Jordi Adame wrote:

> I've been working a high load site with cherokee and PHP, the only
> issue i've had is that sometimes pages appear incomplete, as if
> cherokee had died in the middle of the request.
> I've compiled php4 and 5 several times and i haven't got any better
> results, I thought it was a PHP problem, but after doing some tests
> with apache and php-fcgi i got no incomplete pages with this conf.
> I was wondering if there is any way to get a debug cherokee, or
> anything that would help me figure this out.

  Add the parameter --enable-trace when you execute the configure
  script;  It'll enable the tracing facility.

  Then, you will be able to inspect what the server is doing by using
  the CHEROKEE_TRACE environment variable. For example:

      CHEROKEE_TRACE="all" /usr/sbin/cherokee

  That will print every single step that the server performs. In this
  case I suppose you don't need so much information, so something like
  CHEROKEE_TRACE="fcgi" or CHEROKEE_TRACE="handler" would be enough.

  By the way, this tracing mechanism *slightly* reduces the server
  performance, but it isn't very much actually, so don't worry about

  Oh! And finally, if you check the source code and see places in
  which it could be good to put new TRACE entries, do not hesitate to
  submit the patch.

Greetings, alo.
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