On 5/26/05, Michele Simionato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After yesterday praise, let's come back to the usual posts of problems
> & issues ;)
> It seems I cannot get argument, current-urlencoded-arguments, post-var
> and get-var working. Here is an example of the issue:
>  (define-http-resource (/get-a-b a b)
>     `(div
>       (form (@ (method "get"))
>        (input (@ (type "text") (name "a"))) (br)
>        (input (@ (type "text") (name "b"))) (br)
>        (input (@ (type "submit") (name "ok"))))
>        ,(format "a = ~s b = ~s args = ~a" a b 
> (current-urlencoded-arguments))))
>  (current-urlencoded-arguments) gives the empty string all the time, no
> matter what is in the query string. For instance if I point my browser to
> http://localhost:4242/get-a-b?a=1&b=2&ok
> I get
> a = "1" b = "2" args = ()
> What am I missing?

That parameter is only bound in the "fallback-handler", that is, for special
requests like .ssp pages.
Here's a patch for spiffy.scm:

cd /home/fwinkel/tmp/
diff -c /home/fwinkel/tmp/spiffy.scm\~ /home/fwinkel/tmp/spiffy.scm
--- /home/fwinkel/tmp/spiffy.scm~       2005-03-02 23:07:13.000000000 +0100
+++ /home/fwinkel/tmp/spiffy.scm        2005-05-26 08:48:40.131738408 +0200
@@ -48,14 +48,15 @@
       (lambda (,req ,args)
-       (call/cc
-        (lambda (,ret)
-          (let ([respond (http-resource:responder ,req ,ret)])
-            (handle-exceptions exn
-                (parameterize ([http:error-response-handler
(http-resource:error-handler exn)])
-                  (http:write-error-response 500 "Internal Server Error") )
-              (respond
-               (let ,(map (lambda (arg)
-                            `(,(string->symbol (car arg)) (alist-ref ,(car 
arg) ,args
string-ci=? ,(cdr arg))) )
-                          rargs)
-                 ,@body) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+       (parameterize ((current-urlencoded-arguments ,args))
+         (call/cc
+          (lambda (,ret)
+            (let ([respond (http-resource:responder ,req ,ret)])
+              (handle-exceptions exn
+                  (parameterize ([http:error-response-handler
(http-resource:error-handler exn)])
+                    (http:write-error-response 500 "Internal Server Error") )
+                (respond
+                 (let ,(map (lambda (arg)
+                              `(,(string->symbol (car arg)) (alist-ref ,(car 
arg) ,args
string-ci=? ,(cdr arg))) )
+                            rargs)
+                   ,@body) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )


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