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> >There we go with the terminology again.  Please don't use the word
> >"transient" to mean something other than "a node that has set
> >transient=true in the freenet.conf or freenet.ini file".  Call it
> >something else.  "Temporary node" would be my first choice.
> Ok, I've got a pretty good idea of what the word "Transient" means in the
> english language, so please don't tell me that it only can possibly mean a
> node that has Transient=True set, or whatever, because that isn't what the
> ENGLISH WORD MEANS!!!  But, in order to clarify everything, I will use the
> words "Temporary node" just to make you guys happy, ok?!

Again, technical fields NEED to redefine words into more precise meanings.

My dictionary gives this definition (among a few others) of "transient":

adj.  1) Passing away with time; not permanent; temporary; transitory

This works somewhat for Freenet.  However, isn't is possible that you could 
set "transient=true" in your node's config file and still have it up 24/7?  
Such a node is not "transient" according to the dictionary definition, but it 
is as far as Freenet is concerned.

Also, I disagree with the definition of "transient means 'transient=true' in 
the config file", because it focuses the attention on implementation rather 
than design.  A transient node was defined long ago as a node that never sets 
the "Source" field of a "DataRequest" message to itself.  Within Fred, saying 
"transient=true" has this very effect, but my definition works within the 
design of Freenet.  Thus, it will always work with non-Fred Freenet nodes 
(should there ever be any).

- -- 
About the use of language:  It is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt 
ax.  It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead.
                --Edsger Dijkstra
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