> > The multi-module case is indeed not covered. There is an note on the
> > wiki regarding functors that emit 2 import libs (used in some places),
> > this has to be handled automatically (compile + install <module>.import.so
> > and <module>_.import.so, if the latter one exists). Another option would be
> > to add .egg properties specifying the output modules.
> If I recall correctly, the s48-modules egg also generates two modules per
> package declaration: one that's "internal" with a leading underscore and
> one that's the actual module for public consumption.

Right, that's what I meant.

> So there's some precedence of having a single source file that exports
> multiple modules.  I think it's worth supporting.

Ok, how about a new .egg extension property named "(modules NAME1 ...)"?
Defaulting to one module (the extension name). Keeping the list empty
("(modules)") specifies an extension without modules.


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