Changeset: de141410a93f for MonetDB
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Branch: default
Log Message:

Reformatted embedded SQL queries.

diffs (truncated from 1576 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLColumnPrivileges.c 
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLColumnPrivileges.c
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLColumnPrivileges.c
@@ -135,44 +135,44 @@ SQLColumnPrivileges_(ODBCStmt *stmt,
-              "select \"e\".\"value\" as \"table_cat\","
-              " \"s\".\"name\" as \"table_schem\","
-              " \"t\".\"name\" as \"table_name\","
-              " \"c\".\"name\" as \"column_name\","
-              " case \"a\".\"id\""
-              "      when \"s\".\"owner\" then '_SYSTEM'"
-              "      else \"g\".\"name\""
-              "      end as \"grantor\","
-              " case \"a\".\"name\""
-              "      when 'public' then 'PUBLIC'"
-              "      else \"a\".\"name\""
-              "      end as \"grantee\","
-              " case \"p\".\"privileges\""
-              "      when 1 then 'SELECT'"
-              "      when 2 then 'UPDATE'"
-              "      when 4 then 'INSERT'"
-              "      when 8 then 'DELETE'"
-              "      when 16 then 'EXECUTE'"
-              "      when 32 then 'GRANT'"
-              "      end as \"privilege\","
-              " case \"p\".\"grantable\""
-              "      when 1 then 'YES'"
-              "      when 0 then 'NO'"
-              "      end as \"is_grantable\" "
-              "from \"sys\".\"schemas\" \"s\","
-              " \"sys\".\"_tables\" \"t\","
-              " \"sys\".\"_columns\" \"c\","
-              " \"sys\".\"auths\" \"a\","
-              " \"sys\".\"privileges\" \"p\","
-              " \"sys\".\"auths\" \"g\","
-              " \"sys\".\"env\"() \"e\" "
-              "where \"p\".\"obj_id\" = \"c\".\"id\" and"
-              " \"c\".\"table_id\" = \"t\".\"id\" and"
-              " \"p\".\"auth_id\" = \"a\".\"id\" and"
-              " \"t\".\"schema_id\" = \"s\".\"id\" and"
-              " \"t\".\"system\" = false and"
-              " \"p\".\"grantor\" = \"g\".\"id\" and"
-              " \"e\".\"name\" = 'gdk_dbname'");
+              "select e.value as table_cat, "
+                     " as table_schem, "
+                     " as table_name, "
+                     " as column_name, "
+                     "case "
+                          "when s.owner then '_SYSTEM' "
+                          "else "
+                          "end as grantor, "
+                     "case "
+                          "when 'public' then 'PUBLIC' "
+                          "else "
+                          "end as grantee, "
+                     "case p.privileges "
+                          "when 1 then 'SELECT' "
+                          "when 2 then 'UPDATE' "
+                          "when 4 then 'INSERT' "
+                          "when 8 then 'DELETE' "
+                          "when 16 then 'EXECUTE' "
+                          "when 32 then 'GRANT' "
+                          "end as privilege, "
+                     "case p.grantable "
+                          "when 1 then 'YES' "
+                          "when 0 then 'NO' "
+                          "end as is_grantable  "
+              "from sys.schemas s, "
+                   "sys._tables t, "
+                   "sys._columns c, "
+                   "sys.auths a, "
+                   "sys.privileges p, "
+                   "sys.auths g, "
+                   "sys.env() e  "
+              "where p.obj_id = and "
+                    "c.table_id = and "
+                    "p.auth_id = and "
+                    "t.schema_id = and "
+                    "t.system = false and "
+                    "p.grantor = and "
+                    " = 'gdk_dbname'");
        assert(strlen(query) < 1100);
        query_end += strlen(query_end);
diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLColumns.c b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLColumns.c
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLColumns.c
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLColumns.c
@@ -157,286 +157,286 @@ SQLColumns_(ODBCStmt *stmt,
-               "select e.\"value\" as table_cat,"
-                     " s.\"name\" as table_schem,"
-                     " t.\"name\" as table_name,"
-                     " c.\"name\" as column_name,"
-                     " case c.\"type\""
-                          " when 'bigint' then %d"
-                          " when 'blob' then %d"
-                          " when 'boolean' then %d"
-                          " when 'char' then %d"
-                          " when 'clob' then %d"
-                          " when 'date' then %d"
-                          " when 'decimal' then %d"
-                          " when 'double' then %d"
-                          " when 'int' then %d"
-                          " when 'month_interval' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 1 then %d"
-                                    " when 2 then %d"
-                                    " when 3 then %d"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'real' then %d"
-                          " when 'sec_interval' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 4 then %d"
-                                    " when 5 then %d"
-                                    " when 6 then %d"
-                                    " when 7 then %d"
-                                    " when 8 then %d"
-                                    " when 9 then %d"
-                                    " when 10 then %d"
-                                    " when 11 then %d"
-                                    " when 12 then %d"
-                                    " when 13 then %d"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'smallint' then %d"
-                          " when 'time' then %d"
-                          " when 'timestamp' then %d"
-                          " when 'timestamptz' then %d"
-                          " when 'timetz' then %d"
-                          " when 'tinyint' then %d"
-                          " when 'varchar' then %d"
-                          " when 'wrd' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 32 then %d"
-                                    " when 64 then %d"
-                               " end"
-                     " end as data_type,"
-                     " case c.\"type\""
-                          " when 'bigint' then 'BIGINT'"
-                          " when 'blob' then 'BINARY LARGE OBJECT'"
-                          " when 'boolean' then 'BOOLEAN'"
-                          " when 'char' then 'CHARACTER'"
-                          " when 'clob' then 'CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT'"
-                          " when 'date' then 'DATE'"
-                          " when 'decimal' then 'DECIMAL'"
-                          " when 'double' then 'DOUBLE'"
-                          " when 'int' then 'INTEGER'"
-                          " when 'month_interval' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 1 then 'INTERVAL YEAR'"
-                                    " when 2 then 'INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH'"
-                                    " when 3 then 'INTERVAL MONTH'"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'real' then 'REAL'"
-                          " when 'sec_interval' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 4 then 'INTERVAL DAY'"
-                                    " when 5 then 'INTERVAL DAY TO HOUR'"
-                                    " when 6 then 'INTERVAL DAY TO MINUTE'"
-                                    " when 7 then 'INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND'"
-                                    " when 8 then 'INTERVAL HOUR'"
-                                    " when 9 then 'INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE'"
-                                    " when 10 then 'INTERVAL HOUR TO SECOND'"
-                                    " when 11 then 'INTERVAL MINUTE'"
-                                    " when 12 then 'INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND'"
-                                    " when 13 then 'INTERVAL SECOND'"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'smallint' then 'SMALLINT'"
-                          " when 'time' then 'TIME'"
-                          " when 'timestamp' then 'TIMESTAMP'"
-                          " when 'timestamptz' then 'TIMESTAMP'"
-                          " when 'timetz' then 'TIME'"
-                          " when 'tinyint' then 'TINYINT'"
-                          " when 'varchar' then 'VARCHAR'"
-                          " when 'wrd' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 32 then 'INTEGER'"
-                                    " when 64 then 'BIGINT'"
-                               " end"
-                     " end as type_name,"
-                     " case c.\"type\""
-                          " when 'date' then 10"
-                          " when 'month_interval' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 1 then 26"
-                                    " when 2 then 38"
-                                    " when 3 then 27"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'sec_interval' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 4 then 25"
-                                    " when 5 then 36"
-                                    " when 6 then 41"
-                                    " when 7 then 47"
-                                    " when 8 then 26"
-                                    " when 9 then 39"
-                                    " when 10 then 45"
-                                    " when 11 then 28"
-                                    " when 12 then 44"
-                                    " when 13 then 30"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'time' then 12"
-                          " when 'timestamp' then 23"
-                          " when 'timestamptz' then 23"
-                          " when 'timetz' then 12"
-                          " else c.type_digits"
-                     " end as column_size,"
-                     " case c.\"type\""
-                          " when 'bigint' then 20"
-                          " when 'char' then 2 * c.type_digits"
-                          " when 'clob' then 2 * c.type_digits"
-                          " when 'date' then 10"
-                          " when 'double' then 24"
-                          " when 'int' then 11"
-                          " when 'month_interval' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 1 then 26"
-                                    " when 2 then 38"
-                                    " when 3 then 27"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'real' then 14"
-                          " when 'sec_interval' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 4 then 25"
-                                    " when 5 then 36"
-                                    " when 6 then 41"
-                                    " when 7 then 47"
-                                    " when 8 then 26"
-                                    " when 9 then 39"
-                                    " when 10 then 45"
-                                    " when 11 then 28"
-                                    " when 12 then 44"
-                                    " when 13 then 30"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'smallint' then 6"
-                          " when 'time' then 12"
-                          " when 'timestamp' then 23"
-                          " when 'timestamptz' then 23"
-                          " when 'timetz' then 12"
-                          " when 'tinyint' then 4"
-                          " when 'varchar' then 2 * c.type_digits"
-                          " when 'wrd' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 32 then 11"
-                                    " when 64 then 20"
-                               " end"
-                          " else c.type_digits"
-                     " end as buffer_length,"
-                     " case c.\"type\""
-                          " when 'bigint' then 19"
-                          " when 'decimal' then c.type_scale"
-                          " when 'double' then"
-                               " case when c.type_digits = 53 and c.type_scale 
= 0 then 15"
-                               " else c.type_digits"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'int' then 10"
-                          " when 'month_interval' then 0"
-                          " when 'real' then"
-                               " case when c.type_digits = 24 and c.type_scale 
= 0 then 7"
-                               " else c.type_digits"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'sec_interval' then 0"
-                          " when 'smallint' then 5"
-                          " when 'time' then c.type_digits - 1"
-                          " when 'timestamp' then c.type_digits - 1"
-                          " when 'timestamptz' then c.type_digits - 1"
-                          " when 'timetz' then c.type_digits - 1"
-                          " when 'tinyint' then 3"
-                          " when 'wrd' then"
-                               " case c.type_digits"
-                                    " when 32 then 10"
-                                    " when 64 then 19"
-                               " end"
-                          " else cast(null as smallint)"
-                     " end as decimal_digits,"
-                     " case c.\"type\""
-                          " when 'bigint' then 2"
-                          " when 'decimal' then 10"
-                          " when 'double' then"
-                               " case when c.type_digits = 53 and c.type_scale 
= 0 then 2"
-                               " else 10"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'int' then 2"
-                          " when 'real' then"
-                               " case when c.type_digits = 24 and c.type_scale 
= 0 then 2"
-                               " else 10"
-                               " end"
-                          " when 'smallint' then 2"
-                          " when 'tinyint' then 2"
-                          " when 'wrd' then 2"
-                          " else cast(null as smallint)"
-                     " end as num_prec_radix,"
-                     " case c.\"null\""
-                          " when true then cast(%d as smallint)"
-                          " when false then cast(%d as smallint)"
-                     " end as nullable,"
-                     " cast('' as varchar(1)) as remarks,"
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