Changeset: 7194cf97352e for MonetDB
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Renamed macro.

diffs (115 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_firstn.c b/gdk/gdk_firstn.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_firstn.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_firstn.c
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
  * in-place.  We start off with a heap containing the first N elements
  * of the input, and then go over the rest of the input, replacing the
  * root of the heap with a new value if appropriate (if the new value
- * is among the first-N seen so far).  The siftup macro then restores
- * the heap property. */
-#define siftup(OPER, START, SWAP)                                      \
+ * is among the first-N seen so far).  The siftdown macro then
+ * restores the heap property. */
+#define siftdown(OPER, START, SWAP)                                    \
        do {                                                            \
                pos = (START);                                          \
                childpos = (pos << 1) + 1;                              \
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 #define heapify(OPER, SWAP)                            \
        do {                                            \
                for (i = n / 2; i > 0; i--)             \
-                       siftup(OPER, i - 1, SWAP);      \
+                       siftdown(OPER, i - 1, SWAP);    \
        } while (0)
 #define LTany(p1, p2)  (cmp(BUNtail(bi, oids[p1] - b->hseqbase),       \
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
                        if (OP(vals[i - b->hseqbase],                   \
                                 vals[oids[0] - b->hseqbase])) {        \
                                oids[0] = i;                            \
-                               siftup(OP##fix, 0, SWAP1);              \
+                               siftdown(OP##fix, 0, SWAP1);            \
                        }                                               \
                }                                                       \
        } while (0)
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ BATfirstn_unique(BAT *b, BAT *s, BUN n, 
        const oid *restrict cand, *candend;
        int tpe = b->ttype;
        int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *);
-       /* variables used in heapify/siftup macros */
+       /* variables used in heapify/siftdown macros */
        oid item;
        BUN pos, childpos;
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ BATfirstn_unique(BAT *b, BAT *s, BUN n, 
                                if (cmp(BUNtail(bi, i - b->hseqbase),
                                        BUNtail(bi, oids[0] - b->hseqbase)) < 
0) {
                                        oids[0] = i;
-                                       siftup(LTany, 0, SWAP1);
+                                       siftdown(LTany, 0, SWAP1);
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ BATfirstn_unique(BAT *b, BAT *s, BUN n, 
                                if (cmp(BUNtail(bi, i - b->hseqbase),
                                        BUNtail(bi, oids[0] - b->hseqbase)) > 
0) {
                                        oids[0] = i;
-                                       siftup(GTany, 0, SWAP1);
+                                       siftdown(GTany, 0, SWAP1);
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ BATfirstn_unique(BAT *b, BAT *s, BUN n, 
                                vals[oids[0] - b->hseqbase]))) {        \
                                oids[0] = i;                            \
                                goids[0] = gv[ci];                      \
-                               siftup(OP##fixgrp, 0, SWAP2);           \
+                               siftdown(OP##fixgrp, 0, SWAP2);         \
                        }                                               \
                        ci++;                                           \
                }                                                       \
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ BATfirstn_unique_with_groups(BAT *b, BAT
        const oid *restrict cand, *candend;
        int tpe = b->ttype;
        int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *);
-       /* variables used in heapify/siftup macros */
+       /* variables used in heapify/siftdown macros */
        oid item;
        BUN pos, childpos;
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ BATfirstn_unique_with_groups(BAT *b, BAT
                                        && i < oids[0]) -- always false */) {
                                        oids[0] = i;
                                        goids[0] = gv[ci];
-                                       siftup(LTvoidgrp, 0, SWAP2);
+                                       siftdown(LTvoidgrp, 0, SWAP2);
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ BATfirstn_unique_with_groups(BAT *b, BAT
                                        /* && i > oids[0] -- always true */)) {
                                        oids[0] = i;
                                        goids[0] = gv[ci];
-                                       siftup(GTvoidgrp, 0, SWAP2);
+                                       siftdown(GTvoidgrp, 0, SWAP2);
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ BATfirstn_unique_with_groups(BAT *b, BAT
                                         BUNtail(bi, oids[0] - b->hseqbase)) < 
0)) {
                                        oids[0] = i;
                                        goids[0] = gv[ci];
-                                       siftup(LTanygrp, 0, SWAP2);
+                                       siftdown(LTanygrp, 0, SWAP2);
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ BATfirstn_unique_with_groups(BAT *b, BAT
                                         BUNtail(bi, oids[0] - b->hseqbase)) > 
0)) {
                                        oids[0] = i;
                                        goids[0] = gv[ci];
-                                       siftup(GTanygrp, 0, SWAP2);
+                                       siftdown(GTanygrp, 0, SWAP2);
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