Hi Shane,

Sorry for the late answer, I've been in vacation and taken by other urgent things.

On 10 May 2009, at 00:36, Shane Johnson wrote:
Just have a couple questions since I started taking a look at the code. I was wondering what the difference between CMISObject and ObjectEntry really is? I saw in the comments that ObjectEntry was intended to be returned via search but aren't the results all CMISObjects in the end?

There are two level to the API, the high-level one where you have CMISObjects (or more accurately its subinterfaces: Document, Folder, etc). The other low-level one, the SPI, is used mainly by implementors as it closely mirrors the CMIS spec and doesn't provide "intelligent" objects on top of it. ObjectEntry is one such dumb object, just a Data Transfert Object (DTO). Its Javadoc is a bit misleading, I'll update it.

Also, I was wondering if object services (move, delete) belong in the CMISObject or in a separate class such as the repository.

I put them on CMISObject because my goal is to make that high-level interface as simple as possible for a user. For a user it's simpler to do:
  object.move(somefolder, null)
  lookUpSomeService().move(object, somefolder, null)
or even
  connection.move(object, somefolder, null)


Florent Guillaume, Head of R&D, Nuxeo
Open Source, Java EE based, Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
http://www.nuxeo.com   http://www.nuxeo.org   +33 1 40 33 79 87

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