Changeset: 73d89253bc47 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: default
Log Message:

Updated ChangeLog

diffs (38 lines):

diff --git a/sql/ChangeLog b/sql/ChangeLog
--- a/sql/ChangeLog
+++ b/sql/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
 # ChangeLog file for sql
 # This file is updated with Maddlog
+* Tue Jun  2 2020 Pedro Ferreira <>
+- Removed '@' syntax used to refer into a variable in a query. It
+  was a non-standard method, which was replaced by a schema addition to
+  variables. Variables in the global scope now have schema. All default
+  global variables are set under schema "sys". However variables
+  inside PSM don't have a schema, because there are no transaction
+  semantics inside PSM at the moment.
+- Removed declared variables and tables from the global scope. They were
+  transaction agnostic and incompatible with the SQL standard, i.e. they
+  are valid exclusively under PSM (e.g. functions, procedures and 
+  triggers).
+- Scoping semantics were added for both variables and tables. Variables
+  with the same name at a query are now resolved under the following
+  precedence rules:
+    1. Tables, Views and CTEs at the FROM clause.
+    2. Variable declared in the body of function/procedure, i.e. local
+       variable.
+    3. Function/procedure parameter.
+    4. Variable from the global scope.
+  Tables with the same name now have the following precedence rules at a
+  SQL query: 
+    1. Table declared in the body of function/procedure, ie local table.
+    2. Temporary table.
+    3. Table from the current session schema.
+  This means the query: SELECT * FROM "keys"; will list keys from
+  temporary tables instead of persisted ones, because "keys" table
+  is available for both "sys" and "tmp" schemas.
+- The table returning function "var" was extended with more details
+  about globally declared variables, namely their schema, type and
+  current value.
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