On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 7:28 PM, Evan Hanson <ev...@foldling.org> wrote:

I really think we should hide the hash prefixing as much as possible.
> It's an implementation detail and not something users should interact
> with directly. The right way to distinguish these things is through the
> module language.

Per contra, I find it a great help with debugging module problems.   When I
am not sure if something is correctly imported, it is useful to be able to
type bar into the REPL and see if that means  #<procedure (foo#bar x1 x2)>
or #<procedure (baz#bar x1 x2)>.

John Cowan          http://vrici.lojban.org/~cowan        co...@ccil.org
How comes city and country to be filled with drones and rogues, our highways
with hackers, and all places with sloth and wickedness?
                --W. Blith, Eng. Improver Improved, 1652
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