On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Florian Müller <fmuel...@opentext.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> There is currently a discussion starting in the CMIS Technical Committee to
> add a third binding called "browser binding". The idea is to provide the
> CMIS data in a way that it is easily consumable in a web browser. This time,
> the design of this binding should be accompanied by an implementation to
> make sure that the design actually works.

Where is the point to read that?


> I have played a bit. I've implemented a stub for such a binding as an
> extension of the OpenCMIS server framework. At the moment it exposes the
> repository  infos, type definitions, CMIS objects and folder children in a
> JSON format, which follows the CMIS XML schema. That's probably not the
> structure we will end up with, but it's a starting point. It bundles to
> InMemory repository for testing.
> The implementation is pretty light-weight. It just consist of 4 short
> classes. Most of the infrastructure is already in OpenCMIS.
> I would like to open a sandbox project in Chemistry for this, parallel to
> OpenCMIS. It would depend on OpenCMIS but would not interfere with OpenCMIS.
> Cheers,
> Florian

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