Hi all,

attached several patches I owe you.

Patches 0001-0004 should apply on chicken 4.13, i.e. 68eeaaef3fc.

Patches 0005 and 0006 are against master (9f55823852).

Patches 0007 and 0008 are against srfi-18 egg source.

0002 - Fix 1564: This establishes the invariant that slot #11, the
blocking object and thread being in the relevant blocking queue are
always in sync.  This eases reasoning about the code and fixes the
bug.  Added advantage: Having a single spot to clear blocking objects
might allow eggs to introduce additional objects to block on.

0003 - Test case regarding abandoned mutex handling: This warrents
doube checking wrt. srfi-18.  The test checks for my understanding of
srfi-18 and fails without 0004 applied.

0004- Change abandoned mutexs state according to srfi-18: This passes
the test cases added by 0003.  Additionally it establishes a similar
invariant as 0002 wrt. slot #4 and the timeout queue.  Contains
consistency checks to be phased out after testing.


From 7288c18082a6334be0548e2e23ca13921f99076f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=B6rg=20F=2E=20Wittenberger?=
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 14:26:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Add test case catching #1564 almost for sure.

 tests/mutex-test.scm | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/mutex-test.scm b/tests/mutex-test.scm
index 873e812c..738e73d3 100644
--- a/tests/mutex-test.scm
+++ b/tests/mutex-test.scm
@@ -55,6 +55,29 @@ Slot  Type                           Meaning
      (print "Got " mux1 " state " (mutex-state mux1) " expected " owner1 "\n")
      (test-exit 1)))))
+(let ((m1 (make-mutex)))
+  ;; This fails if we manage to sort primorial before t1 and unleash
+  ;; both in one turn.
+  (define (sys-thread-sleep! limit)
+    ;; a copy from srfi-18 which expects pre-computed goal time.
+    (##sys#call-with-current-continuation
+     (lambda (return)
+       (let ((ct ##sys#current-thread))
+	 (##sys#setslot ct 1 (lambda () (return (##core#undefined))))
+	 (##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! ct limit)
+	 (##sys#schedule) ) ) ) )
+  #;(print "mutex state changes atomically wrt. blocking queues")
+  (mutex-lock! m1)
+  (let ((t1 (thread-start! (lambda () (mutex-lock! m1 0.1)))))
+    #;(print "have t1 it wait for m1")
+    (thread-yield!)
+    (let* ((to (##sys#slot t1 4))
+	   (hit (- to 0.0001)))
+      #;(print "waiting ever so slightly less than to " to " i.e. " hit "\n")
+      (sys-thread-sleep! hit))
+    ;; catch inconsistent state
+    (mutex-unlock! m1)))
 (set! mux1 (make-mutex 'unlock-leaves-no-memory-leak))
 (mutex-lock! mux1)
 (mutex-unlock! mux1)

From b6837b2c94feb5f8348965f538b5a45bf01a7506 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=B6rg=20F=2E=20Wittenberger?=
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 21:06:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Fix 1564 internal scheduler error.

 scheduler.scm | 80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scheduler.scm b/scheduler.scm
index 0b292f7f..a1a03293 100644
--- a/scheduler.scm
+++ b/scheduler.scm
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 	;; This isn't hidden ATM to allow set!ing it as a hook/workaround
 	; ##sys#force-primordial
 	fdset-set fdset-test create-fdset stderr
-	##sys#clear-i/o-state-for-thread! ##sys#abandon-mutexes) 
+	##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! ##sys#abandon-mutexes)
   (not inline ##sys#interrupt-hook ##sys#force-primordial)
   (foreign-declare #<<EOF
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ EOF
 		      (if (fp>= now tmo1) ; timeout reached?
 			    (##sys#setislot tto 13 #t) ; mark as being unblocked by timeout
-			    (##sys#clear-i/o-state-for-thread! tto)
+			    (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! tto)
 			    (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! tto)
 			    (loop (cdr lst)) )
@@ -335,17 +335,9 @@ EOF
 (define (##sys#thread-kill! t s)
   (dbg "killing: " t " -> " s ", recipients: " (##sys#slot t 12))
   (##sys#abandon-mutexes t)
-  (let ((blocked (##sys#slot t 11)))
-    (cond
-     ((##sys#structure? blocked 'condition-variable)
-      (##sys#setslot blocked 2 (##sys#delq t (##sys#slot blocked 2))))
-     ((##sys#structure? blocked 'thread)
-      (##sys#setslot blocked 12 (##sys#delq t (##sys#slot blocked 12))))) )
   (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
-  (##sys#clear-i/o-state-for-thread! t)
+  (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
   (##sys#setslot t 3 s)
-  (##sys#setislot t 4 #f)
-  (##sys#setislot t 11 #f)
   (##sys#setislot t 8 '())
   (let ((rs (##sys#slot t 12)))
     (unless (null? rs)
@@ -353,13 +345,15 @@ EOF
        (lambda (t2)
 	 (dbg "  checking: " t2 " (" (##sys#slot t2 3) ") -> " (##sys#slot t2 11))
 	 (when (eq? (##sys#slot t2 11) t)
-	   (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t2) ) )
-       rs) ) )
-  (##sys#setislot t 12 '()) )
+	   (##sys#thread-unblock! t2) ) )
+       rs)
+      (##sys#setislot t 12 '()) ) ) )
 (define (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t)
   (dbg "unblocking: " t)
-  (##sys#setislot t 11 #f)		; (FD . RWFLAGS) | #<MUTEX> | #<THREAD>
+  #;(if (##sys#slot t 11) ;; remove this case after testing
+      (##sys#error '##sys#thread-basic-unblock! "Internal scheduler error: unclean unblock"
+		   (##sys#slot t 11)))
   (##sys#setislot t 4 #f)
   (##sys#add-to-ready-queue t) )
@@ -489,39 +483,20 @@ EOF
 					  ;; is incorrect but will be ignored, just let it run
 					  (when (##sys#slot t 4) ; also blocked for timeout?
 					    (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t))
-					  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t) 
+					  (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
+					  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t)
 					  (loop2 (cdr threads) keep))
 					 ((not (eq? fd (car p)))
 					  (panic (sprintf "thread is registered for I/O on unknown file-descriptor: ~S (expected ~S)" (car p) fd)))
 					 ((fdset-test inf outf (cdr p))
 					  (when (##sys#slot t 4) ; also blocked for timeout?
 					    (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t))
+					  (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
 					  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t) 
 					  (loop2 (cdr threads) keep))
 					 (else (loop2 (cdr threads) (cons t keep)))))))
 			   (cons a (loop n (add1 pos) (cdr lst))) ) ) ) ) ) ] ))) )
-;;; Clear I/O state for unblocked thread
-(define (##sys#clear-i/o-state-for-thread! t)
-  (when (pair? (##sys#slot t 11))
-    (let ((fd (car (##sys#slot t 11))))
-      (set! ##sys#fd-list
-	(let loop ((lst ##sys#fd-list))
-	  (if (null? lst)
-	      '()
-	      (let* ((a (car lst))
-		     (fd2 (car a)) )
-		(if (eq? fd fd2)
-		    (let ((ts (##sys#delq t (cdr a)))) ; remove from fd-list entry
-		      (cond ((null? ts) (cdr lst))
-			    (else
-			     (##sys#setslot a 1 ts) ; fd-list entry is list with t removed
-			     lst) ) )
-		    (cons a (loop (cdr lst)))))))))))
 ;;; Get list of all threads that are ready or waiting for timeout or waiting for I/O:
 ; (contributed by Joerg Wittenberger)
@@ -565,6 +540,34 @@ EOF
   (set! ##sys#fd-list (##sys#slot vec 2))
   (set! ##sys#timeout-list (##sys#slot vec 3)) )
+;;; Clear blocking queues
+(define (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
+  (let ((blocked (##sys#slot t 11)))		; (FD . RWFLAGS) | #<MUTEX> | #<THREAD>
+    (dbg "clear-blocking " t " from " blocked)
+    (cond
+     ((pair? blocked)
+      (let ((fd (car (##sys#slot t 11))))
+	(set! ##sys#fd-list
+	      (let loop ((lst ##sys#fd-list))
+		(if (null? lst)
+		    '()
+		    (let* ((a (car lst))
+			   (fd2 (car a)) )
+		      (if (eq? fd fd2)
+			  (let ((ts (##sys#delq t (cdr a)))) ; remove from fd-list entry
+			    (cond ((null? ts) (cdr lst))
+				  (else
+				   (##sys#setslot a 1 ts) ; fd-list entry is list with t removed
+				   lst) ) )
+			  (cons a (loop (cdr lst))))))))))
+     ((##sys#structure? blocked 'condition-variable)
+      (##sys#setslot blocked 2 (##sys#delq t (##sys#slot blocked 2))))
+     ((##sys#structure? blocked 'mutex)
+      (##sys#setslot blocked 3 (##sys#delq t (##sys#slot blocked 3))))
+     ((##sys#structure? blocked 'thread)
+      (##sys#setslot blocked 12 (##sys#delq t (##sys#slot blocked 12)))))
+    (##sys#setislot t 11 #f)))
 ;;; Unblock thread cleanly:
@@ -572,10 +575,9 @@ EOF
   (when (or (eq? 'blocked (##sys#slot t 3))
 	    (eq? 'sleeping (##sys#slot t 3)))
     (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
-    (##sys#clear-i/o-state-for-thread! t)
+    (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
     (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t) ) )
 ;;; Kill all threads in fd-, io- and timeout-lists and assign one thread as the
 ;   new primordial one. Overrides "##sys#kill-other-threads" in library.scm.

From aae2f95d0452ce7908eb281bbde90b22b8329429 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=B6rg=20F=2E=20Wittenberger?=
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 15:46:46 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Add test case for properly abondons of mutexs.

 tests/mutex-test.scm | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/mutex-test.scm b/tests/mutex-test.scm
index 738e73d3..035d7092 100644
--- a/tests/mutex-test.scm
+++ b/tests/mutex-test.scm
@@ -86,6 +86,27 @@ Slot  Type                           Meaning
  (test-error "thread still held in mutex after unlock: " mux1))
+(let* ((cv (make-condition-variable))
+       (m (begin
+	    (condition-variable-specific-set! cv #f)
+	    (make-mutex)))
+       (t (thread-start!
+	   (lambda ()
+	     (do ()
+		 ((condition-variable-specific cv))
+	       (mutex-unlock! m cv))))))
+  (thread-yield!)
+  (when
+   (not (eq? (##sys#slot t 3) 'sleeping))
+   (test-error "thread not sleeping " t))
+  (condition-variable-specific-set! cv #t)
+  (condition-variable-signal! cv)
+  (thread-yield!)
+  (when
+   (not (eq? (##sys#slot t 3) 'dead))
+   (test-error "thread not completed " t)))
 ; Make a locked mutex
 (define mux (make-mutex 'foo))
 (mutex-lock! mux #f #f)
@@ -131,6 +152,23 @@ Slot  Type                           Meaning
   (print "Abandoned Mutex not abandoned " mux "\n")
   (test-exit 1))
+(unless (eq? (mutex-state mux) (current-thread))
+  (print "Mutex " mux " locked/not-owned but left in state " (mutex-state mux) "\n")
+  (test-exit 1))
+;; repeat with owned mutex
+(set! mux (make-mutex 'foobar))
+(thread-start!  (lambda () (mutex-lock! mux)))
+(when (not (handle-exceptions ex (abandoned-mutex-exception? ex) (and (mutex-lock! mux) #f)))
+  (print "Abandoned Mutex not abandoned " mux "\n")
+  (test-exit 1))
+(unless (eq? (mutex-state mux) (current-thread))
+  (print "Mutex " mux " not assigned to " (current-thread) " but left in state " (mutex-state mux) "\n")
+  (test-exit 1))
 (mutex-unlock! mux)
 (mutex-lock! mux)

From a062862de2acbaf4059f4898971a5285099d7211 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=B6rg=20F=2E=20Wittenberger?=
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2018 22:40:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Change abandoned mutexs state according to srfi-18.

Also some cleanup prefering ##sys#thread-unblock! when appropriate.
 scheduler.scm |  53 +++++++++++++++------------
 srfi-18.scm   | 113 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scheduler.scm b/scheduler.scm
index c4b79f46..de008a1d 100644
--- a/scheduler.scm
+++ b/scheduler.scm
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ EOF
 		      (if (fp>= now tmo1) ; timeout reached?
 			    (##sys#setislot tto 13 #t) ; mark as being unblocked by timeout
+			    (##sys#setislot tto 4 #f) ; clear timeout
 			    (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! tto)
 			    (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! tto)
 			    (loop (cdr lst)) )
@@ -277,16 +278,20 @@ EOF
 (define ##sys#timeout-list '())
 (define (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
-  (let loop ((l ##sys#timeout-list) (prev #f))
-    (if (null? l)
-	l
-	(let ((h (##sys#slot l 0))
-	      (r (##sys#slot l 1)))
-	  (if (eq? (##sys#slot h 1) t)
-	      (if prev
-		  (set-cdr! prev r)
-		  (set! ##sys#timeout-list r))
-	      (loop r l))))))
+  (define (removeit t)
+    (let loop ((l ##sys#timeout-list) (prev #f))
+      (if (null? l)
+	  l
+	  (let ((h (##sys#slot l 0))
+		(r (##sys#slot l 1)))
+	    (if (eq? (##sys#slot h 1) t)
+		(if prev
+		    (set-cdr! prev r)
+		    (set! ##sys#timeout-list r))
+		(loop r l))))))
+  (when (##sys#slot t 4)  ;; no need to walk the queue without timeout
+     (removeit t)
+     (##sys#setislot t 4 #f))) ;; keep queue and thread state lexically in sync
 (define (##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! t tm)
   (dbg t " blocks for timeout " tm)
@@ -351,11 +356,12 @@ EOF
 (define (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t)
   (dbg "unblocking: " t)
-  (##sys#setslot t 11 #f) ;; still require from condition-variable-*!
-  #;(if (##sys#slot t 11) ;; remove this case after testing
-      (##sys#error '##sys#thread-basic-unblock! "Internal scheduler error: unclean unblock"
+  (if (##sys#slot t 11) ;; remove this case after testing
+      (##sys#error '##sys#thread-basic-unblock! "Internal scheduler error: unblock with block object"
+		   (##sys#slot t 11)))
+  (if (##sys#slot t 4) ;; remove this case after testing
+      (##sys#error '##sys#thread-basic-unblock! "Internal scheduler error: unblock with timeout"
 		   (##sys#slot t 11)))
-  (##sys#setislot t 4 #f)
   (##sys#add-to-ready-queue t) )
 (define (##sys#default-exception-handler arg)
@@ -482,16 +488,14 @@ EOF
 					 ((not (pair? p)) ; not blocked for I/O?
 					  ;; thread on fd-list is not blocked for I/O - this
 					  ;; is incorrect but will be ignored, just let it run
-					  (when (##sys#slot t 4) ; also blocked for timeout?
-					    (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t))
+					  (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)  ; also blocked for timeout?
 					  (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
 					  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t)
 					  (loop2 (cdr threads) keep))
 					 ((not (eq? fd (car p)))
 					  (panic (sprintf "thread is registered for I/O on unknown file-descriptor: ~S (expected ~S)" (car p) fd)))
 					 ((fdset-test inf outf (cdr p))
-					  (when (##sys#slot t 4) ; also blocked for timeout?
-					    (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t))
+					  (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
 					  (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
 					  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t) 
 					  (loop2 (cdr threads) keep))
@@ -572,12 +576,15 @@ EOF
 ;;; Unblock thread cleanly:
+;;(: ##sys#thread-unblock! ((struct thread) -> boolean))
 (define (##sys#thread-unblock! t)
-  (when (or (eq? 'blocked (##sys#slot t 3))
-	    (eq? 'sleeping (##sys#slot t 3)))
-    (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
-    (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
-    (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t) ) )
+  (and (let ((ts (##sys#slot t 3)))
+	 (or (eq? 'blocked ts) (eq? 'sleeping ts)))
+       (begin
+	 (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
+	 (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
+	 (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t)
+	 #t) ) )
 ;;; Kill all threads in fd-, io- and timeout-lists and assign one thread as the
 ;   new primordial one. Overrides "##sys#kill-other-threads" in library.scm.
diff --git a/srfi-18.scm b/srfi-18.scm
index 5d5c5305..dbb572bb 100644
--- a/srfi-18.scm
+++ b/srfi-18.scm
@@ -174,8 +174,6 @@
 	    (lambda ()
 	      (case (##sys#slot thread 3)
-		 (unless (##sys#slot ct 13) ; not unblocked by timeout
-		   (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list ct))
 		 (apply return (##sys#slot thread 2)))
@@ -271,7 +269,7 @@
       (when thread (##sys#check-structure thread 'thread 'mutex-lock!))
        (lambda (return)
-	 (let ([ct ##sys#current-thread])
+	 (let ((ct ##sys#current-thread))
 	   (define (switch)
              (dbg ct " sleeping on mutex " (mutex-name mutex))
 	     (##sys#setslot ct 11 mutex)
@@ -281,25 +279,26 @@
 	     (when (##sys#slot mutex 4)	; abandoned
 	       (return (##sys#signal (##sys#make-structure 'condition '(abandoned-mutex-exception) (list (##sys#slot mutex 1))))) ) )
 	   (define (assign)
-	     (##sys#setislot ct 11 #f)
-	     (check)
-	     (if (and threadsup (not thread))
-		 (begin
-		   (##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
-		   (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t) )
-		 (let* ([t (or thread ct)]
-			[ts (##sys#slot t 3)] )
-		   (if (or (eq? 'terminated ts) (eq? 'dead ts))
-		       (begin
-			 (##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
-			 (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #f)
-			 (##sys#setislot mutex 4 #t)
-			 (check))
-		       (begin
-			 (##sys#setslot mutex 2 t)
-			 (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t)
-			 (##sys#setslot t 8 (cons mutex (##sys#slot t 8))) ) ) ) )
-	     (return #t))
+	     (let ((abd (##sys#slot mutex 4)))
+	       (if (and threadsup (not thread))
+		   (begin
+		     (##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
+		     (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t) )
+		   (let* ([t (or thread ct)]
+			  [ts (##sys#slot t 3)] )
+		     (if (or (eq? 'terminated ts) (eq? 'dead ts))
+			 (begin
+			   (##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
+			   (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #f)
+			   (##sys#setislot mutex 4 #t))
+			 (begin
+			   (##sys#setslot mutex 2 t)
+			   (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t)
+			   (##sys#setslot t 8 (cons mutex (##sys#slot t 8))) ) ) ) )
+	       (return
+		(if abd
+		    (##sys#signal (##sys#make-structure 'condition '(abandoned-mutex-exception) (list (##sys#slot mutex 1))))
+		    #t))))
 	   (dbg ct ": locking " mutex)
 	   (cond [(not (##sys#slot mutex 5))
 		  (assign) ]
@@ -309,13 +308,8 @@
 		   ct 1 
 		   (lambda ()
 		     (if (##sys#slot ct 13)  ; unblocked by timeout
-			 (begin
-			   (##sys#setslot mutex 3 (##sys#delq ct (##sys#slot mutex 3)))
-			   (##sys#setislot ct 11 #f)
-			   (return #f))
-			 (begin
-			   (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list ct)
-			   (assign))) ))
+			 (return #f)
+			 (assign)) ))
 		  (##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! ct limit)
 		  (switch) ]
@@ -326,16 +320,16 @@
 (define mutex-unlock!
   (lambda (mutex . cvar-and-to)
     (##sys#check-structure mutex 'mutex 'mutex-unlock!)
-    (let ([ct ##sys#current-thread]
-	  [cvar (and (pair? cvar-and-to) (car cvar-and-to))]
-	  [timeout (and (fx> (length cvar-and-to) 1) (cadr cvar-and-to))] )
+    (let ((ct ##sys#current-thread)
+	  (cvar (and (pair? cvar-and-to) (car cvar-and-to)))
+	  (timeout (and (fx> (length cvar-and-to) 1) (cadr cvar-and-to))) )
       (dbg ct ": unlocking " (mutex-name mutex))
       (when cvar
 	(##sys#check-structure cvar 'condition-variable 'mutex-unlock!))
        (lambda (return)
-	 (let ([waiting (##sys#slot mutex 3)]
-	       [limit (and timeout (compute-time-limit timeout 'mutex-unlock!))] )
+	 (let ((waiting (##sys#slot mutex 3))
+	       (limit (and timeout (compute-time-limit timeout 'mutex-unlock!))) )
 	   (##sys#setislot mutex 4 #f)	; abandoned
 	   (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #f)	; blocked
 	   (let ((t (##sys#slot mutex 2)))
@@ -348,31 +342,16 @@
 	     (cond (limit
 		     ct 1
-		     (lambda ()
-		       (##sys#setislot ct 11 #f)
-		       (if (##sys#slot ct 13) ; unblocked by timeout
-			   (begin
-			     (##sys#setslot cvar 2 (##sys#delq ct (##sys#slot cvar 2)))
-			     (return #f))
-			   (begin
-			     (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list ct)
-			     (return #t))) ) )
+		     (lambda () (return (not (##sys#slot ct 13))) ) )
 		    (##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! ct limit) )
 		    (##sys#setslot ct 1 (lambda () (return #t)))
 		    (##sys#setslot ct 3 'sleeping)) ) )
 	   (unless (null? waiting)
-	     (let* ((wt (##sys#slot waiting 0))
-		    (wts (##sys#slot wt 3)) )
-	       (##sys#setslot mutex 3 (##sys#slot waiting 1))
-	       (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t)
-	       (case wts
-		 ((blocked sleeping)
-		  (##sys#setslot wt 11 #f)
-		  (##sys#add-to-ready-queue wt))
-		 (else
-		  (##sys#error 'mutex-unlock "Internal scheduler error: unknown thread state"
-			       wt wts))) ) )
+	     (let ((wt (##sys#slot waiting 0)))
+	       (or (##sys#thread-unblock! wt)
+		   (##sys#error 'mutex-unlock "Internal scheduler error: unknown thread state"
+				wt (##sys#slot wt 3)))))
 	   (if (eq? (##sys#slot ct 3) 'running)
 	       (return #t)
 	       (##sys#schedule)) ) ) ) ) ))
@@ -407,24 +386,18 @@
 (define (condition-variable-signal! cvar)
   (##sys#check-structure cvar 'condition-variable 'condition-variable-signal!)
   (dbg "signalling " cvar)
-  (let ([ts (##sys#slot cvar 2)])
-    (unless (null? ts)
-      (let* ([t0 (##sys#slot ts 0)]
-	     [t0s (##sys#slot t0 3)] )
-	(##sys#setslot cvar 2 (##sys#slot ts 1))
-	(when (or (eq? t0s 'blocked) (eq? t0s 'sleeping))
-	  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t0) ) ) ) ) )
+  (let ((ts (##sys#slot cvar 2)))
+    (unless (null? ts) (##sys#thread-unblock! (##sys#slot ts 0)) ) ) )
 (define (condition-variable-broadcast! cvar)
   (##sys#check-structure cvar 'condition-variable 'condition-variable-broadcast!)
   (dbg "broadcasting " cvar)
    (lambda (ti)
-     (let ([tis (##sys#slot ti 3)])
+     (let ((tis (##sys#slot ti 3)))
        (when (or (eq? tis 'blocked) (eq? tis 'sleeping))
-	 (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! ti) ) ) )
-   (##sys#slot cvar 2) )
-  (##sys#setislot cvar 2 '()) )
+	 (##sys#thread-unblock! ti) ) ) )
+   (##sys#slot cvar 2) ) )
 ;;; Change continuation of thread to signal an exception:
@@ -434,15 +407,7 @@
   (dbg "signal " thread exn)
   (if (eq? thread ##sys#current-thread)
       (##sys#signal exn)
-      (let ([old (##sys#slot thread 1)]
-	    [blocked (##sys#slot thread 11)])
-	(cond
-	 ((##sys#structure? blocked 'condition-variable)
-	  (##sys#setslot blocked 2 (##sys#delq thread (##sys#slot blocked 2))))
-	 ((##sys#structure? blocked 'mutex)
-	  (##sys#setslot blocked 3 (##sys#delq thread (##sys#slot blocked 3))))
-	 ((##sys#structure? blocked 'thread)
-	  (##sys#setslot blocked 12 (##sys#delq thread (##sys#slot blocked 12)))))
+      (let ((old (##sys#slot thread 1)))
 	 thread 1
 	 (lambda ()

From 307e9d806f421bd13e4b6f30a8cdb86378b8c1dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=B6rg=20F=2E=20Wittenberger?=
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2018 22:22:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix 1564 internal scheduler error.

 scheduler.scm | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scheduler.scm b/scheduler.scm
index 238c348e..32c2743c 100644
--- a/scheduler.scm
+++ b/scheduler.scm
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 	;; This isn't hidden ATM to allow set!ing it as a hook/workaround
 	; ##sys#force-primordial
 	remove-from-ready-queue fdset-test create-fdset stderr delq
-	##sys#clear-i/o-state-for-thread! ##sys#abandon-mutexes) 
+	##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! ##sys#abandon-mutexes)
   (not inline chicken.base#sleep-hook ##sys#interrupt-hook ##sys#force-primordial)
   (foreign-declare #<<EOF
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ EOF
 		      (if (>= now tmo1) ; timeout reached?
 			    (##sys#setislot tto 13 #t) ; mark as being unblocked by timeout
-			    (##sys#clear-i/o-state-for-thread! tto)
+			    (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! tto)
 			    (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! tto)
 			    (loop (cdr lst)) )
@@ -343,17 +343,9 @@ EOF
 (define (##sys#thread-kill! t s)
   (dbg "killing: " t " -> " s ", recipients: " (##sys#slot t 12))
   (##sys#abandon-mutexes t)
-  (let ((blocked (##sys#slot t 11)))
-    (cond
-     ((##sys#structure? blocked 'condition-variable)
-      (##sys#setslot blocked 2 (delq t (##sys#slot blocked 2))))
-     ((##sys#structure? blocked 'thread)
-      (##sys#setslot blocked 12 (delq t (##sys#slot blocked 12))))) )
   (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
-  (##sys#clear-i/o-state-for-thread! t)
+  (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
   (##sys#setslot t 3 s)
-  (##sys#setislot t 4 #f)
-  (##sys#setislot t 11 #f)
   (##sys#setislot t 8 '())
   (let ((rs (##sys#slot t 12)))
     (unless (null? rs)
@@ -361,13 +353,15 @@ EOF
        (lambda (t2)
 	 (dbg "  checking: " t2 " (" (##sys#slot t2 3) ") -> " (##sys#slot t2 11))
 	 (when (eq? (##sys#slot t2 11) t)
-	   (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t2) ) )
-       rs) ) )
-  (##sys#setislot t 12 '()) )
+	   (##sys#thread-unblock! t2) ) )
+       rs)
+      (##sys#setislot t 12 '()) ) ) )
 (define (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t)
   (dbg "unblocking: " t)
-  (##sys#setislot t 11 #f)		; (FD . RWFLAGS) | #<MUTEX> | #<THREAD>
+  #;(if (##sys#slot t 11) ;; remove this case after testing
+      (##sys#error '##sys#thread-basic-unblock! "Internal scheduler error: unclean unblock"
+		   (##sys#slot t 11)))
   (##sys#setislot t 4 #f)
   (##sys#add-to-ready-queue t) )
@@ -498,39 +492,20 @@ EOF
 					  ;; is incorrect but will be ignored, just let it run
 					  (when (##sys#slot t 4) ; also blocked for timeout?
 					    (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t))
-					  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t) 
+					  (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
+					  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t)
 					  (loop2 (cdr threads) keep))
 					 ((not (eq? fd (car p)))
 					  (panic (sprintf "thread is registered for I/O on unknown file-descriptor: ~S (expected ~S)" (car p) fd)))
 					 ((fdset-test inf outf (cdr p))
 					  (when (##sys#slot t 4) ; also blocked for timeout?
 					    (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t))
+					  (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
 					  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t) 
 					  (loop2 (cdr threads) keep))
 					 (else (loop2 (cdr threads) (cons t keep)))))))
 			   (cons a (loop n (add1 pos) (cdr lst))) ) ) ) ) ) ] ))) )
-;;; Clear I/O state for unblocked thread
-(define (##sys#clear-i/o-state-for-thread! t)
-  (when (pair? (##sys#slot t 11))
-    (let ((fd (car (##sys#slot t 11))))
-      (set! ##sys#fd-list
-	(let loop ((lst ##sys#fd-list))
-	  (if (null? lst)
-	      '()
-	      (let* ((a (car lst))
-		     (fd2 (car a)) )
-		(if (eq? fd fd2)
-		    (let ((ts (delq t (cdr a)))) ; remove from fd-list entry
-		      (cond ((null? ts) (cdr lst))
-			    (else
-			     (##sys#setslot a 1 ts) ; fd-list entry is list with t removed
-			     lst) ) )
-		    (cons a (loop (cdr lst)))))))))))
 ;;; Get list of all threads that are ready or waiting for timeout or waiting for I/O:
 ; (contributed by Joerg Wittenberger)
@@ -574,6 +549,34 @@ EOF
   (set! ##sys#fd-list (##sys#slot vec 2))
   (set! ##sys#timeout-list (##sys#slot vec 3)) )
+;;; Clear blocking queues
+(define (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
+  (let ((blocked (##sys#slot t 11)))		; (FD . RWFLAGS) | #<MUTEX> | #<THREAD>
+    (dbg "clear-blocking " t " from " blocked)
+    (cond
+     ((pair? blocked)
+      (let ((fd (car (##sys#slot t 11))))
+	(set! ##sys#fd-list
+	      (let loop ((lst ##sys#fd-list))
+		(if (null? lst)
+		    '()
+		    (let* ((a (car lst))
+			   (fd2 (car a)) )
+		      (if (eq? fd fd2)
+			  (let ((ts (delq t (cdr a)))) ; remove from fd-list entry
+			    (cond ((null? ts) (cdr lst))
+				  (else
+				   (##sys#setslot a 1 ts) ; fd-list entry is list with t removed
+				   lst) ) )
+			  (cons a (loop (cdr lst))))))))))
+     ((##sys#structure? blocked 'condition-variable)
+      (##sys#setslot blocked 2 (delq t (##sys#slot blocked 2))))
+     ((##sys#structure? blocked 'mutex)
+      (##sys#setslot blocked 3 (delq t (##sys#slot blocked 3))))
+     ((##sys#structure? blocked 'thread)
+      (##sys#setslot blocked 12 (delq t (##sys#slot blocked 12)))))
+    (##sys#setislot t 11 #f)))
 ;;; Unblock thread cleanly:
@@ -581,7 +584,7 @@ EOF
   (when (or (eq? 'blocked (##sys#slot t 3))
 	    (eq? 'sleeping (##sys#slot t 3)))
     (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
-    (##sys#clear-i/o-state-for-thread! t)
+    (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
     (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t) ) )

From 5da7a55bacfc6b1597eb4c5126005536aa3d0801 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=B6rg=20F=2E=20Wittenberger?=
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2018 12:47:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Modifiy internals to line up with fixes in srfi-18.

 scheduler.scm | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scheduler.scm b/scheduler.scm
index 32c2743c..df4db928 100644
--- a/scheduler.scm
+++ b/scheduler.scm
@@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ EOF
 		      (if (>= now tmo1) ; timeout reached?
 			    (##sys#setislot tto 13 #t) ; mark as being unblocked by timeout
+			    (##sys#setislot tto 4 #f) ; clear timeout
 			    (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! tto)
 			    (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! tto)
 			    (loop (cdr lst)) )
@@ -288,16 +289,20 @@ EOF
 (define ##sys#timeout-list '())
 (define (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
-  (let loop ((l ##sys#timeout-list) (prev #f))
-    (if (null? l)
-	l
-	(let ((h (##sys#slot l 0))
-	      (r (##sys#slot l 1)))
-	  (if (eq? (##sys#slot h 1) t)
-	      (if prev
-		  (set-cdr! prev r)
-		  (set! ##sys#timeout-list r))
-	      (loop r l))))))
+  (define (removeit t)
+    (let loop ((l ##sys#timeout-list) (prev #f))
+      (if (null? l)
+	  l
+	  (let ((h (##sys#slot l 0))
+		(r (##sys#slot l 1)))
+	    (if (eq? (##sys#slot h 1) t)
+		(if prev
+		    (set-cdr! prev r)
+		    (set! ##sys#timeout-list r))
+		(loop r l))))))
+  (when (##sys#slot t 4)  ;; no need to walk the queue without timeout
+     (removeit t)
+     (##sys#setislot t 4 #f))) ;; keep queue and thread state lexically in sync
 (define (##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! t tm)
   (dbg t " blocks for timeout " tm)
@@ -359,10 +364,12 @@ EOF
 (define (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t)
   (dbg "unblocking: " t)
-  #;(if (##sys#slot t 11) ;; remove this case after testing
-      (##sys#error '##sys#thread-basic-unblock! "Internal scheduler error: unclean unblock"
+  (if (##sys#slot t 11) ;; remove this case after testing
+      (##sys#error '##sys#thread-basic-unblock! "Internal scheduler error: unblock with block object"
+		   (##sys#slot t 11)))
+  (if (##sys#slot t 4) ;; remove this case after testing
+      (##sys#error '##sys#thread-basic-unblock! "Internal scheduler error: unblock with timeout"
 		   (##sys#slot t 11)))
-  (##sys#setislot t 4 #f)
   (##sys#add-to-ready-queue t) )
 (define (##sys#default-exception-handler arg)
@@ -490,16 +497,14 @@ EOF
 					 ((not (pair? p)) ; not blocked for I/O?
 					  ;; thread on fd-list is not blocked for I/O - this
 					  ;; is incorrect but will be ignored, just let it run
-					  (when (##sys#slot t 4) ; also blocked for timeout?
-					    (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t))
+					  (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)  ; also blocked for timeout?
 					  (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
 					  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t)
 					  (loop2 (cdr threads) keep))
 					 ((not (eq? fd (car p)))
 					  (panic (sprintf "thread is registered for I/O on unknown file-descriptor: ~S (expected ~S)" (car p) fd)))
 					 ((fdset-test inf outf (cdr p))
-					  (when (##sys#slot t 4) ; also blocked for timeout?
-					    (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t))
+					  (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
 					  (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
 					  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t) 
 					  (loop2 (cdr threads) keep))
@@ -580,13 +585,15 @@ EOF
 ;;; Unblock thread cleanly:
+;;(: ##sys#thread-unblock! ((struct thread) -> boolean))
 (define (##sys#thread-unblock! t)
-  (when (or (eq? 'blocked (##sys#slot t 3))
-	    (eq? 'sleeping (##sys#slot t 3)))
-    (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
-    (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
-    (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t) ) )
+  (and (let ((ts (##sys#slot t 3)))
+	 (or (eq? 'blocked ts) (eq? 'sleeping ts)))
+       (begin
+	 (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list t)
+	 (##sys#thread-clear-blocking-state! t)
+	 (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t)
+	 #t) ) )
 ;;; Put a thread to sleep:

From 9e66180733588860a32db479d2283b4d73d598ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=B6rg=20F=2E=20Wittenberger?=
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2018 12:24:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add test cases and make test effective.

 tests/mutex-test.scm | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tests/mutex-test.scm b/tests/mutex-test.scm
index 9c7f1e6..d052abb 100644
--- a/tests/mutex-test.scm
+++ b/tests/mutex-test.scm
@@ -57,6 +57,29 @@ Slot  Type                           Meaning
      (print "Got " mux1 " state " (mutex-state mux1) " expected " owner1 "\n")
      (test-exit 1)))))
+(let ((m1 (make-mutex)))
+  ;; This fails if we manage to sort primorial before t1 and unleash
+  ;; both in one turn.
+  (define (sys-thread-sleep! limit)
+    ;; a copy from srfi-18 which expects pre-computed goal time.
+    (##sys#call-with-current-continuation
+     (lambda (return)
+       (let ((ct ##sys#current-thread))
+	 (##sys#setslot ct 1 (lambda () (return (##core#undefined))))
+	 (##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! ct limit)
+	 (##sys#schedule) ) ) ) )
+  #;(print "mutex state changes atomically wrt. blocking queues")
+  (mutex-lock! m1)
+  (let ((t1 (thread-start! (lambda () (mutex-lock! m1 0.1)))))
+    #;(print "have t1 it wait for m1")
+    (thread-yield!)
+    (let* ((to (##sys#slot t1 4))
+	   (hit (- to 0.0001)))
+      #;(print "waiting ever so slightly less than to " to " i.e. " hit "\n")
+      (sys-thread-sleep! hit))
+    ;; catch inconsistent state
+    (mutex-unlock! m1)))
 (set! mux1 (make-mutex 'unlock-leaves-no-memory-leak))
 (mutex-lock! mux1)
 (mutex-unlock! mux1)
@@ -65,6 +88,27 @@ Slot  Type                           Meaning
  (test-error "thread still held in mutex after unlock: " mux1))
+(let* ((cv (make-condition-variable))
+       (m (begin
+	    (condition-variable-specific-set! cv #f)
+	    (make-mutex)))
+       (t (thread-start!
+	   (lambda ()
+	     (do ()
+		 ((condition-variable-specific cv))
+	       (mutex-unlock! m cv))))))
+  (thread-yield!)
+  (when
+   (not (eq? (##sys#slot t 3) 'sleeping))
+   (test-error "thread not sleeping " t))
+  (condition-variable-specific-set! cv #t)
+  (condition-variable-signal! cv)
+  (thread-yield!)
+  (when
+   (not (eq? (##sys#slot t 3) 'dead))
+   (test-error "thread not completed " t)))
 ; Make a locked mutex
 (define mux (make-mutex 'foo))
 (mutex-lock! mux #f #f)
@@ -110,6 +154,23 @@ Slot  Type                           Meaning
   (print "Abandoned Mutex not abandoned " mux "\n")
   (test-exit 1))
+(unless (eq? (mutex-state mux) (current-thread))
+  (print "Mutex " mux " locked/not-owned but left in state " (mutex-state mux) "\n")
+  (test-exit 1))
+;; repeat with owned mutex
+(set! mux (make-mutex 'foobar))
+(thread-start!  (lambda () (mutex-lock! mux)))
+(when (not (handle-exceptions ex (abandoned-mutex-exception? ex) (and (mutex-lock! mux) #f)))
+  (print "Abandoned Mutex not abandoned " mux "\n")
+  (test-exit 1))
+(unless (eq? (mutex-state mux) (current-thread))
+  (print "Mutex " mux " not assigned to " (current-thread) " but left in state " (mutex-state mux) "\n")
+  (test-exit 1))
 (mutex-unlock! mux)
 (mutex-lock! mux)
@@ -189,3 +250,5 @@ Slot  Type                           Meaning
 (thread-sleep! 3)
 ;(tprint 'exit)
+(if test-has-failed (exit 1) (exit 0))

From 1ab69bf17fe620addf4fbbc4f3fae695df243b84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=C3=B6rg=20F=2E=20Wittenberger?=
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2018 12:51:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Change abandoned mutexs state according to srfi-18.

Also some cleanup prefering ##sys#thread-unblock! when appropriate.
 srfi-18.scm | 117 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

diff --git a/srfi-18.scm b/srfi-18.scm
index f6253f1..28d3cd9 100644
--- a/srfi-18.scm
+++ b/srfi-18.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;;; srfi-18.scm - Simple thread unit - felix
-; Copyright (c) 2008-2016, The Chicken Team
+; Copyright (c) 2008-2018, The Chicken Team
 ; Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann
 ; All rights reserved.
@@ -231,8 +231,6 @@
 	    (lambda ()
 	      (case (##sys#slot thread 3)
-		 (unless (##sys#slot ct 13) ; not unblocked by timeout
-		   (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list ct))
 		 (apply return (##sys#slot thread 2)))
@@ -321,7 +319,7 @@
       (when thread (##sys#check-structure thread 'thread 'mutex-lock!))
        (lambda (return)
-	 (let ([ct ##sys#current-thread])
+	 (let ((ct ##sys#current-thread))
 	   (define (switch)
              (dbg ct " sleeping on mutex " (mutex-name mutex))
 	     (##sys#setslot ct 11 mutex)
@@ -331,25 +329,26 @@
 	     (when (##sys#slot mutex 4)	; abandoned
 	       (return (signal (##sys#make-structure 'condition '(abandoned-mutex-exception) (list (##sys#slot mutex 1)))))))
 	   (define (assign)
-	     (##sys#setislot ct 11 #f)
-	     (check)
-	     (if (and threadsup (not thread))
-		 (begin
-		   (##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
-		   (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t) )
-		 (let* ([t (or thread ct)]
-			[ts (##sys#slot t 3)] )
-		   (if (or (eq? 'terminated ts) (eq? 'dead ts))
-		       (begin
-			 (##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
-			 (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #f)
-			 (##sys#setislot mutex 4 #t)
-			 (check))
-		       (begin
-			 (##sys#setslot mutex 2 t)
-			 (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t)
-			 (##sys#setslot t 8 (cons mutex (##sys#slot t 8))) ) ) ) )
-	     (return #t))
+	     (let ((abd (##sys#slot mutex 4)))
+	       (if (and threadsup (not thread))
+		   (begin
+		     (##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
+		     (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t) )
+		   (let* ([t (or thread ct)]
+			  [ts (##sys#slot t 3)] )
+		     (if (or (eq? 'terminated ts) (eq? 'dead ts))
+			 (begin
+			   (##sys#setislot mutex 2 #f)
+			   (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #f)
+			   (##sys#setislot mutex 4 #t))
+			 (begin
+			   (##sys#setslot mutex 2 t)
+			   (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t)
+			   (##sys#setslot t 8 (cons mutex (##sys#slot t 8))) ) ) ) )
+	       (return
+		(if abd
+		    (signal (##sys#make-structure 'condition '(abandoned-mutex-exception) (list (##sys#slot mutex 1))))
+		    #t))))
 	   (dbg ct ": locking " mutex)
 	   (cond [(not (##sys#slot mutex 5))
 		  (assign) ]
@@ -359,13 +358,8 @@
 		   ct 1 
 		   (lambda ()
 		     (if (##sys#slot ct 13)  ; unblocked by timeout
-			 (begin
-			   (##sys#setslot mutex 3 (delq ct (##sys#slot mutex 3)))
-			   (##sys#setislot ct 11 #f)
-			   (return #f))
-			 (begin
-			   (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list ct)
-			   (assign))) ))
+			 (return #f)
+			 (assign)) ))
 		  (##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! ct limit)
 		  (switch) ]
@@ -376,16 +370,16 @@
 (define mutex-unlock!
   (lambda (mutex . cvar-and-to)
     (##sys#check-structure mutex 'mutex 'mutex-unlock!)
-    (let ([ct ##sys#current-thread]
-	  [cvar (and (pair? cvar-and-to) (car cvar-and-to))]
-	  [timeout (and (fx> (length cvar-and-to) 1) (cadr cvar-and-to))] )
+    (let ((ct ##sys#current-thread)
+	  (cvar (and (pair? cvar-and-to) (car cvar-and-to)))
+	  (timeout (and (fx> (length cvar-and-to) 1) (cadr cvar-and-to))) )
       (dbg ct ": unlocking " (mutex-name mutex))
       (when cvar
 	(##sys#check-structure cvar 'condition-variable 'mutex-unlock!))
        (lambda (return)
-	 (let ([waiting (##sys#slot mutex 3)]
-	       [limit (and timeout (compute-time-limit timeout 'mutex-unlock!))] )
+	 (let ((waiting (##sys#slot mutex 3))
+	       (limit (and timeout (compute-time-limit timeout 'mutex-unlock!))) )
 	   (##sys#setislot mutex 4 #f)	; abandoned
 	   (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #f)	; blocked
 	   (let ((t (##sys#slot mutex 2)))
@@ -398,31 +392,16 @@
 	     (cond (limit
 		     ct 1
-		     (lambda ()
-		       (##sys#setislot ct 11 #f)
-		       (if (##sys#slot ct 13) ; unblocked by timeout
-			   (begin
-			     (##sys#setslot cvar 2 (delq ct (##sys#slot cvar 2)))
-			     (return #f))
-			   (begin
-			     (##sys#remove-from-timeout-list ct)
-			     (return #t))) ) )
+		     (lambda () (return (not (##sys#slot ct 13))) ) )
 		    (##sys#thread-block-for-timeout! ct limit) )
 		    (##sys#setslot ct 1 (lambda () (return #t)))
 		    (##sys#setslot ct 3 'sleeping)) ) )
 	   (unless (null? waiting)
-	     (let* ((wt (##sys#slot waiting 0))
-		    (wts (##sys#slot wt 3)) )
-	       (##sys#setslot mutex 3 (##sys#slot waiting 1))
-	       (##sys#setislot mutex 5 #t)
-	       (case wts
-		 ((blocked sleeping)
-		  (##sys#setslot wt 11 #f)
-		  (##sys#add-to-ready-queue wt))
-		 (else
-		  (##sys#error 'mutex-unlock "Internal scheduler error: unknown thread state"
-			       wt wts))) ) )
+	     (let ((wt (##sys#slot waiting 0)))
+	       (or (##sys#thread-unblock! wt)
+		   (##sys#error 'mutex-unlock "Internal scheduler error: unknown thread state"
+				wt (##sys#slot wt 3)))))
 	   (if (eq? (##sys#slot ct 3) 'running)
 	       (return #t)
 	       (##sys#schedule)) ) ) ) ) ))
@@ -457,24 +436,18 @@
 (define (condition-variable-signal! cvar)
   (##sys#check-structure cvar 'condition-variable 'condition-variable-signal!)
   (dbg "signalling " cvar)
-  (let ([ts (##sys#slot cvar 2)])
-    (unless (null? ts)
-      (let* ([t0 (##sys#slot ts 0)]
-	     [t0s (##sys#slot t0 3)] )
-	(##sys#setslot cvar 2 (##sys#slot ts 1))
-	(when (or (eq? t0s 'blocked) (eq? t0s 'sleeping))
-	  (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! t0) ) ) ) ) )
+  (let ((ts (##sys#slot cvar 2)))
+    (unless (null? ts) (##sys#thread-unblock! (##sys#slot ts 0)) ) ) )
 (define (condition-variable-broadcast! cvar)
   (##sys#check-structure cvar 'condition-variable 'condition-variable-broadcast!)
   (dbg "broadcasting " cvar)
    (lambda (ti)
-     (let ([tis (##sys#slot ti 3)])
+     (let ((tis (##sys#slot ti 3)))
        (when (or (eq? tis 'blocked) (eq? tis 'sleeping))
-	 (##sys#thread-basic-unblock! ti) ) ) )
-   (##sys#slot cvar 2) )
-  (##sys#setislot cvar 2 '()) )
+	 (##sys#thread-unblock! ti) ) ) )
+   (##sys#slot cvar 2) ) )
 ;;; Change continuation of thread to signal an exception:
@@ -483,16 +456,8 @@
   (##sys#check-structure thread 'thread 'thread-signal!)
   (dbg "signal " thread exn)
   (if (eq? thread ##sys#current-thread)
-      (signal exn)
-      (let ([old (##sys#slot thread 1)]
-	    [blocked (##sys#slot thread 11)])
-	(cond
-	 ((##sys#structure? blocked 'condition-variable)
-	  (##sys#setslot blocked 2 (delq thread (##sys#slot blocked 2))))
-	 ((##sys#structure? blocked 'mutex)
-	  (##sys#setslot blocked 3 (delq thread (##sys#slot blocked 3))))
-	 ((##sys#structure? blocked 'thread)
-	  (##sys#setslot blocked 12 (delq thread (##sys#slot blocked 12)))))
+      (##sys#signal exn)
+      (let ((old (##sys#slot thread 1)))
 	 thread 1
 	 (lambda ()

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