Hi folks,

Here's a signed version of Alice's patch.

I agree with the reasoning completely. And I don't think the small bit
of extra clutter in limited cases is a big deal at all.

>From 652aac85ba17972441cc7cec98ae56088cb97257 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: alice maz <al...@alicemaz.com>
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2020 13:43:16 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Always write file when -emit-inline-file given

Presently, -emit-inline-file will not emit a file, and will delete one
if it exists, if there are no exported procedures that can be inlined.
This means in a pattern where you always emit for every -unit, and
always consult for every -uses, compilation will halt if a file isn't

It's a matter of opinion what the right thing to do here is, but I'm
inclined to think a file should always be emitted if the flag is
passed, even it's empty, because:

 - It's consistent with how -emit-types-file behaves

 - Usage of the flag indicates user intent to create the file "absence
   of evidence isn't evidence of absence"--the existence of an empty
   file is an affirmative

 - Statement there is nothing to inline

Note the deletion/omission behavor was added on purpose in 2010, so
this isn't accidental, but I'm not sure the reasoning.

Fixes #1715

Signed-off-by: megane <megan...@gmail.com>
- I copied the rationale from the Trac issue page.
 support.scm | 22 ++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/support.scm b/support.scm
index 5eff6e23..f610349d 100644
--- a/support.scm
+++ b/support.scm
@@ -841,18 +841,16 @@
           (set! lst (cons sym lst))
           (set! out (cons (list sym (node->sexpr (cdr val))) out)))))
-    (if (null? out)
-       (delete-file* inline-file)
-       (with-output-to-file inline-file
-         (lambda ()
-           (print "; GENERATED BY CHICKEN " (chicken-version) " FROM "
-                  source-file "\n")
-           (for-each
-            (lambda (x)
-              (pp x)
-              (newline))
-            (reverse out))
-           (print "; END OF FILE"))))
+    (with-output-to-file inline-file
+      (lambda ()
+       (print "; GENERATED BY CHICKEN " (chicken-version) " FROM "
+              source-file "\n")
+       (for-each
+        (lambda (x)
+          (pp x)
+          (newline))
+        (reverse out))
+       (print "; END OF FILE")))
     (when (and (pair? lst)
               (debugging 'i "the following procedures can be globally 
       (for-each (cut print "  " <>) (sort-symbols lst)))))

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