On 7/25/05, Daniel B. Faken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also, this helps me understand why the FFI is so focussed on callbacks
> (instead of having equivalent facilities for entry points): entry points
> are just "default continuations" followed by ##sys#call-host, which
> temporarily interrupts (so to speak) the Scheme continuation to let C
> take over for a while.
>   (did I get that right?)

Yes, that's exactly how it works.

>   What do you think about getting rid of the entry-point API, storing
> the continuation somewhere it can explicitly retrieved (if you want to
> exec some more top-level code), and letting callbacks always "just work"
> (after the initial setup).
>   This seems to me much simpler, etc.  The current entry-point API calls
> could easily be translated to callbacks, if anyone needs them.

This is in fact a good solution. The entry-point API is pretty clunky, and this
method is both more lightweight and more convenient. Have to test it
more, though.


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