On Thursday 25 August 2016 09:31 AM, Suriyadeepan R wrote:

​I apologize for posting this so late.

I am an Independent Researcher, interested in Machine Learning and AI. I am a member of the Free Software Hardware Movement, Puducherry. I came across the Chennaipy group recently and decided to attend the August Meetup. I would like to propose a session on Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). I can start with a toy example, where we use a Character based RNN and then move on to Word Embedding.

Hi Suriyadeepan, welcome to Chennaipy.

I hope I am not too late on the proposal.

*Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural Networks*
/Recurrent Neural Networks are revolutionizing the NLP industry. We encounter more intelligent chatbots everyday. This session will be an introduction to Language Modelling with Neural Networks. We will be working with Twitter Sentiment Corpus <http://www.sananalytics.com/lab/twitter-sentiment/>, which is a small collection of tweets that mention @apple, #google, #micosoft and #twitter. Our goal is to classify the tweets into one of these classes, {positive, neutral, negative, irrelevant}, using Google's Tensorflow framework. It would be great if the participants have tensorflow package installed <https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r0.10/get_started/os_setup.html> in their laptops.

Thanks for coming forward to do a talk. Please note that our slots are 20 mins long, and are not hands-on. We have 3 slots and they are currently taken. Can we schedule this for the next meetup?

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