The attached test case works in csi but fails in csc.

Possibly related to optimization options.  Compile as:

csc  -O3 -clustering -no-argc-checks -no-procedure-checks
-no-bound-checks -no-trace -no-lambda-info -specialize -lfa2
-strict-types -disable-stack-overflow-checks -unsafe test-failing.scm

to see it terminate with exit code 1.

BTW: I'd have expected the assert (not (foo? "a b")) to kick in, but
this does not happen.

Sorry, no clue, no patch.

(define (foo? s)
  (let ((m '((#\space . "+"))))
    (let* ((sl (string-length s))
	   (reuse #t)
	   (nl (let loop ((i 0) (n 0))
		 (if (= i sl) n
		     (loop (+ i 1)
			   (+ n (let ((r (assq (string-ref s i) m)))
				  (if r
					(set! reuse #f)
					(string-length (cdr r)))
      (if reuse s #f))))

(assert (foo? "a"))
(assert (not (foo? "a b")))
(if (foo? "a b") (exit 1))
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