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use new pqueue interface

diffs (truncated from 2157 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c b/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c
--- a/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c
+++ b/monetdb5/modules/mal/pqueue.c
@@ -17,1398 +17,9 @@
  * All Rights Reserved.
- * Nikos Mamoulis, Niels Nes
- * Priority queues
- *
- * This module includes functions for accessing and updating a pqueue.
- * A pqueue is an (oid,any) bat. The tail is used as a comparison key.
- * The first element of the pqueue is the smallest one in a min-pqueue
- * or the largest one in a max-pqueue.
- * Each element is larger than (smaller than) or equal to
- * its parent which is defined by (position/2) if position is odd or
- * (position-1)/2 if position is even (positions are from 0 to n-1).
- * The head of the bat is used to keep track of the object-ids which are
- * organized in the heap with respect to their values (tail column).
- *
- */
 #include "monetdb_config.h"
 #include "pqueue.h"
-/* returns the parent of a pqueue position */
-static inline BUN
-parent(BUN posel)
-       if (posel % 2)                          /*odd */
-               return posel / 2;
-       else
-               return (posel - 1) / 2;
-/* initialize pqueue */
-static int
-do_pqueue_init(BAT **h, BAT *b, BUN maxsize)
-       *h = BATnew(TYPE_oid, b->ttype, maxsize);
-       if (*h == NULL)
-               return GDK_FAIL;
-       (*h)->batDirty |= 2;
-       return GDK_SUCCEED;
-static int
-pqueue_init(BAT **h, BAT *b, wrd *maxsize)
-       return do_pqueue_init(h, b, (BUN) *maxsize);
-#define ht_swap(tpe,cur,ins)                                                   
-       do {                                                                    
-               oid htmp = *(oid*)BUNhloc(hi,cur);                              
-               tpe ttmp = *(tpe*)BUNtloc(hi,cur);                              
-               *(oid*)BUNhloc(hi,cur) = *(oid*)BUNhloc(hi,ins);        \
-               *(tpe*)BUNtloc(hi,cur) = *(tpe*)BUNtloc(hi,ins);        \
-               *(oid*)BUNhloc(hi,ins) = htmp;                                  
-               *(tpe*)BUNtloc(hi,ins) = ttmp;                                  
-       } while (0)
-#define any_swap(cur,ins,ts)                                                   
-       do {                                                                    
-               unsigned int i;                                                 
-               char ch;                                                        
-               /* only swap the locations (ie var_t's) */                      
-               char *c1 = BUNtloc(hi,cur), *c2 = BUNtloc(hi,ins);      \
-               oid htmp = *(oid*)BUNhloc(hi,cur);                              
-               *(oid*)BUNhloc(hi,cur) = *(oid*)BUNhloc(hi,ins);        \
-               *(oid*)BUNhloc(hi,ins) = htmp;                                  
-               for(i=0;i<ts;i++) {                                             
-                       ch= c1[i]; c1[i]=c2[i]; c2[i]=ch;                       
-               }                                                               
-       } while (0)
-#define pqueueimpl_minmax(TYPE,NAME,OPER)                                      
-       /*enqueue an element*/                                                  
-       static int pqueue_enqueue_##NAME(BAT *h, oid *idx, TYPE *el)            
-       {                                                                       
-               BATiter hi = bat_iterator(h);                                   
-               BUN ins,cur;                                                    
-               BUN hbase = BUNfirst(h);                                        
-               BUN p, posel = BATcount(h); /*last position*/                   
-               BUNins(h, (ptr)idx, (ptr)el, FALSE);                            
-               ins = hbase+posel;                                              
-               while(posel >0) {                                               
-                       p=parent(posel);                                        
-                       cur = hbase+p;                                          
-                       if (*(TYPE *)BUNtloc(hi,ins) OPER *(TYPE 
*)BUNtloc(hi,cur)) { \
-                               /* swap element with its parent */              
-                               ht_swap(TYPE,cur,ins);                          
-                               ins = cur;                                      
-                               posel = parent(posel);                          
-                       }                                                       
-                       else break;                                             
-               }                                                               
-               h->hsorted = h->tsorted = FALSE;                                
-               h->hrevsorted = h->trevsorted = FALSE;                          
-               return GDK_SUCCEED;                                             
-       }                                                                       
-       /* moves down the root element */                                       
-       /* used by dequeue (see below) */                                       
-       static int pqueue_movedowntop_##NAME(BAT *h)                            
-       {                                                                       
-               BATiter hi = bat_iterator(h);                                   
-               BUN swp, cur, hbase = BUNfirst(h);                              
-               BUN swap, num_elems = BATcount(h);                              
-               BUN posel = 0;                                                  
-               cur = hbase;                                                    
-               /*while posel is not a leaf and pqueue[posel].tail > any of 
childen*/ \
-               while (posel*2+1 < num_elems) { /*there exists a left son*/     
-                       if (posel*2+2< num_elems) { /*there exists a right 
son*/        \
-                               if (*(TYPE *)BUNtloc(hi,hbase+(posel*2+1)) OPER 
-                                       *(TYPE *)BUNtloc(hi,hbase+(posel*2+2))) 
-                                       swap = posel*2+1;                       
-                               else                                            
-                                       swap = posel*2+2;                       
-                       } else                                                  
-                               swap = posel*2+1;                               
-                       swp = hbase+swap;                                       
-                       if (*(TYPE *)BUNtloc(hi,swp) OPER *(TYPE 
*)BUNtloc(hi,cur)) { \
-                               /*swap elements*/                               
-                               ht_swap(TYPE,cur,swp);                          
-                               cur = swp;                                      
-                               posel = swap;                                   
-                       } else                                                  
-                               break;                                          
-               }                                                               
-               return GDK_SUCCEED;                                             
-       }                                                                       
-       /* removes the root element, puts the last element as root and */       
-       /* moves it down */                                                     
-       static int pqueue_dequeue_##NAME(BAT *h)                                
-       {                                                                       
-               BATiter hi = bat_iterator(h);                                   
-               BUN hbase;                                                      
-               BUN num_elements;                                               
-               if (!(num_elements = BATcount(h))) {                            
-                       /* pqueue_dequeue: Cannot dequeue from empty queue */   
-                       return GDK_FAIL;                                        
-               }                                                               
-               hbase = BUNfirst(h);                                            
-               /* copy last element to the first position*/                    
-               ht_swap(TYPE,hbase, hbase+(num_elements-1));                    
-               /*delete last element*/                                         
-               BUNdelete(h, hbase+(num_elements-1), FALSE);                    
-               pqueue_movedowntop_##NAME(h);                                   
-               return GDK_SUCCEED;                                             
-       }                                                                       
-       /* replaces the top element with the input if it is larger */           
-       /* (smaller) and \ updates the heap */                                  
-       static int pqueue_topreplace_##NAME(BAT *h, oid *idx, TYPE *el)         
-       {                                                                       
-               BATiter hi = bat_iterator(h);                                   
-               BUN hbase;                                                      
-               hbase = BUNfirst(h);                                            
-               if (*(TYPE *)BUNtloc(hi,hbase) OPER *el) {                      
-                       *(oid*)BUNhloc(hi,hbase) = *idx;                        
-                       *(TYPE*)BUNtloc(hi,hbase) = *el;                        
-                       pqueue_movedowntop_##NAME(h);                           
-               }                                                               
-               return GDK_SUCCEED;                                             
-       }                                                                       
-       /* TopN, based on ##NAME-pqueue */                                      
-       static BAT *                                                            
-       heap2bat_##NAME(BAT *h)                                                 
-       {                                                                       
-               BAT *r, *n = BATnew(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid, BATcount(h));           
-               BUN f = BUNfirst(h);                                            
-               oid *o = (oid*)Hloc(h, f), oo = *o;                             
-               TYPE *v = (TYPE*)Tloc(h, f), ov = *v;                           
-               for(f = BUNfirst(h); f < BUNlast(h); f = BUNfirst(h)) {         
-                       o = (oid*)Hloc(h, f);                                   
-                       v = (TYPE*)Tloc(h, f);                                  
-                       if (ov != *v) {                                         
-                               oo = *o;                                        
-                               ov = *v;                                        
-                       }                                                       
-                       BUNins(n, o, &oo, FALSE);                               
-                       pqueue_dequeue_##NAME(h);                               
-               }                                                               
-               r = BATrevert(n);                                               
-               return r;                                                       
-       }                                                                       
-       static int pqueue_topn_void##NAME(BAT **H, BAT *t, wrd *N)              
-       {                                                                       
-               BAT *h = NULL;                                                  
-               BATiter ti = bat_iterator(t);                                   
-               TYPE *v;                                                        
-               BUN i, n = BATcount(t);                                         
-               oid idx = t->hseqbase;                                          
-               if (*N != wrd_nil && *N >= 0 && *N <= (wrd) BUN_MAX && (BUN) *N 
< n) \
-                       n = (BUN) *N;                                           
-               if (do_pqueue_init(&h,t,n) == GDK_FAIL)                         
-                       return GDK_FAIL;                                        
-               v = (TYPE*)BUNtail(ti,BUNfirst(t));                             
-               for(i=0; i<n; i++, idx++, v++) {                                
-                       pqueue_enqueue_##NAME(h, &idx, v);                      
-               }                                                               
-               n = BATcount(t);                                                
-               for(; i<n; i++, idx++, v++) {                                   
-                       pqueue_topreplace_##NAME(h, &idx, v);                   
-               }                                                               
-               *H = heap2bat_##NAME(h);                                        
-               BBPunfix(h->batCacheid);                                        
-               return GDK_SUCCEED;                                             
-       }                                                                       
-       static int pqueue_topn_##NAME(BAT **H, BAT *t, wrd *N)                  
-       {                                                                       
-               BAT *h = NULL;                                                  
-               BATiter ti = bat_iterator(t);                                   
-               BUN i, n = BATcount(t);                                         
-               BUN p = BUNfirst(t);                                            
-               if (*N != wrd_nil && *N >= 0 && *N <= (wrd) BUN_MAX && (BUN) *N 
< n) \
-                       n = (BUN) *N;                                           
-               if (do_pqueue_init(&h,t,n) == GDK_FAIL)                         
-                       return GDK_FAIL;                                        
-               for(i=0; i<n; i++, p++) {                                       
-                       pqueue_enqueue_##NAME(h, (oid*)BUNhloc(ti,p), 
(TYPE*)BUNtloc(ti,p)); \
-               }                                                               
-               n = BATcount(t);                                                
-               for(; i<n; i++, p++) {                                          
-                       pqueue_topreplace_##NAME(h, (oid*)BUNhloc(ti,p), 
(TYPE*)BUNtloc(ti,p)); \
-               }                                                               
-               *H = heap2bat_##NAME(h);                                        
-               BBPunfix(h->batCacheid);                                        
-               return GDK_SUCCEED;                                             
-       }                                                                       
-       /* TopN (unique values), based on ##NAME-pqueue */                      
-       static int pqueue_utopn_void##NAME(BAT **H, BAT *t, wrd *N)             
-       {                                                                       
-               BAT *duplicates = NULL, *b;                                     
-               BATiter ti = bat_iterator(t);                                   
-               TYPE *v;                                                        
-               BUN i, j, n, cnt = BATcount(t), p;                              
-               oid idx = t->hseqbase;                                          
-               n = cnt;                                                        
-               if (*N != wrd_nil && *N >= 0 && *N <= (wrd) BUN_MAX)            
-                       n = (BUN) *N;                                           
-               if (do_pqueue_init(H,t,n) == GDK_FAIL)                          
-                       return GDK_FAIL;                                        
-               duplicates = BATnew(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid, n);                     
-               if (duplicates == NULL) {                                       
-                       BBPunfix((*H)->batCacheid);                             
-                       return GDK_FAIL;                                        
-               }                                                               
-               v = (TYPE*)BUNtail(ti,BUNfirst(t));                             
-               for(i=0, j=0; j < cnt && i<n; j++, idx++, v++) {                
-                       if ((p = BUNfnd(BATmirror(*H), v)) == BUN_NONE) {       
-                               pqueue_enqueue_##NAME(*H, &idx, v);             
-                               HASHdestroy(*H);                                
-                               BUNins(duplicates, &idx, &idx, FALSE);          
-                               i++;                                            
-                       } else {                                                
-                               BUNins(duplicates, Hloc(*H, p), &idx, FALSE);   
-                       }                                                       
-               }                                                               
-               for(; j<cnt; j++, idx++, v++) {                                 
-                       if (*(TYPE *)Tloc(*H,BUNfirst(*H)) OPER##= *v) {        
-                               if ((p = BUNfnd(BATmirror(*H), v)) == BUN_NONE) 
{               \
-                                       oid o_idx = *(oid*)Hloc(*H, 
BUNfirst(*H));                      \
-                                       BUNdelHead(duplicates, &o_idx, TRUE);   
-                                       pqueue_topreplace_##NAME(*H, &idx, v);  
-                                       HASHdestroy(*H);                        
-                                       BUNins(duplicates, &idx, &idx, FALSE);  
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