Hello Ashish,

On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 21:17:33 +0000 Ashish Shrestha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    First of all thank you to all those who have contributed to make this
>    a wonderful implementation. I am learning scheme was looking for an
>    implementation that would work on Linux (my server), Windows (cygwin -
>    work dev machine) and Mac OS X (my personal) and was light enough.
>    Installing web-scheme.egg I encountered some issues that I would like
>    to point out. The setup file in the egg expects ws-example.html and
>    web-scheme.el. However, these aren't present in the egg. I was able to
>    install the egg by modifying the setup file. Just wanted to bring up
>    the issue so that it can be fixed.

Thank you very much for pointing out these issues.  I'm about to release
a new version of web-scheme in the next days.  I'll fix that.

Best wishes,

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