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On Wednesday 01 May 2002 21:52, qcxcGary Michaels wrote:
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Untitled Document</title>
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

What is the point of having the MIME type and charset in the HTML? That stuff 
should be in the underlingprotocol headers.

> </head>
> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
> <p>I noticed your email address on a list serve related to technology and
> web development. Our company has developed a simple, risk-free and cost
> effective method of generating leads and creating awareness for your
> Company through targeted email marketing.

That's a lot of buzzwords! Sign me up!

> Please read on to find out more
> about this awesome service.<br> </p>
> <p><b>The process: </b> </p>
> <p> </p>
> <ul>
>   <li>You provide us with keywords pertaining to your company's target
> market. </li>
>   <li>Using our proprietary spider software,

You have propreitary spiders? Are you a genetics company or a technology 

> we spider the Internet

Personally, I prefer to spider women and fast cars.  Can you provide that?

> searching for email addresses that are on pages that match those
> keywords.</li> <li>We setup a database driven form,

You should use a massive dynamically-allocated byte array instead of a 
database. They're all the rage these days.

> which allows the
> prospect to input their contact, company, and any other relative
> information that you may require. </li>
>   <li>We send emails to the addresses collected. These emails do not
> contain your company&#146;s name, so that your company is protected. </li>
>   <li>Once the prospect has filled out and submitted their information, the
> data is automatically written to a database. </li>
>   <li>You may then login to our web driven application and view the current
> leads that have been submitted. <br>
>   </li>
> </ul>
> <p><b>Results:</b></p>
> <p> </p>
> <p>We typically provide our clients with anywhere from 30 &#150; 200 leads
> per week with our standard package depending on: </p>
> <ul>
>   <li>Target market</li>
>   <li>Keywords used </li>
>   <li>Product pricing <br>
>   </li>
> </ul>
> <p>We will help develop a customized system for your company that will
> ensure <b>maximum return</b>.</p>
> <p> </p>
> <p><b>Pricing:</b></p>
> <p> </p>
> <p>Our standard package includes the following:</p>
> <p> </p>
> <ul>
>   <li>HTML email design and implementation </li>
>   <li>Form and database setup </li>
>   <li>Over 100,000 emails distributed per month (done on a weekly
> basis)</li> <li>Email address collection and filtering <br>
>   </li>
> </ul>
> <p>Cost: $775 per Month - Our standard pricing is $1500 per month, but if
> you order before May 6th 2002 we will do it for this low price as long as
> you are our customer.</p>

But if I'm not your customer, I get it for the full price.  Wait, if I'm not 
your customer, then how can I be buying stuff from you? I'm so confused.

> <p> </p>
> <p>The above price is all-inclusive, and no other charges will be incurred.
> We can also provide higher quantities of distribution if required. Please
> contact us for details.</p>
> <p> </p>
> <p>If you would like more information on our services or would like to get
> started please <a
> href="http://www.%74e%72%52%61.es/personal8/aneworder1/";>click here</a><br>
> </p>
> <p>Cordially,</p>
> <p>Gary Michaels</p>
> </body>
> </html>
> akshkwemajutwjsqqafcrdlwmv
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