On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 08:57:43AM +0100, Peter Bex wrote:
> I've done some tests and I was able to get strange behaviour from the
> scheduler, see 
> http://paste.call-cc.org/paste?id=d9e4c5b8f8473fd1114dcec56c9c8a079b252362
> However, none of these behaved any different under CHICKEN
> or 4.10.0, so it's not strictly speaking a regression that MUST be fixed
> before 4.11.

Well, at least the second of these ("Moar thread wtf?") seems to have
been fixed.  I'm pretty sure that it was 5d2a17a5a7b that fixed it:
A few tests against this and the preceding commit confirmed that it
broke without the commit and just kept going with the commit.

So the stack overflow was unrelated to anything in scheduler.scm!

The first of the scripts still behaves as before (also with


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