On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 10:37:14PM +0100, Peter Bex wrote:
> This causes the imports to be expanded incorrectly.  All this is
> now handled correctly with the attached patches, including the
> r7rs test case from the original bugreport; the r7rs version of
> define-record-type is now correctly seen as an internal define.

Oh, by the way:  I realise this is all pretty hacky, but I think
it's an improvement over the buggy current situation, and we
can probably clean this up by getting rid of the side-effects
that make expansion so difficult here, and also some of the hooks
in the expander can probably be gotten rid of.

The exact approach is not yet completely clear, the possibilities
need to be investigated.  I've created a ticket to clean up the
expander in 5.1: https://bugs.call-cc.org/ticket/1354


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