En/na Alvaro Lopez Ortega ha escrit:
Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo wrote:

I have compiled cherokee 0.5.4 under OpenBSD3.9 in a small embedded
board: http://www.icop.com.tw/products_detail.asp?ProductID=119 , it
compiled perfectly.

  Woww.. that's brilliant, congrats! ;-)

It runs showing the default page,
How can I run speed/qa  tests?

  For the speed tests, I'd use the ab, it's in the apache2-utils
  package (Debian):

    /usr/sbin/ab2 -k http://embedded/index.html

  And, for the QA, Cherokee includes a set of tests that you can run
  easily from the source directory:

   cd qa ; ./run-tests.py

  Two things though: the tests are written in Python, and it takes a
  while to start them (it gotta generate a bunch of random numbers).

Another tool is siege:

I use ubuntu and it rather than ab (if I install apache-utils I have to install apache in ubuntu...but I don't want apache)

Not of all,
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