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On Saturday 20 April 2002 19:32, krepta at juno.com wrote:
> So thats why the network sometimes just goes down, or parts of it anyway.
>  Signal collisions!!!  Jeeze. :(

Well, collisions are not the sole source of network problems, but they are 
often a major one.

> > (To the gurus:  Yes, I know I'm ignoring Token Ring networks.
> > Nobody cares
> > about Token Ring anymore, so just shut up :)
> Is Token Ring better?  If so, why aren't people useing it?

For starters, Token Ring's maximum speed is 16 Mbps, compared to 100 Mbps 
being used in most Ethernet networks (and Ethernet has been pushed even 
higher then that).

Token Ring's one redeaming quality is that collisions don't happen.  Think of 
some of the old Native American tribes having a meeting, and they pass around 
a big stick or some other emblem.  Only the person who has the big stick is 
allowed to talk.

Likewise, Token Ring networks pass around a "token", and only the machine that 
has the token is allowed to talk.  In contrast, Ethernet's meathod is to 
stick everyone in a room and everybody shouts at once (ignoring the effects 
of microsegmentation, of course).

Personally, I've always had a problem with Token Ring.  There is something 
about not talking whenever you bloody well feel like it that rubs me the 
wrong way.

> What is a latinice?  Do you mean Latency?  I've noticed that word being
> used on Network Games like X-wing Vs. Tie Fighter, but I didn't know what
> it meant, other than signal speed or something.

Latency is the ammount of time it takes for a packet to travel from one 
computer to be processed on another.  The "ping" program is typically used to 
measure latency; it works by sending a packet from your computer to some 
other computer, at which point the other computer responds.  It then figures 
out how long it was between sending the packet and receiving the response.

Note that the lantency within a game is typically much higher then what you 
see from the "ping" program, as the game is also measuring how long it is 
taking for the *application* to respond, which adds a good ammount of extra  
processing power to the mix.

> How about hooking in some kind of RAM that can be used as a buffer inside
> a switch so that it will forward the data when a machine is ready to
> recieve it?

They do use a buffer.  The exact size of the buffer will depend on how good 
($$$) the switch is.

> Yahoooo!!!!  I would love to hook up a massive network of nothing but
> switches, no hubs!!!  But it still seems to me like there would be WAY
> too many "Shared Resources" on a serverless network, even a
> "microsegmented" one, to be any real use to any large organization.  I
> would still really like to put Freenet nodes into every PC to make the
> entire network act like one massive server.

You probably wouldn't want to use Freenet for that, since Freenet isn't 
designed with permenance of data in mind.  You might want to do some 
reasearch on distributed file systems.

> Would DHCP automatic IP addressing be able to work on a "microsegmented"
> network just like on a HUB network?



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