Changeset: 730c1cd924e6 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Merge from Jun2010 branch.

diffs (truncated from 543 to 300 lines):

diff -r 6471ec4d124f -r 730c1cd924e6 
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MonetDB5/src/mal/Tests/tst450.stable.out.Windows  Wed Jun 23 10:41:58 
2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+stdout of test 'tst450` in directory 'src/mal` itself:
+# 22:19:31 >  
+# 22:19:31 >  Mtimeout -timeout 60 Mserver 
"--config=/ufs/mk/monet5/src/mal/Tests/All.conf" --debug=10 --set 
 --set "gdk_dbfarm=/ufs/mk/opensource/MonetDB/Linux/var/MonetDB5/dbfarm" --set 
"sql_logdir=/ufs/mk/opensource/MonetDB/Linux/var/MonetDB5/log" --set 
mapi_port=30312 --set sql_port=44446 --set xquery_port=54810 --set 
monet_prompt= --trace "--config=/ufs/mk/monet5/src/mal/Tests/All.conf" 
--dbname=mTests_src_mal  tst450.mal </dev/null
+# 22:19:31 >  
+# Monet Database Server V4.99.19
+# Copyright (c) 1993-2005, CWI. All rights reserved.
+# Compiled for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu/64bit with 64bit OIDs; dynamically 
+# config:/ufs/mk/monet5/src/mal/Tests/All.conf
+# dbfarm:/ufs/mk/opensource/MonetDB/Linux/var/MonetDB5/dbfarm
+# dbname:mTests_src_mal
+# Visit for further information.
+##testing the inspect module for help information
+#a:= inspect.getAtomNames();   io.print(a);
+#m:= inspect.getModule();      mr:= bat.reverse(m);
+#m1:= algebra.kunique(mr);   m1r:= bat.reverse(m1); io.print(m1r);
+#stmt:= inspect.getDefinition("algebra","select");
+#sig:= inspect.getSignature("algebra","select");
+#n:="algebra","insert"); io.print(n);
+#d:= inspect.getDefinition("inspect","dir"); io.print(d);
+function user.main():void;
+#testing the inspect module for help information 
+    a := inspect.getAtomNames();
+    io.print(a);
+    m := inspect.getModule();
+    mr := bat.reverse(m);
+    m1 := algebra.kunique(mr);
+    z := algebra.project(m1);
+    zs := algebra.sortHT(z);
+    io.print(zs);
+    stmt := inspect.getDefinition("algebra","select");
+    sig := inspect.getSignature("algebra","select");
+    n :="insert");
+    io.print(n);
+end main;
+# view atom              # name
+# int  str               # type
+[ 0,     "void"          ]
+[ 1,     "bit"           ]
+[ 2,     "chr"           ]
+[ 3,     "bte"           ]
+[ 4,     "sht"           ]
+[ 5,     "BAT"           ]
+[ 6,     "int"           ]
+[ 7,     "oid"           ]
+[ 8,     "wrd"           ]
+[ 9,     "ptr"           ]
+[ 10,    "flt"           ]
+[ 11,    "dbl"           ]
+[ 12,    "lng"           ]
+[ 13,    "str"           ]
+[ 14,    "lock"          ]
+[ 15,    "sema"          ]
+[ 16,    "streams"       ]
+[ 17,    "bstream"       ]
+[ 18,    "blob"          ]
+[ 19,    "sqlblob"       ]
+[ 20,    "color"         ]
+[ 21,    "url"           ]
+[ 22,    "date"          ]
+[ 23,    "daytime"       ]
+[ 24,    "timestamp"     ]
+[ 25,    "timezone"      ]
+[ 26,    "zrule"         ]
+[ 27,    "inet"          ]
+[ 28,    "identifier"    ]
+[ 29,    "pcre"          ]
+[ 30,    "mapentry"      ]
+# t    h                 # name
+# oid  str               # type
+[ "aggr",        nil     ]
+[ "alarm",       nil     ]
+[ "algebra",     nil     ]
+[ "array",       nil     ]
+[ "bat",         nil     ]
+[ "batcalc",     nil     ]
+[ "batcolor",    nil     ]
+[ "batmmath",    nil     ]
+[ "batmtime",    nil     ]
+[ "batstr",      nil     ]
+[ "bbp",         nil     ]
+[ "blob",        nil     ]
+[ "box",         nil     ]
+[ "bpm",         nil     ]
+[ "bstream",     nil     ]
+[ "calc",        nil     ]
+[ "clients",     nil     ]
+[ "cluster",     nil     ]
+[ "color",       nil     ]
+[ "const",       nil     ]
+[ "constraints",  nil    ]
+[ "crackers",    nil     ]
+[ "date",        nil     ]
+[ "daytime",     nil     ]
+[ "dictionary",          nil     ]
+[ "factories",   nil     ]
+[ "group",       nil     ]
+[ "identifier",          nil     ]
+[ "inet",        nil     ]
+[ "inspect",     nil     ]
+[ "io",                  nil     ]
+[ "language",    nil     ]
+[ "lock",        nil     ]
+[ "mal",         nil     ]
+[ "manual",      nil     ]
+[ "mapi",        nil     ]
+[ "master",              nil     ]
+[ "mat",         nil     ]
+[ "mdb",         nil     ]
+[ "mkey",        nil     ]
+[ "mmath",       nil     ]
+[ "mtime",       nil     ]
+[ "octopus",     nil     ]
+[ "optimizer",   nil     ]
+[ "pcre",        nil     ]
+[ "pqueue",      nil     ]
+[ "profiler",    nil     ]
+[ "recycle",     nil     ]
+[ "remote",      nil     ]
+[ "sabaoth",     nil     ]
+[ "scheduler",   nil     ]
+[ "sema",        nil     ]
+[ "slave",               nil     ]
+[ "sql",         nil     ]
+[ "sqlblob",     nil     ]
+[ "statistics",          nil     ]
+[ "status",      nil     ]
+[ "str",         nil     ]
+[ "streams",     nil     ]
+[ "tablet",      nil     ]
+[ "timestamp",   nil     ]
+[ "timezone",    nil     ]
+[ "tokenizer",   nil     ]
+[ "trader",              nil     ]
+[ "transaction",  nil    ]
+[ "txtsim",      nil     ]
+[ "unix",        nil     ]
+[ "url",         nil     ]
+[ "user",        nil     ]
+[ "zrule",       nil     ]
address BKCinsert_bun_force;
+#Insert one BUN[h,t] in a BAT.
+command bat.insert(b:bat[:any_1,:any_2],h:any_1,t:any_2):bat[:any_1,:any_2] 
address BKCinsert_bun;
+#Insert one BUN[h,t] in a BAT.
 address BKCinsert_bat_force;
+#Insert all BUNs of the second BAT into the first.
address BKCinsert_bat;
+#Insert all BUNs of the second BAT into the first.
+command bat.setSet(b:bat[:any_1,:any_2],mode:bit):bat[:any_1,:any_2] address 
+#Sets the 'set' property on this BAT to 'mode'. In 'set' mode, 
+#the kernel will silently block insertions that cause a duplicate 
+#BUN [head,tail] entries in the BAT.  KNOWN BUG:when 'set' is set 
+#to TRUE, this function does not automatically eliminate duplicates. 
+#Use b := b.sunique; Returns the BAT itself.
+command bat.setKey(b:bat[:any_1,:any_2],mode:bit):bat[:any_1,:any_2] address 
+#Sets the 'key' property of the head column to 'mode'. In 'key' mode, 
+#the kernel will silently block insertions that cause a duplicate 
+#entries in the head column. KNOWN BUG:when 'key' is set to TRUE, this 
+#function does not automatically eliminate duplicates. 
+#Use b := b.kunique;
+command bpm.insert(pb:bat[:any_1,:any_2],b:bat[:any_1,:any_2]):void address 
+#Insert elements into the BAT partitions.
(psum:bat[:oid,:wrd],map:bat[:oid,:bte]) address CLS_create2_dbl;
+#Compute the cluster map for bat b. A cluster map is a list of partition ids. 
The p(refix) sum is a by product which returns the prefix sum of the per 
partition frequency. Prefix sum and map can be use to 'cluster' related columns 
based on b. Incase the offset is non negative it is used to shift the key 
values. Offset together with the mask bits should make sure that the result of 
the partitioning can be used in a order by sequence. If this holds and the 
input is sorted we return a 'compressed' representation of the map, ie 
[:oid,:bte], the repeated values are not inserted. The order flag indicates 
that the clustering is used for ordering, ie patition keys aren't fixed so we 
can internaly optimize partition sizes.
(psum:bat[:oid,:wrd],map:bat[:oid,:bte]) address CLS_create2_flt;
+#Compute the cluster map for bat b. A cluster map is a list of partition ids. 
The p(refix) sum is a by product which returns the prefix sum of the per 
partition frequency. Prefix sum and map can be use to 'cluster' related columns 
based on b. Incase the offset is non negative it is used to shift the key 
values. Offset together with the mask bits should make sure that the result of 
the partitioning can be used in a order by sequence. If this holds and the 
input is sorted we return a 'compressed' representation of the map, ie 
[:oid,:bte], the repeated values are not inserted. The order flag indicates 
that the clustering is used for ordering, ie patition keys aren't fixed so we 
can internaly optimize partition sizes.
(psum:bat[:oid,:wrd],map:bat[:oid,:bte]) address CLS_create2_lng;
+#Compute the cluster map for bat b. A cluster map is a list of partition ids. 
The p(refix) sum is a by product which returns the prefix sum of the per 
partition frequency. Prefix sum and map can be use to 'cluster' related columns 
based on b. Incase the offset is non negative it is used to shift the key 
values. Offset together with the mask bits should make sure that the result of 
the partitioning can be used in a order by sequence. If this holds and the 
input is sorted we return a 'compressed' representation of the map, ie 
[:oid,:bte], the repeated values are not inserted. The order flag indicates 
that the clustering is used for ordering, ie patition keys aren't fixed so we 
can internaly optimize partition sizes.
(psum:bat[:oid,:wrd],map:bat[:oid,:bte]) address CLS_create2_wrd;
+#Compute the cluster map for bat b. A cluster map is a list of partition ids. 
The p(refix) sum is a by product which returns the prefix sum of the per 
partition frequency. Prefix sum and map can be use to 'cluster' related columns 
based on b. Incase the offset is non negative it is used to shift the key 
values. Offset together with the mask bits should make sure that the result of 
the partitioning can be used in a order by sequence. If this holds and the 
input is sorted we return a 'compressed' representation of the map, ie 
[:oid,:bte], the repeated values are not inserted. The order flag indicates 
that the clustering is used for ordering, ie patition keys aren't fixed so we 
can internaly optimize partition sizes.
(psum:bat[:oid,:wrd],map:bat[:oid,:bte]) address CLS_create2_int;
+#Compute the cluster map for bat b. A cluster map is a list of partition ids. 
The p(refix) sum is a by product which returns the prefix sum of the per 
partition frequency. Prefix sum and map can be use to 'cluster' related columns 
based on b. Incase the offset is non negative it is used to shift the key 
values. Offset together with the mask bits should make sure that the result of 
the partitioning can be used in a order by sequence. If this holds and the 
input is sorted we return a 'compressed' representation of the map, ie 
[:oid,:bte], the repeated values are not inserted. The order flag indicates 
that the clustering is used for ordering, ie patition keys aren't fixed so we 
can internaly optimize partition sizes.
(psum:bat[:oid,:wrd],map:bat[:oid,:bte]) address CLS_create2_sht;
+#Compute the cluster map for bat b. A cluster map is a list of partition ids. 
The p(refix) sum is a by product which returns the prefix sum of the per 
partition frequency. Prefix sum and map can be use to 'cluster' related columns 
based on b. Incase the offset is non negative it is used to shift the key 
values. Offset together with the mask bits should make sure that the result of 
the partitioning can be used in a order by sequence. If this holds and the 
input is sorted we return a 'compressed' representation of the map, ie 
[:oid,:bte], the repeated values are not inserted. The order flag indicates 
that the clustering is used for ordering, ie patition keys aren't fixed so we 
can internaly optimize partition sizes.
(psum:bat[:oid,:wrd],map:bat[:oid,:bte]) address CLS_create2_chr;
+#Compute the cluster map for bat b. A cluster map is a list of partition ids. 
The p(refix) sum is a by product which returns the prefix sum of the per 
partition frequency. Prefix sum and map can be use to 'cluster' related columns 
based on b. Incase the offset is non negative it is used to shift the key 
values. Offset together with the mask bits should make sure that the result of 
the partitioning can be used in a order by sequence. If this holds and the 
input is sorted we return a 'compressed' representation of the map, ie 
[:oid,:bte], the repeated values are not inserted. The order flag indicates 
that the clustering is used for ordering, ie patition keys aren't fixed so we 
can internaly optimize partition sizes.
(psum:bat[:oid,:wrd],map:bat[:oid,:bte]) address CLS_create2_bte;
+#Compute the cluster map for bat b. A cluster map is a list of partition ids. 
The p(refix) sum is a by product which returns the prefix sum of the per 
partition frequency. Prefix sum and map can be use to 'cluster' related columns 
based on b. Incase the offset is non negative it is used to shift the key 
values. Offset together with the mask bits should make sure that the result of 
the partitioning can be used in a order by sequence. If this holds and the 
input is sorted we return a 'compressed' representation of the map, ie 
[:oid,:bte], the repeated values are not inserted. The order flag indicates 
that the clustering is used for ordering, ie patition keys aren't fixed so we 
can internaly optimize partition sizes.
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
address CRKinsert;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge in the future on demand with 
the Ripple
 address CRKmergeInsertionsB_OnNeedGraduallyRipple;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge only what is needed 
+#using the ripple strategy if a relevant query arrives in the future
 address CRKmergeInsertionsB_OnNeedGradually;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge only what is 
+#needed if a relevant query arrives in the future
address CRKmergeInsertionsB_OnNeed;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and do a complete merge 
+#only if a relevant query arrives in the future
crackers.insertionsForget(b:bat[:any_1,:date],c:bat[:any_1,:date]):void address 
+#Append c to the cracked BAT of b and completelly forget the cracker index
crackers.insertionsBForce(b:bat[:any_1,:date],c:bat[:any_1,:date]):void address 
+#Merge the insertions BAT with the cracker bat and update the cracker index
 address CRKmergeInsertions_PartiallyForget_date;
+#Append c to the cracked BAT of b and partially forget 
+#the cracker index, i.e., forget only what is affected
 address CRKmergeInsertionsB_OnNeedGraduallyRipple;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge only what is needed 
+#using the ripple strategy if a relevant query arrives in the future
address CRKmergeInsertionsB_OnNeedGradually;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge only what is 
+#needed if a relevant query arrives in the future
+command crackers.insertionsBOnNeed(b:bat[:any_1,:dbl],c:bat[:any_1,:dbl]):void 
address CRKmergeInsertionsB_OnNeed;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and do a complete merge 
+#only if a relevant query arrives in the future
+command crackers.insertionsForget(b:bat[:any_1,:dbl],c:bat[:any_1,:dbl]):void 
address CRKmergeInsertions_Forget;
+#Append c to the cracked BAT of b and completelly forget the cracker index
+command crackers.insertionsBForce(b:bat[:any_1,:dbl],c:bat[:any_1,:dbl]):void 
address CRKmergeInsertionsB_Force_dbl;
+#Merge the insertions BAT with the cracker bat and update the cracker index
address CRKmergeInsertions_PartiallyForget_dbl;
+#Append c to the cracked BAT of b and partially forget 
+#the cracker index, i.e., forget only what is affected
 address CRKmergeInsertionsB_OnNeedGraduallyRipple;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge only what is needed 
+#using the ripple strategy if a relevant query arrives in the future
address CRKmergeInsertionsB_OnNeedGradually;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and merge only what is 
+#needed if a relevant query arrives in the future
+command crackers.insertionsBOnNeed(b:bat[:any_1,:flt],c:bat[:any_1,:flt]):void 
address CRKmergeInsertionsB_OnNeed;
+#Keep the insertions BAT separatelly and do a complete merge 
+#only if a relevant query arrives in the future
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