is good.

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