Changeset: bb51b8eece7c for MonetDB
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Branch: stratified_sampling
Log Message:

write reservoir sampling

diffs (140 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_sample.c b/gdk/gdk_sample.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_sample.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_sample.c
@@ -32,6 +32,49 @@
 #undef BATsample
+//TODO share these with gkd_firstn.c
+#define siftup(OPER, START, SWAP)                                      \
+       do {                                                            \
+               pos = (START);                                          \
+               childpos = (pos << 1) + 1;                              \
+               while (childpos < n) {                                  \
+                       /* find most extreme child */                   \
+                       if (childpos + 1 < n &&                         \
+                           !(OPER(childpos + 1, childpos)))            \
+                               childpos++;                             \
+                       /* compare parent with most extreme child */    \
+                       if (!OPER(pos, childpos)) {                     \
+                               /* already correctly ordered */         \
+                               break;                                  \
+                       }                                               \
+                       /* exchange parent with child and sift child */ \
+                       /* further */                                   \
+                       SWAP(pos, childpos);                            \
+                       pos = childpos;                                 \
+                       childpos = (pos << 1) + 1;                      \
+               }                                                       \
+       } while (0)
+#define heapify(OPER, SWAP)                            \
+       do {                                            \
+               for (i = n / 2; i > 0; i--)             \
+                       siftup(OPER, i - 1, SWAP);      \
+       } while (0)
+#define SWAP3(p1, p2)                          \
+       do {                                    \
+               item = oids[p1];                \
+               oids[p1] = oids[p2];            \
+               oids[p2] = item;                \
+               key = keys[p1];         \
+               keys[p1] = keys[p2];            \
+               keys[p2] = key;         \
+       } while (0)
+#define compKeysGT(p1, p2)                                                     
+       (keys[p1] > keys[p2] ||                                                 
+       keys[p1] == keys[p2] && oids[p1] > oids[p2])
 /* this is a straightforward implementation of a binary tree */
 struct oidtreenode {
        oid o;
@@ -194,14 +237,23 @@ BATsample(BAT *b, BUN n)
 /* BATweightedsample takes weighted samples of void headed BATs */
 /* Note that the type of w should be castable to doubles */
+/* based on Alg-A-exp from 'Weighted random sampling with a reservoir' by 
Efraimidis and Spirakis (2006) */
 BAT *
 BATweightedsample(BAT *b, BUN n, BAT *w)
        BAT* sample;
+       oid* oids;//points to the oids in sample
        dbl* w_ptr;//TODO types of w
-       dbl* cdf_ptr;
-       BUN cnt, i;
+       dbl* keys;//keys as defined in Alg-A-exp
+       BUN cnt, i, j;
        bit antiset;
+       mtwist *mt_rng;
+       BUN pos, childpos;
+       oid item;
+       dbl r, xw, r2, key, tw;
+       oid minoid = b->hseqbase;
+       oid maxoid = b->hseqbase + cnt;
        BATcheck(b, "BATsample", NULL);
        BATcheck(w, "BATsample", NULL);
@@ -213,10 +265,57 @@ BATweightedsample(BAT *b, BUN n, BAT *w)
        cnt = BATcount(b);
-       antiset = n > cnt / 2;
-       /* obtain sample */
-       sample = NULL;//TODO: reservoir sampling with exponential jumps
+       keys = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*n);
+       if(keys == NULL)
+               return NULL;
+       sample = COLnew(0, TYPE_oid, n, TRANSIENT);
+       if(sample == NULL) {
+               free(keys);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       oids = (oid *)sample->theap.base;
+       mt_rng = mtwist_new();
+       mtwist_seed(mt_rng, rand());
+       BATsetcount(sample, n);
+               /* obtain sample */
+       //TODO: reservoir sampling with exponential jumps
+       for(j=0; j<n; j++) {
+               oids[j] = j+minoid;
+               keys[j] = pow(mtwist_drand(mt_rng),1.0/w[j]);
+       }
+       heapify(compKeysGT, SWAP3);//NOTE: writes to 'i'
+       j=n;
+       while(true) {
+               r = mtwist_drand(mt_rng);
+               xw = log(r)/log(keys[oids[0]-minoid]);
+               while(xw > 0 && j < cnt) {
+                       xw -= w[j];
+                       j++;
+               }
+               if(j >= cnt) break;
+               tw = pow(keys[oids[0]-minoid], w[j]);
+               r2 = mtwist_drand(mt_rng)*(1-tw)+tw;
+               key = pow(r2, 1/w[j]);
+               oids[0] = j+minoid;
+               keys[0] = key;
+               siftup(compKeysGT, 0, SWAP3);//NOTE: writes to 'key'
+       }
+       free(keys);
+       sample->trevsorted = sample->batCount <= 1;
+       sample->tsorted = sample->batCount <= 1;
+       sample->tkey = 1;
+       sample->tdense = sample->batCount <= 1;
+       if (sample->batCount == 1)
+               sample->tseqbase = *(oid *) Tloc(sample, 0);
        return sample;
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