Changeset: 1ab0511ef7b5 for MonetDB
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Branch: statistics-analytics
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Merge with default

diffs (truncated from 3273 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -589,15 +589,15 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "algebra",   "slice",        "command algebra.slice(b:bat[:any_1], x:int, 
y:int):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGslice_int;",        "Return the slice with the 
BUNs at position x till y."  ]
 [ "algebra",   "slice",        "command algebra.slice(b:bat[:any_1], x:lng, 
y:lng):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGslice_lng;",        "Return the slice with the 
BUNs at position x till y."  ]
 [ "algebra",   "slice",        "command algebra.slice(b:bat[:any_1], x:oid, 
y:oid):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGslice_oid;",        "Return the slice based on 
head oid x till y (exclusive)."      ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGsort11;",   "Returns a copy 
of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The input and output are (must be) 
dense headed.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is 
set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."        ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid]) ", "ALGsort12;",   
"Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values and a BAT that\n         
specifies how the input was reordered.\n         The input and output are (must 
be) dense headed.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is 
set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set." ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid], X_2:bat[:oid]) ",  
"ALGsort13;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values, a BAT that 
specifies\n         how the input was reordered, and a BAT with group 
information.\n         The input and output are (must be) dense headed.\n       
  The order is descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable 
sort if the stable bit is set."  ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ", "ALGsort21;",   "Returns 
a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The input and output are 
(must be) dense headed.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is 
set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."        ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",    
"ALGsort22;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values and a BAT 
that\n         specifies how the input was reordered.\n         The input and 
output are (must be) dense headed.\n         The order is descending if the 
reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set." ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid], 
X_2:bat[:oid]) ",     "ALGsort23;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail 
values, a BAT that specifies\n         how the input was reordered, and a BAT 
with group information.\n         The input and output are (must be) dense 
headed.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This 
is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."  ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ",    
"ALGsort31;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The 
input and output are (must be) dense headed.\n         The order is descending 
if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is 
set."        ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:bat[:oid]) ",       "ALGsort32;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on 
tail values and a BAT that\n         specifies how the input was reordered.\n   
      The input and output are (must be) dense headed.\n         The order is 
descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable 
bit is set." ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:bat[:oid], X_2:bat[:oid]) ",        "ALGsort33;",   "Returns a copy of the 
BAT sorted on tail values, a BAT that specifies\n         how the input was 
reordered, and a BAT with group information.\n         The input and output are 
(must be) dense headed.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is 
set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."  ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGsort11;",   "Returns a copy 
of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The order is descending if the 
reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."   ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid]) ", "ALGsort12;",   
"Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values and a BAT that\n         
specifies how the input was reordered.\n         The order is descending if the 
reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."    ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid], X_2:bat[:oid]) ",  
"ALGsort13;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values, a BAT that 
specifies\n         how the input was reordered, and a BAT with group 
information.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t 
This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."     ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ", "ALGsort21;",   "Returns 
a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The order is descending if 
the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."  
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",    
"ALGsort22;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values and a BAT 
that\n         specifies how the input was reordered.\n         The order is 
descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable 
bit is set."    ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid], 
X_2:bat[:oid]) ",     "ALGsort23;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail 
values, a BAT that specifies\n         how the input was reordered, and a BAT 
with group information.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is 
set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."     ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ",    
"ALGsort31;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The 
order is descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if 
the stable bit is set."   ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:bat[:oid]) ",       "ALGsort32;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on 
tail values and a BAT that\n         specifies how the input was reordered.\n   
      The order is descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable 
sort if the stable bit is set."    ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:bat[:oid], X_2:bat[:oid]) ",        "ALGsort33;",   "Returns a copy of the 
BAT sorted on tail values, a BAT that specifies\n         how the input was 
reordered, and a BAT with group information.\n         The order is descending 
if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is 
set."     ]
 [ "algebra",   "subslice",     "command algebra.subslice(b:bat[:any_1], x:lng, 
y:lng):bat[:oid] ",     "ALGsubslice_lng;",     "Return the oids of the slice 
with the BUNs at position x till y."      ]
 [ "algebra",   "thetajoin",    "command algebra.thetajoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], op:int, nil_matches:bit, 
estimate:lng) (X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",   "ALGthetajoin;",        
"Theta join with candidate lists"       ]
 [ "algebra",   "thetaselect",  "command algebra.thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], 
val:any_1, op:str):bat[:oid] ",     "ALGthetaselect1;",     "Select all head 
values for which the tail value obeys the relation\n\tvalue OP VAL.\n\tInput is 
a dense-headed BAT, output is a dense-headed BAT with in\n\tthe tail the head 
value of the input BAT for which the\n\trelationship holds.  The output BAT is 
sorted on the tail value."        ]
@@ -8977,7 +8977,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batsql",    "dec_round",    "command batsql.dec_round(v:bat[:sht], 
r:sht):bat[:sht] ",      "sht_bat_dec_round_wrap;",      "round off the value v 
to nearests multiple of r"       ]
 [ "batsql",    "dense_rank",   "pattern batsql.dense_rank(b:bat[:any_1], 
p:any_2, o:any_3):bat[:int] ",        "SQLdense_rank;",       "return the 
densely ranked groups"      ]
 [ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:bit] ",        
"SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev row"        ]
+[ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(p:bat[:bit], b:any_1):bat[:bit] ", 
"SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev row"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(p:bat[:bit], 
b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:bit] ",   "SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev row"  
+[ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(p:bit, b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:bit] ", 
"SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev row"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "first_value",  "pattern batsql.first_value(b:bat[:any_1], 
s:bat[:lng], e:bat[:lng]):bat[:any_1] ",     "SQLfirst_value;",      "return 
the first value of groups"      ]
 [ "batsql",    "get_value",    "pattern batsql.get_value(sname:bat[:str], 
sequence:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",     "mvc_bat_get_value;",   "return the 
current value of sequences" ]
 [ "batsql",    "get_value",    "pattern batsql.get_value(sname:bat[:str], 
sequence:str):bat[:lng] ",   "mvc_bat_get_value;",   "return the current value 
of the sequence"      ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out.int128
@@ -693,15 +693,15 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "algebra",   "slice",        "command algebra.slice(b:bat[:any_1], x:int, 
y:int):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGslice_int;",        "Return the slice with the 
BUNs at position x till y."  ]
 [ "algebra",   "slice",        "command algebra.slice(b:bat[:any_1], x:lng, 
y:lng):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGslice_lng;",        "Return the slice with the 
BUNs at position x till y."  ]
 [ "algebra",   "slice",        "command algebra.slice(b:bat[:any_1], x:oid, 
y:oid):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGslice_oid;",        "Return the slice based on 
head oid x till y (exclusive)."      ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGsort11;",   "Returns a copy 
of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The input and output are (must be) 
dense headed.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is 
set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."        ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid]) ", "ALGsort12;",   
"Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values and a BAT that\n         
specifies how the input was reordered.\n         The input and output are (must 
be) dense headed.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is 
set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set." ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid], X_2:bat[:oid]) ",  
"ALGsort13;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values, a BAT that 
specifies\n         how the input was reordered, and a BAT with group 
information.\n         The input and output are (must be) dense headed.\n       
  The order is descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable 
sort if the stable bit is set."  ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ", "ALGsort21;",   "Returns 
a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The input and output are 
(must be) dense headed.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is 
set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."        ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",    
"ALGsort22;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values and a BAT 
that\n         specifies how the input was reordered.\n         The input and 
output are (must be) dense headed.\n         The order is descending if the 
reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set." ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid], 
X_2:bat[:oid]) ",     "ALGsort23;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail 
values, a BAT that specifies\n         how the input was reordered, and a BAT 
with group information.\n         The input and output are (must be) dense 
headed.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This 
is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."  ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ",    
"ALGsort31;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The 
input and output are (must be) dense headed.\n         The order is descending 
if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is 
set."        ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:bat[:oid]) ",       "ALGsort32;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on 
tail values and a BAT that\n         specifies how the input was reordered.\n   
      The input and output are (must be) dense headed.\n         The order is 
descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable 
bit is set." ]
-[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:bat[:oid], X_2:bat[:oid]) ",        "ALGsort33;",   "Returns a copy of the 
BAT sorted on tail values, a BAT that specifies\n         how the input was 
reordered, and a BAT with group information.\n         The input and output are 
(must be) dense headed.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is 
set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."  ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ",      "ALGsort11;",   "Returns a copy 
of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The order is descending if the 
reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."   ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid]) ", "ALGsort12;",   
"Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values and a BAT that\n         
specifies how the input was reordered.\n         The order is descending if the 
reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."    ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], reverse:bit, 
nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid], X_2:bat[:oid]) ",  
"ALGsort13;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values, a BAT that 
specifies\n         how the input was reordered, and a BAT with group 
information.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t 
This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."     ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ", "ALGsort21;",   "Returns 
a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The order is descending if 
the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."  
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",    
"ALGsort22;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values and a BAT 
that\n         specifies how the input was reordered.\n         The order is 
descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable 
bit is set."    ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], X_1:bat[:oid], 
X_2:bat[:oid]) ",     "ALGsort23;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail 
values, a BAT that specifies\n         how the input was reordered, and a BAT 
with group information.\n         The order is descending if the reverse bit is 
set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is set."     ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit):bat[:any_1] ",    
"ALGsort31;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on tail values.\n         The 
order is descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if 
the stable bit is set."   ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:bat[:oid]) ",       "ALGsort32;",   "Returns a copy of the BAT sorted on 
tail values and a BAT that\n         specifies how the input was reordered.\n   
      The order is descending if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable 
sort if the stable bit is set."    ]
+[ "algebra",   "sort", "command algebra.sort(b:bat[:any_1], o:bat[:oid], 
g:bat[:oid], reverse:bit, nilslast:bit, stable:bit) (X_0:bat[:any_1], 
X_1:bat[:oid], X_2:bat[:oid]) ",        "ALGsort33;",   "Returns a copy of the 
BAT sorted on tail values, a BAT that specifies\n         how the input was 
reordered, and a BAT with group information.\n         The order is descending 
if the reverse bit is set.\n\t\t This is a stable sort if the stable bit is 
set."     ]
 [ "algebra",   "subslice",     "command algebra.subslice(b:bat[:any_1], x:lng, 
y:lng):bat[:oid] ",     "ALGsubslice_lng;",     "Return the oids of the slice 
with the BUNs at position x till y."      ]
 [ "algebra",   "thetajoin",    "command algebra.thetajoin(l:bat[:any_1], 
r:bat[:any_1], sl:bat[:oid], sr:bat[:oid], op:int, nil_matches:bit, 
estimate:lng) (X_0:bat[:oid], X_1:bat[:oid]) ",   "ALGthetajoin;",        
"Theta join with candidate lists"       ]
 [ "algebra",   "thetaselect",  "command algebra.thetaselect(b:bat[:any_1], 
val:any_1, op:str):bat[:oid] ",     "ALGthetaselect1;",     "Select all head 
values for which the tail value obeys the relation\n\tvalue OP VAL.\n\tInput is 
a dense-headed BAT, output is a dense-headed BAT with in\n\tthe tail the head 
value of the input BAT for which the\n\trelationship holds.  The output BAT is 
sorted on the tail value."        ]
@@ -12699,7 +12699,9 @@ stdout of test 'MAL-signatures` in direc
 [ "batsql",    "dec_round",    "command batsql.dec_round(v:bat[:sht], 
r:sht):bat[:sht] ",      "sht_bat_dec_round_wrap;",      "round off the value v 
to nearests multiple of r"       ]
 [ "batsql",    "dense_rank",   "pattern batsql.dense_rank(b:bat[:any_1], 
p:any_2, o:any_3):bat[:int] ",        "SQLdense_rank;",       "return the 
densely ranked groups"      ]
 [ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:bit] ",        
"SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev row"        ]
+[ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(p:bat[:bit], b:any_1):bat[:bit] ", 
"SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev row"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(p:bat[:bit], 
b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:bit] ",   "SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev row"  
+[ "batsql",    "diff", "pattern batsql.diff(p:bit, b:bat[:any_1]):bat[:bit] ", 
"SQLdiff;",     "return true if cur != prev row"        ]
 [ "batsql",    "first_value",  "pattern batsql.first_value(b:bat[:any_1], 
s:bat[:lng], e:bat[:lng]):bat[:any_1] ",     "SQLfirst_value;",      "return 
the first value of groups"      ]
 [ "batsql",    "get_value",    "pattern batsql.get_value(sname:bat[:str], 
sequence:bat[:str]):bat[:lng] ",     "mvc_bat_get_value;",   "return the 
current value of sequences" ]
 [ "batsql",    "get_value",    "pattern batsql.get_value(sname:bat[:str], 
sequence:str):bat[:lng] ",   "mvc_bat_get_value;",   "return the current value 
of the sequence"      ]
diff --git a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
--- a/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/exports.stable.out
@@ -1909,17 +1909,20 @@ str URLnew4(url *u, str *protocol, str *
 str URLnoop(url *u, url *val);
 ssize_t URLtoString(str *s, size_t *len, const char *src, bool external);
 int UUIDcompare(const uuid *l, const uuid *r);
-str UUIDequal(bit *retval, uuid **l, uuid **r);
 ssize_t UUIDfromString(const char *svalue, size_t *len, uuid **retval, bool 
 str UUIDgenerateUuid(uuid **retval);
+str UUIDgenerateUuid(uuid *retval);
 str UUIDgenerateUuidInt(uuid **retval, int *d);
+str UUIDgenerateUuidInt(uuid *retval, int *d);
 BUN UUIDhash(const void *u);
 str UUIDisaUUID(bit *retval, str *u);
 const uuid *UUIDnull(void);
 str UUIDprelude(void *ret);
 uuid *UUIDread(uuid *u, stream *s, size_t cnt);
 str UUIDstr2uuid(uuid **retval, str *s);
+str UUIDstr2uuid(uuid *retval, str *s);
 ssize_t UUIDtoString(str *retval, size_t *len, const uuid *value, bool 
+str UUIDuuid2str(str *retval, const uuid *u);
 str UUIDuuid2str(str *retval, uuid **u);
 gdk_return UUIDwrite(const uuid *u, stream *s, size_t cnt);
 str WLCaction(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci);
@@ -2392,6 +2395,7 @@ char monet_characteristics[4096];
 char monet_cwd[FILENAME_MAX];
 void moveInstruction(MalBlkPtr mb, int pc, int target);
 void msab_dbfarminit(const char *dbfarm);
+void msab_dbnameinit(const char *dbname);
 void msab_dbpathinit(const char *dbpath);
 char *msab_deserialise(sabdb **ret, char *sabdb);
 void msab_freeStatus(sabdb **ret);
diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/dump.c b/clients/mapiclient/dump.c
--- a/clients/mapiclient/dump.c
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/dump.c
@@ -434,8 +434,15 @@ dump_foreign_keys(Mapi mid, const char *
                char *t = sescape(tname);
                maxquerylen = 1024 + strlen(t) + strlen(s);
                query = malloc(maxquerylen);
-               if (query == NULL)
+               if (s == NULL || t == NULL || query == NULL) {
+                       if (s)
+                               free(s);
+                       if (t)
+                               free(t);
+                       if (query)
+                               free(query);
                        goto bailout;
+               }
                snprintf(query, maxquerylen,
                         "SELECT, "             /* 0 */
                                ", "            /* 1 */
@@ -890,8 +897,13 @@ dump_column_definition(Mapi mid, stream 
        t = tname ? sescape(tname) : NULL;
        s = schema ? sescape(schema) : NULL;
        if (tid == NULL) {
-               if (tname == NULL || schema == NULL)
+               if (tname == NULL || schema == NULL) {
+                       if (t != NULL)
+                               free(t);
+                       if (s != NULL)
+                               free(s);
                        return 1;
+               }
                maxquerylen += 2 * strlen(tname) + 2 * strlen(schema);
@@ -1921,12 +1933,17 @@ dump_function(Mapi mid, stream *toConsol
                fname = strdup(fname);
                ftkey = strdup(ftkey);
-               if (!remark || !sname || !fname || !ftkey) {
-                       free(remark);
-                       free(sname);
-                       free(fname);
-                       free(ftkey);
-                       free(query);
+               if (remark == NULL || sname == NULL || fname == NULL || ftkey 
== NULL) {
+                       if (remark)
+                               free(remark);
+                       if (sname)
+                               free(sname);
+                       if (fname)
+                               free(fname);
+                       if (ftkey)
+                               free(ftkey);
+                       if (query)
+                               free(query);
                        goto bailout;
@@ -1953,8 +1970,7 @@ dump_function(Mapi mid, stream *toConsol
        /* strdup these two because they are needed after another query */
        if (flkey) {
-               char* nflkey = flkey ? strdup(flkey) : NULL;
-               if (!nflkey) {
+               if ((flkey = strdup(flkey)) == NULL) {
                        if (remark) {
@@ -1962,8 +1978,7 @@ dump_function(Mapi mid, stream *toConsol
                        goto bailout;
-               } else
-                       flkey = nflkey;
+               }
        ffunc = strdup(ffunc);
        query_len = snprintf(query, query_size,
@@ -2702,8 +2717,8 @@ dump_database(Mapi mid, stream *toConsol
        } else {
                mnstr_printf(toConsole, "SET SCHEMA ");
                dquoted_print(toConsole, sname, ";\n");
-               curschema = sname ? strdup(sname) : NULL;
-               if (sname && !curschema)
+               curschema = strdup(sname);
+               if (curschema == NULL)
                        goto bailout;
diff --git a/clients/mapiclient/mclient.1 b/clients/mapiclient/mclient.1
--- a/clients/mapiclient/mclient.1
+++ b/clients/mapiclient/mclient.1
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ is the name of the table,
 .I $db
 is the name of the database.
-mclient \-d $db \-s \(dqCOPY INTO $table FROM '$file' USING DELIMITERS 
+mclient \-d $db \-s \(dqCOPY INTO $table FROM '$file' USING DELIMITERS 
 Efficiently import data from a CSV file into a table when the file is
 to be read by mclient (e.g. the server has no access to the file).
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ is the name of the table,
 .I $db
 is the name of the database.
-mclient \-d $db \-s \(dqCOPY INTO $table FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS 
',','\e\en','\e\(dq'\(dq \- < $file
+mclient \-d $db \-s \(dqCOPY INTO $table FROM STDIN USING DELIMITERS 
',',E'\e\en','\e\(dq'\(dq \- < $file
 Note that in this latter case, if a count of records is supplied, it
 should be at least as large as the number of records actually present
@@ -471,10 +471,15 @@ This, because otherwise the remainder of
 as SQL queries.
 Another, easier method to have the client read the file content is as
+mclient \-d $db \-s \(dqCOPY INTO $table FROM '$file' ON CLIENT USING 
DELIMITERS ',',E'\e\en',\e\(dq'\(dq
-mclient \-d $db \-s \(dqCOPY INTO $table FROM '$file' ON CLIENT USING 
DELIMITERS ',','\e\en',\e\(dq'\(dq
+In this case the value of
+.I $file
+can be a path name relative to the directory in which
+.I mclient
+was started.
 If, in addition, the option
 .B \-\-allow\-remote
 is passed to
@@ -482,7 +487,9 @@ is passed to
 .I $file
 in the above query can also be a URL.  It then has to have the form
-.IB schema :// string .
+.IB schema :// string ,
+.IR e . g .,
+.IR .
 for more information about the COPY INTO query.
diff --git a/clients/mapilib/mapi.c b/clients/mapilib/mapi.c
--- a/clients/mapilib/mapi.c
+++ b/clients/mapilib/mapi.c
@@ -2696,6 +2696,7 @@ mapi_reconnect(Mapi mid)
                                hash = malloc(len);
                                if (hash == NULL) {
+                                       free(pwh);
                                        return mapi_setError(mid, "malloc 
failure", "mapi_reconnect", MERROR);
                                snprintf(hash, len, "{%s}%s", *algs, pwh);
diff --git a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLPrepare.c b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLPrepare.c
--- a/clients/odbc/driver/SQLPrepare.c
+++ b/clients/odbc/driver/SQLPrepare.c
@@ -135,7 +135,11 @@ MNDBPrepare(ODBCStmt *stmt,
                int concise_type;
                int length, scale;
-               mapi_fetch_row(hdl);
+               if (mapi_fetch_row(hdl) == 0) {
+                       /* Memory allocation error (or maybe something else) */
+                       addStmtError(stmt, "HY001", 0, 0);
+                       return SQL_ERROR;
+               }
                if (ncols == 3 ||
                    (s = mapi_fetch_field(hdl, 5)) == NULL) {
                        /* either old prepare (i.e. old server) or no
diff --git a/common/utils/msabaoth.c b/common/utils/msabaoth.c
--- a/common/utils/msabaoth.c
+++ b/common/utils/msabaoth.c
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 /** the directory where the databases are (aka dbfarm) */
-char *_sabaoth_internal_dbfarm = NULL;
+static char *_sabaoth_internal_dbfarm = NULL;
 /** the database which is "active" */
-char *_sabaoth_internal_dbname = NULL;
+static char *_sabaoth_internal_dbname = NULL;
 /** identifier of the current process */
 static char *_sabaoth_internal_uuid = NULL;
@@ -119,6 +119,16 @@ msab_isuuid(const char *restrict s)
        return hyphens == 4;
+msab_dbnameinit(const char *dbname)
+       if (dbname == NULL) {
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