Hey guys,
even though my command line Maven build seems happy about our modules dependencies and builds fine, I got an annoying glitch in my Eclipse error panel, for class chemistry/chemistry-soap-server/src/main/java/org/apache/ chemistry/soap/server/AuthHandler.java
mentioning at line 80  that "SOAPHeader cannot be resolved to a type"
and at line 82 that "The type javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files"

I'm guessing this has something to do with my m2eclipse integration and the way it uses the emdedded maven (3.x I believe) to resolve transitive dependencies (like this WS related stuff),
as I repeat build works fine from the cmd line and in Hudson.

I was just wondering if any of you has this issue which keeps bothering me in the error pane (I hate red alerts in my code, and don't suggest me to use filters plz :) ) and if you found any workaround.

Thanks in advance for any suggestion,



Gabriele Columbro
Field Consultant, EMEA Professional Services
Alfresco Software, Ltd. (http://www.alfresco.com)

M: +31 (0)627 565 103
P: +39 320 161 28 46
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Skype: gabrielecolumbro
Blog: http://www.mindthegab.com

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