On 2013/05/28 10:13P, John Cowan wrote:
> Evan Hanson scripsit:
> > Also, I believe CHICKEN's exit procedures are still not technically
> > R7RS-compliant even given these changes, since a user-specified
> > `exit-handler` or `on-exit` procedure may signal an error, contain a
> > non-local escape or simply refuse to exit, all of which are verboten by
> > the draft. I think this is probably OK, but others may feel differently.
> The draft merely says "The exit procedure must not signal an exception or
> return to its continuation."  Nothing is said about dynamic-wind handlers
> not doing so; it is the programmer's responsibility to avoid situations
> where the process cannot even die.

True, I suppose it must not return to *its* continuation, so the second
case is fine, but IIUC the other constraints can still be broken (since
`exit-handler` isn't wound).

> Note that emergency-exit should wind up calling _exit() rather than
> exit(), so that stdio buffers are not flushed.

Thanks, I'll incorporate this requirement.


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