Hi Florent,

This is due to the AtomPub binding. I've missed that before and corrected that 

The problem is that getObjectOfLatestVersion and getPropertiesOfLatestVersion 
take a version series id and not an object id according to the spec. Since 
there is no "version series by id" URL template, the URL to retrieve the latest 
object or properties is unknown. We need one object of the version series to 
compile that URL. 
So the version series id parameter is ignored for the AtomPub binding while the 
object id parameter is ignored for the Web Services binding. That's unfortunate 
but I don't see a way to fix that more elegant. On the client layer this detail 
is hidden from the application.

Does this answer your question?



-----Original Message-----
From: Florent Guillaume [mailto:f...@nuxeo.com] 
Sent: Dienstag, 20. April 2010 19:51
To: List-Chemistry
Subject: refactoring questions


In VersioningService the methods getObjectOfLatestVersion and
getPropertiesOfLatestVersion have gained a new objectId argument that
was not present before. What's its purpose? It's not needed in the WS
bindings and is not in the domain model.


Florent Guillaume, Director of R&D, Nuxeo
Open Source, Java EE based, Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
http://www.nuxeo.com   http://www.nuxeo.org   +33 1 40 33 79 87

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