> I just watched that move, Pirates of Silicon Valley, and have gained a new 
> hatred for Microsoft and Bill Gates.  But, the Mac people, especialy Steve 
> Jobs, aren't all that much better, moraly.  Jobs' people basicaly stole 
> thier GUI technology from Xerox, but only because the Xerox execs were 
> morons. 

You may want to look at Woz's personal page, where he published a lot of e-mail 
he got 
about that movie.  It's all at www.woz.org/letters/pirates/. He states that, 
although some 
of the events in the movie appeared out chronological order in real life, the 
of the people involved are quite accurate.

The GUI thing is just one of the many technologies Xerox created for somebody 
else to 
profit from. It seemed to be a curse of the now-defunct Xerox PARC research 

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