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diffs (truncated from 1981 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/mal/ b/monetdb5/mal/
--- a/monetdb5/mal/
+++ b/monetdb5/mal/
@@ -39,29 +39,29 @@ All Rights Reserved.
 /* #define DEBUG_REDUCE */
-#define MAXARG 4               /* BEWARE the code depends on this knowledge */
+#define MAXARG 4                               /* BEWARE the code depends on 
this knowledge */
 #define STMT_INCREMENT 32
 #define MAL_VAR_WINDOW  32
 #define MAXVARS 32
 #define MAXLISTING 64*1024
 typedef struct SYMDEF {
-       struct SYMDEF *peer;    /* where to look next */
-       struct SYMDEF *skip;    /* skip to next different symbol */
+       struct SYMDEF *peer;            /* where to look next */
+       struct SYMDEF *skip;            /* skip to next different symbol */
        str name;
        int kind;
-       struct MALBLK *def;     /* the details of the MAL fcn */
+       struct MALBLK *def;                     /* the details of the MAL fcn */
 } *Symbol, SymRecord;
 typedef struct VARRECORD {
-       str name;               /* argname or lexical value repr */
-       malType type;           /* internal type signature */
-       int flags;              /* see below, reserve some space */
-       int tmpindex;           /* temporary variable */
+       str name;                                       /* argname or lexical 
value repr */
+       malType type;                           /* internal type signature */
+       int flags;                                      /* see below, reserve 
some space */
+       int tmpindex;                           /* temporary variable */
        ValRecord value;
-       int eolife;                     /* pc index when it should be garbage 
collected */
-       int propc, maxprop;     /* proc count and max number of properties */
-       int prps[];             /* property array */
+       int eolife;                                     /* pc index when it 
should be garbage collected */
+       int propc, maxprop;                     /* proc count and max number of 
properties */
+       int prps[];                                     /* property array */
 } *VarPtr, VarRecord;
 /* Variable properties */
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ typedef struct VARRECORD {
 #define VAR_CLEANUP    16
 #define VAR_INIT       32
 #define VAR_USED       64
-#define VAR_DISABLED   128 /* used for comments and scheduler */
+#define VAR_DISABLED   128             /* used for comments and scheduler */
 /* type check status is kept around to improve type checking efficiency */
 #define TYPE_ERROR      -1
@@ -81,112 +81,106 @@ typedef struct VARRECORD {
-#define VARARGS 1      /* deal with variable arguments */
+#define VARARGS 1                              /* deal with variable arguments 
 #define VARRETS 2
 /* all functions return a string */
 typedef struct {
-       bit token;              /* instruction type */
-       bit barrier;            /* flow of control modifier takes:
-                                  BARRIER, LEAVE, REDO, EXIT, CATCH, RAISE*/
-       bit typechk;            /* type check status */
-       bit gc;                 /* garbage control flags */
-       bit polymorphic;        /* complex type analysis */
-       bit varargs;            /* variable number of arguments */
-       int recycle;    /* <0 or index into recycle cache */
-       int jump;               /* controlflow program counter */
-       MALfcn fcn;             /* resolved function address */
-       struct MALBLK *blk;     /* resolved MAL function address */
-       str modname;            /* module context */
-       str fcnname;            /* function name */
-       int argc, retc, maxarg; /* total and result argument count */
-       int argv[];             /* at least a few entries */
+       bit token;                                      /* instruction type */
+       bit barrier;                            /* flow of control modifier 
+                                                                  BARRIER, 
+       bit typechk;                            /* type check status */
+       bit gc;                                         /* garbage control 
flags */
+       bit polymorphic;                        /* complex type analysis */
+       bit varargs;                            /* variable number of arguments 
+       int recycle;                            /* <0 or index into recycle 
cache */
+       int jump;                                       /* controlflow program 
counter */
+       MALfcn fcn;                                     /* resolved function 
address */
+       struct MALBLK *blk;                     /* resolved MAL function 
address */
+       str modname;                            /* module context */
+       str fcnname;                            /* function name */
+       int argc, retc, maxarg;         /* total and result argument count */
+       int argv[];                                     /* at least a few 
entries */
 } *InstrPtr, InstrRecord;
-For performance analysis we keep track of the number of calls
-and the total time spent while executing the instruction.
-The performance structures are separately administered, because
-they are only used in limited curcumstances.
+/* For performance analysis we keep track of the number of calls and
+ * the total time spent while executing the instruction. (See
+ * The performance structures are separately
+ * administered, because they are only used in limited
+ * curcumstances. */
 typedef struct PERF {
 #ifdef HAVE_TIMES
-       struct tms timer;       /* timing information */
+       struct tms timer;                       /* timing information */
-       struct timeval clock;   /* clock */
-       lng clk;                /* microseconds clock */
-       lng ticks;              /* micro seconds spent */
-       int counter;    /* accumulate statistics */
-       lng totalticks; 
-       bit trace;              /* facilitate filter-based profiling */
-       lng rbytes;             /* bytes read by an instruction */
-       lng wbytes;             /* bytes written by an instruction */
+       struct timeval clock;           /* clock */
+       lng clk;                                        /* microseconds clock */
+       lng ticks;                                      /* micro seconds spent 
+       int counter;                            /* accumulate statistics */
+       lng totalticks;
+       bit trace;                                      /* facilitate 
filter-based profiling */
+       lng rbytes;                                     /* bytes read by an 
instruction */
+       lng wbytes;                                     /* bytes written by an 
instruction */
 } *ProfPtr, ProfRecord;
 typedef struct MALBLK {
-       str binding;            /* related C-function */
-       str help;               /* supportive commentary */
+       str binding;                            /* related C-function */
+       str help;                                       /* supportive 
commentary */
        struct MALBLK *alternative;
-       int vtop;               /* next free slot */
-       int vsize;              /* size of variable arena */
-       VarRecord **var;        /* Variable table */
-       int stop;               /* next free slot */
-       int ssize;              /* byte size of arena */
-       InstrPtr *stmt;         /* Instruction location */
-       int ptop;               /* next free slot */
-       int psize;              /* byte size of arena */
-       MalProp *prps;          /* property table */
-       int errors;             /* left over errors */
-       int typefixed;          /* no undetermined instruction */
-       int flowfixed;          /* all flow instructions are fixed */
+       int vtop;                                       /* next free slot */
+       int vsize;                                      /* size of variable 
arena */
+       VarRecord **var;                        /* Variable table */
+       int stop;                                       /* next free slot */
+       int ssize;                                      /* byte size of arena */
+       InstrPtr *stmt;                         /* Instruction location */
+       int ptop;                                       /* next free slot */
+       int psize;                                      /* byte size of arena */
+       MalProp *prps;                          /* property table */
+       int errors;                                     /* left over errors */
+       int typefixed;                          /* no undetermined instruction 
+       int flowfixed;                          /* all flow instructions are 
fixed */
        ProfPtr profiler;
-       struct MALBLK *history;/* of optimizer actions */
-       int keephistory;        /* do we need the history at all */
-       str marker;                     /* history points are marked for 
backtracking */
-       int maxarg;                     /* keep track on the maximal arguments 
used */
-       ptr replica;            /* for the replicator tests */
-       sht recycle;            /* execution subject to recycler control */
-       lng recid;                      /* ID given by recycler optimizer */
+       struct MALBLK *history;         /* of optimizer actions */
+       int keephistory;                        /* do we need the history at 
all */
+       str marker;                                     /* history points are 
marked for backtracking */
+       int maxarg;                                     /* keep track on the 
maximal arguments used */
+       ptr replica;                            /* for the replicator tests */
+       sht recycle;                            /* execution subject to 
recycler control */
+       lng recid;                                      /* ID given by recycler 
optimizer */
        lng legid;
-       sht trap;                       /* call debugger when called */
+       sht trap;                                       /* call debugger when 
called */
 } *MalBlkPtr, MalBlkRecord;
-Allocation of space assumes a rather exotic number of arguments.
-Access to module and function name are cast in macros to prepare
-for separate name space management.
-#define getModuleId(P)     (P)->modname
-#define setModuleId(P,S)    (P)->modname= S
-#define setModuleScope(P,S) {(P)->modname= (S)==NULL?NULL: (S)->name;}
+/* Allocation of space assumes a rather exotic number of
+ * arguments. Access to module and function name are cast in macros to
+ * prepare for separate name space management. */
+#define getModuleId(P)         (P)->modname
+#define setModuleId(P,S)       (P)->modname= S
+#define setModuleScope(P,S)    {(P)->modname= (S)==NULL?NULL: (S)->name;}
-#define getFunctionId(P)       (P)->fcnname
-#define setFunctionId(P,S)  (P)->fcnname= S
-#define garbageControl(P)   ((P)->gc & GARBAGECONTROL)
+#define getFunctionId(P)       (P)->fcnname
+#define setFunctionId(P,S)     (P)->fcnname= S
+#define garbageControl(P)      ((P)->gc & GARBAGECONTROL)
-#define getInstrPtr(M,I)    (M)->stmt[I]
-#define getSignature(S)     getInstrPtr((S)->def,0)
+#define getInstrPtr(M,I)       (M)->stmt[I]
+#define getSignature(S)                getInstrPtr((S)->def,0)
 #define isMain(M)                      ((getInstrPtr(M,0))->fcnname== 
-#define getFcnName(M)       getFunctionId(getInstrPtr(M,0))
-#define getArgCount(M)      getInstrPtr(M,0)->argc
-#define getModName(M)       getModuleId(getInstrPtr(M,0))
-#define getPrgSize(M)       (M)->stop
+#define getFcnName(M)          getFunctionId(getInstrPtr(M,0))
+#define getArgCount(M)         getInstrPtr(M,0)->argc
+#define getModName(M)          getModuleId(getInstrPtr(M,0))
+#define getPrgSize(M)          (M)->stop
-#define getVar(M,I)     (M)->var[I]
-#define getVarTmp(M,I)      (M)->var[I]->tmpindex
-#define isTmpVar(M,I)          ((M)->var[I]->tmpindex)
-#define getVarType(M,I)     ((M)->var[I]->type)
-#define getVarGDKType(M,I)      getGDKType((M)->var[I]->type)
+#define getVar(M,I)                    (M)->var[I]
+#define getVarTmp(M,I)         (M)->var[I]->tmpindex
+#define isTmpVar(M,I)          ((M)->var[I]->tmpindex)
+#define getVarType(M,I)                ((M)->var[I]->type)
+#define getVarGDKType(M,I)     getGDKType((M)->var[I]->type)
 #define ignoreVar(M,I)         ((M)->var[I]->type == TYPE_ptr? 1: 0)
- * @-
- */
 @= varProperty
-#define clrVar@1(M,I)       ((M)->var[I]->flags &= ~VAR_@2)
-#define setVar@1(M,I)       ((M)->var[I]->flags |= VAR_@2)
-#define isVar@1(M,I)        ((M)->var[I]->flags & VAR_@2)
+#define clrVar@1(M,I)          ((M)->var[I]->flags &= ~VAR_@2)
+#define setVar@1(M,I)          ((M)->var[I]->flags |= VAR_@2)
+#define isVar@1(M,I)           ((M)->var[I]->flags & VAR_@2)
@@ -198,20 +192,20 @@ for separate name space management.
-#define getVarConstant(M,I) ((M)->var[I]->value)
-#define getVarValue(M,I)       VALget(&(M)->var[I]->value)
+#define getVarConstant(M,I)    ((M)->var[I]->value)
+#define getVarValue(M,I)       VALget(&(M)->var[I]->value)
-#define getDestVar(P)   (P)->argv[0]
-#define setDestVar(P,X)   (P)->argv[0]  =X
-#define setDestType(M,P,V)  setVarType((M),getDestVar(P),V)
-#define getDestType(M,P)    destinationType((M),(P))
-#define getArg(P,I) (P)->argv[I]
-#define setArg(P,I,R) (P)->argv[I]= R
-#define getArgName(M,P,I)   getVarName((M),(P)->argv[I])
-#define getArgType(M,P,I)   getVarType((M),(P)->argv[I])
-#define getArgGDKType(M,P,I)      getVarGDKType((M),(P)->argv[I])
+#define getDestVar(P)          (P)->argv[0]
+#define setDestVar(P,X)                (P)->argv[0]  =X
+#define setDestType(M,P,V)     setVarType((M),getDestVar(P),V)
+#define getDestType(M,P)       destinationType((M),(P))
+#define getArg(P,I)                    (P)->argv[I]
+#define setArg(P,I,R)          (P)->argv[I]= R
+#define getArgName(M,P,I)      getVarName((M),(P)->argv[I])
+#define getArgType(M,P,I)      getVarType((M),(P)->argv[I])
+#define getArgGDKType(M,P,I) getVarGDKType((M),(P)->argv[I])
-#define getEndOfLife(X,Y)  (X)->var[Y]->eolife
+#define getEndOfLife(X,Y)      (X)->var[Y]->eolife
 mal_export InstrPtr newInstruction(MalBlkPtr mb, int kind);
 mal_export InstrPtr copyInstruction(InstrPtr p);
@@ -231,9 +225,9 @@ mal_export int newMalBlkStmt(MalBlkPtr m
 mal_export void prepareMalBlk(MalBlkPtr mb, str s);
 mal_export void freeMalBlk(MalBlkPtr mb);
 mal_export MalBlkPtr copyMalBlk(MalBlkPtr mb);
-mal_export void addtoMalBlkHistory(MalBlkPtr mb,str marker);
+mal_export void addtoMalBlkHistory(MalBlkPtr mb, str marker);
 mal_export void showMalBlkHistory(MalBlkPtr mb);
-mal_export MalBlkPtr getMalBlkHistory(MalBlkPtr mb,int idx);
+mal_export MalBlkPtr getMalBlkHistory(MalBlkPtr mb, int idx);
 mal_export MalBlkPtr gotoMalBlkMarker(MalBlkPtr mb, str marker);
 mal_export MalBlkPtr getMalBlkMarker(MalBlkPtr mb, str marker);
 mal_export void expandMalBlk(MalBlkPtr mb, int lines);
@@ -267,14 +261,14 @@ mal_export void freeVariable(MalBlkPtr m
 mal_export void clearVariable(MalBlkPtr mb, int varid);
 mal_export int cpyConstant(MalBlkPtr mb, VarPtr vr);
 mal_export int defConstant(MalBlkPtr mb, int type, ValPtr cst);
-mal_export int fndConstant(MalBlkPtr mb, ValPtr cst,int depth);
+mal_export int fndConstant(MalBlkPtr mb, ValPtr cst, int depth);
 mal_export str convertConstant(malType type, ValPtr vr);
 mal_export int newProperty(MalBlkPtr mb);
 #define varSetProperty(mb, var, name, opname, cst) \
        varSetProp(mb, var, PropertyIndex(name), PropertyOperator(opname), cst)
 mal_export void varSetProp(MalBlkPtr mb, int var, int prop, int op, ValPtr 
-mal_export str  varGetPropStr( MalBlkPtr mb, int var );
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