The Chicken wiki still has an index of Chicken 3 eggs, although I do think
chicken-setup is no longer operational.
Perhaps now would be a good time to clean the wiki of vestigial references
to 2 & 3.
I also like the idea of adopting the r7rs library names.


On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 1:13 AM, Peter Bex <> wrote:

> I didn't know we still supported CHICKEN 2 and 3.  In what way is that
> done?  AFAIK the server-side component for "chicken-setup" is no longer
> active.  Is it?
> Works for me.  I do think, however, that we should take a good look
> at the r7rs library names, and probably adopt them wholesale, for the
> parts that we implement.  This would make CHICKEN easier to use for
> people using multiple Schemes, and for newbies coming from other Schemes.
> It would also ease our burden at figuring out good names: half of the
> stuff will suddenly *have* a good name.
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