Chicken Scheme, along with its extension libraries, supports a large
superset of R6RS. Given what you have written below, I do not understand
why you think R6RS should be a guideline for a "punchlist" of features
to implement in Chicken. It is not a particularly good specification,
and equivalent or better functionality is already provided in Chicken

Thomas Bushnell BSG <> writes:

> I'm sorry; those are reasons not to approve r6rs.  There are many
> things, it seems to me, which don't belong in the standard, but which
> should be in any good Scheme system.
> Are you saying that if X should not be in the standard, then it is wrong
> for Chicken Scheme to implement X?  Suppose r6rs had mandated the
> Chicken Scheme FFI; would you begin lobbying for its removal from
> Chicken Scheme?

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