Hi all,

attached a fresh patch.  Fixes actually three bugs, adds tests for all
of them.

Again: please take on it.  Those bugs bite me all day (including some
eggs tests and probably even implementations fail).



Am 23.01.2016 um 13:19 schrieb Peter Bex:
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 07:42:09PM +0100, Jörg F. Wittenberger wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> there is a problem I have with ticket 1231.
>> http://bugs.call-cc.org/ticket/1231
>> In short: I'd love to see the patch applied.  (Or learn about issues it
>> causes.)
> I hadn't forgotten about the patch, I just didn't get around to it yet,
> and to be honest, I don't really grok this part of the code.
> The patch looks good as far as I can see (but like I said, I don't 100%
> grok this code), and I really like the test case, which is clean and
> simple.  The test case is what boosted my confidence in it, so I've went
> ahead and signed it off (with a slight reformatting and rewording of the
> commit message, and an update to NEWS).  I've attached it.
> Whoever pushes this, please also apply this to the CHICKEN 5 srfi-18 egg.
> Cheers,
> Peter

From cfc4f0515c0998f0f069d75dc53f097fe8cfd4cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=B6rg=20F=2E=20Wittenberger?=
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 13:25:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix for ticket 1231 Fix removal of owner from mutex when
 mutex-lock! with timeout fails. Fix memory leak in mutex-unlock! More tests.

 NEWS                 |   4 ++
 srfi-18.scm          |  83 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 tests/mutex-test.scm | 117 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 401a192..4cdeedf 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
 - Core libraries
    - SRFI-18: thread-join! no longer gives an error when passed a
      thread in the "sleeping" state (thanks to Joerg Wittenberger)
+   - SRFI-18: mutex-lock! will not set ownership of mutexes when
+     passed #f as the owner (#1231), not disown a mutex from owner if
+     locking fails for timeout and not keep the last thread which held
+     a mutex until the next lock (thanks to Joerg Wittenberger).
    - Irregex has been updated to 0.9.4, which fixes severe performance
      problems with {n,m} repeating patterns (thanks to Caolan McMahon).
    - Unit "posix": The following posix procedures now work on port
diff --git a/srfi-18.scm b/srfi-18.scm
index 2ae489d..5f74cfb 100644
--- a/srfi-18.scm
+++ b/srfi-18.scm
@@ -276,45 +276,46 @@
 	     (##sys#schedule) )
 	   (define (check)
 	     (when (##sys#slot mutex 4)	; abandoned
-	       (return
-		(##sys#signal
-		 (##sys#make-structure 'condition '(abandoned-mutex-exception) '()))) ) )
-	   (dbg ct ": locking " (mutex-name mutex))
+	       (return (##sys#signal (##sys#make-structure 'condition '(abandoned-mutex-exception) (list (##sys#slot mutex 1))))) ) )
+	   (define (assign)
+	     (check)
+	     (if (and threadsup (not thread))
+		 (begin
+		   (##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
+		   (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t) )
+		 (let* ([t (or thread ct)]
+			[ts (##sys#slot t 3)] )
+		   (if (or (eq? 'terminated ts) (eq? 'dead ts))
+		       (begin
+			 (##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
+			 (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #f)
+			 (##sys#setislot mutex 4 #t))
+		       (begin
+			 (##sys#setslot mutex 2 t)
+			 (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t)
+			 (##sys#setslot t 8 (cons mutex (##sys#slot t 8))) ) ) ) )
+	     (return #t))
+	   (dbg ct ": locking " mutex)
 	   (cond [(not (##sys#slot mutex 5))
-		  (if (and threadsup (not thread))
-		      (begin
-			(##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
-			(##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t) )
-		      (let* ([t (or thread ct)]
-			     [ts (##sys#slot t 3)] )
-			(if (or (eq? 'terminated ts) (eq? 'dead ts))
-			    (##sys#setislot mutex 4 #t)
-			    (begin
-			      (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t)
-			      (##sys#setslot t 8 (cons mutex (##sys#slot t 8)))
-			      (##sys#setslot t 11 mutex)
-			      (##sys#setslot mutex 2 t) ) ) ) )
-		  (check)
-		  (return #t) ]
+		  (assign) ]
 		   ct 1 
 		   (lambda ()
-		     (##sys#setslot mutex 3 (##sys#delq ct (##sys#slot mutex 3)))
-		     (unless (##sys#slot ct 13)  ; not unblocked by timeout
-		       (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list ct))
-		     (check)
-		     (##sys#setslot ct 8 (cons mutex (##sys#slot ct 8)))
-		     (##sys#setslot ct 11 #f)
-		     (##sys#setslot mutex 2 thread)
-		     (return #f) ))
+		     (if (##sys#slot ct 13)  ; unblocked by timeout
+			 (begin
+			   (##sys#setslot mutex 3 (##sys#delq ct (##sys#slot mutex 3)))
+			   (return #f))
+			 (begin
+			   (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list ct)
+			   (assign))) ))
 		  (##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! ct limit)
 		  (switch) ]
 		  (##sys#setslot ct 3 'sleeping)
 		  (##sys#setslot ct 11 mutex)
-		  (##sys#setslot ct 1 (lambda () (check) (return #t)))
+		  (##sys#setslot ct 1 assign)
 		  (switch) ] ) ) ) ) ) ) )
 (define mutex-unlock!
@@ -334,6 +335,7 @@
 	   (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #f)	; blocked
 	   (let ((t (##sys#slot mutex 2)))
 	     (when t
+	       (##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
 	       (##sys#setslot t 8 (##sys#delq mutex (##sys#slot t 8))))) ; unown from owner
 	   (when cvar
 	     (##sys#setslot cvar 2 (##sys#append (##sys#slot cvar 2) (##sys#list ct)))
@@ -341,11 +343,12 @@
 	     (cond (limit
 		     ct 1
-		     (lambda () 
-		       (##sys#setslot cvar 2 (##sys#delq ct (##sys#slot cvar 2)))
-		       (##sys#setslot ct 11 #f) ; block object
+		     (lambda ()
+		       (##sys#setislot ct 11 #f)
 		       (if (##sys#slot ct 13) ; unblocked by timeout
-			   (return #f)
+			   (begin
+			     (##sys#setslot cvar 2 (##sys#delq ct (##sys#slot cvar 2)))
+			     (return #f))
 			     (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list ct)
 			     (return #t))) ) )
@@ -354,15 +357,17 @@
 		    (##sys#setslot ct 1 (lambda () (return #t)))
 		    (##sys#setslot ct 3 'sleeping)) ) )
 	   (unless (null? waiting)
-	     (let* ([wt (##sys#slot waiting 0)]
-		    [wts (##sys#slot wt 3)] )
+	     (let* ((wt (##sys#slot waiting 0))
+		    (wts (##sys#slot wt 3)) )
 	       (##sys#setslot mutex 3 (##sys#slot waiting 1))
 	       (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t)
-	       (when (or (eq? wts 'blocked) (eq? wts 'sleeping))
-		 (##sys#setslot mutex 2 wt)
-		 (##sys#setslot wt 8 (cons mutex (##sys#slot wt 8)))
-		 (##sys#setslot wt 11 #f)
-		 (when (eq? wts 'sleeping) (##sys#add-to-ready-queue wt) ) ) ) )
+	       (case wts
+		 ((blocked sleeping)
+		  (##sys#setslot wt 11 #f)
+		  (##sys#add-to-ready-queue wt))
+		 (else
+		  (##sys#error 'mutex-unlock "Internal scheduler error: unknown thread state: "
+			       wt wts))) ) )
 	   (if (eq? (##sys#slot ct 3) 'running)
 	       (return #t)
 	       (##sys#schedule)) ) ) ) ) ))
diff --git a/tests/mutex-test.scm b/tests/mutex-test.scm
index 8962a1e..873e812 100644
--- a/tests/mutex-test.scm
+++ b/tests/mutex-test.scm
@@ -1,8 +1,121 @@
 ;;;; mutex-test.scm
 (require-extension srfi-18)
+(define test-has-failed #f)
+(define (test-error x . more)
+  (set! test-has-failed #t)
+  (apply print x more))
+(define (test-exit x)
+  (set! test-has-failed #t)
+  x)
+#|  The mutex data structure.
+Slot  Type                           Meaning
+1     *                              name
+2     (or false (struct thread))     owner
+3     (list-of (struct thread))      waiting thread
+4     boolean                        abandoned
+5     boolean                        blocked
+(define-record-printer (mutex x out)
+  (format out "<mutex ~a ~a~a ~a (owner ~a) waiting ~a>"
+	  (mutex-name x)
+	  (if (##sys#slot x 5) "LOCKED" "FREE")
+	  (if (##sys#slot x 4) "/ABANDONED" "")
+	  (mutex-state x)
+	  (if (##sys#slot x 2) (##sys#slot x 2) "none")
+	  (##sys#slot x 3)
+	  ))
+(define (dbg l v)
+  (format (current-error-port) "D ~a: ~a\n" l v) v)
+(define mux1 (make-mutex 'test-lock-fail-with-timeout))
+(mutex-lock! mux1)
+(define owner1 (mutex-state mux1))
+ (thread-start!
+  (lambda ()
+    (assert (eq? (mutex-lock! mux1 0.1) #f))
+    (when
+     (memq (current-thread) (##sys#slot mux1 3))
+     (print "Got " mux1 " found this thread still waiting!\n")
+     (test-exit 1))
+    (when
+     (not (eq? (mutex-state mux1) owner1))
+     (print "Got " mux1 " state " (mutex-state mux1) " expected " owner1 "\n")
+     (test-exit 1)))))
+(set! mux1 (make-mutex 'unlock-leaves-no-memory-leak))
+(mutex-lock! mux1)
+(mutex-unlock! mux1)
+ (not (eq? (##sys#slot mux1 2) #f))
+ (test-error "thread still held in mutex after unlock: " mux1))
+; Make a locked mutex
+(define mux (make-mutex 'foo))
+(mutex-lock! mux #f #f)
+;; Have a thread waiting for it.
+(define t1
+  (thread-start!
+   (lambda ()
+    (mutex-lock! mux #f #f)
+    (when (not (eq? (mutex-state mux) 'not-owned))
+      (print "Got " mux " state " (mutex-state mux) " expected " 'not-owned "\n")
+      (test-exit 1)))))
+;; Give it time to actually wait.
+;; Let it lock the mux
+(mutex-unlock! mux)
+(or (eq? (mutex-state mux) 'not-owned)
+    (test-error "Expected 'not-owned got " (mutex-state mux) mux))
+(set! t1
+  (thread-start!
+   (lambda ()
+    (mutex-lock! mux)
+    (when (not (eq? (mutex-state mux) (current-thread)))
+      (print "Got " mux " state " (mutex-state mux) " expected " (current-thread) "\n")
+      (test-exit 1)))))
+(mutex-unlock! mux)
+;; check that it is properly abandoned
+(when (not (handle-exceptions ex (abandoned-mutex-exception? ex) (and (mutex-lock! mux #f) #f)))
+  (print "Abandoned Mutex not abandoned " mux "\n")
+  (test-exit 1))
+(mutex-unlock! mux)
+(mutex-lock! mux)
+(when (not (eq? (mutex-state mux) (current-thread)))
+  (print "Got " mux " state " (mutex-state mux) " expected " (current-thread) "\n")
+  (test-exit 1))
 (cond-expand (dribble
 (define-for-syntax count 0)
 (define-syntax trail
@@ -74,3 +187,5 @@
 (thread-sleep! 3)
 ;(tprint 'exit)
+(if test-has-failed (exit 1) (exit 0))

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