
Peter Bex <peter....@xs4all.nl> writes:

> The attached patch is simple, I hope it's also correct: it only calls
> assq if there really is any info, otherwise just fall through.
> I'm not 100% sure whether this is the correct fix, because I don't
> really understand this code.

works well, make check still passes and the git egg now builds
again. Thanks a lot, I pushed it.

> Maybe it should complain that the extension doesn't (yet) exist,
> because it hasn't been installed at that point?  In that case, the
> check should be pulled into the "cond" check like so:
> ((and (memq id ##sys#explicit-library-modules)
>       (##sys#extension-information id 'require-extension))
>   => (lambda (info)
>        (let ((nr (assq 'import-only info))
>              (s (assq 'syntax info)))
>          ...)))

Not sure about this one. Apparently the git egg works even like this so
maybe such a complaint is not really necessary?


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