Hi all,

I agree that this would be useful and I think the opencmis project would be a 
good place to maintain and publish this code base.

Could you tell us a bit more about the dependencies of the test framework? At 
least at first glance I wonder if we really need more than junit and perhaps a 
thin layer on top of it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Florian Müller [mailto:florian.muel...@alfresco.com] 
Sent: Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010 16:35
To: chemistry-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: CMIS TCK Framework

Hi all,

We (Alfresco) are implementing a TCK like CMIS test framework that is based on 
OpenCMIS. If the Apache Chemistry community is interested in this we would 
contribute it to OpenCMIS.

Here is what is does:

- A TCK test tests one specific aspect, for example the creation of a folder or 
a query feature. A test consists of a series of checks, comparable to JUnit 
asserts. In contrast to JUnit, a check can return one of these states:
  * SKIPPED - The check has been skipped because the binding or the repository 
doesn't support it
  * OK - The check has passed.
  * WARNING - The check hasn't passed. It is not a spec violation but you want 
to have a look at it. For example, an object has an empty cmis:name property or 
a type definition has no display name. 
  * FAILURE - The check hasn't passed. It is some kind of a spec violation. 
Failures can be fatal or not. If a failure is fatal, the test stops here. If it 
is not fatal, the test moves on.
  * UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION - The framework caught an exception that hasn't been 
handled by the test.

- Tests are organized in groups. The TCK consists of a collection of groups. 
Each group and each test can be individually enabled and disabled. 

- The framework can generate reports. Currently, we have simple text, XML and 
HTML report generators. The reports are not very pretty yet and need a bit of 

- There are multiple ways to start the TCK. At the moment, we have a simple 
console runner and an ANT task. But it should be pretty easy to run it from a 
servlet or embed into a Swing application or something like that.

In a first step we want to port all the tests in the OpenCMIS client binding 
package to the framework and add the AtomPub tests that Dave developed a while 
ago. After that we will add more and more tests until we think we have covered 
most of the spec.

Any opinions?



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