On Sun, 05 Mar 2006 12:27:45 +0900 Daishi Kato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At Sat, 4 Mar 2006 22:13:50 +0100,
> Peter Busser wrote:
>> > I'm far from being a graphics designer, but I've got an idea that maybe
>> > fits to the context.  If someone likes it, maybe he/she can improve the
>> > logo (I couldn't find a way to mirror the upside-down `y' so it can look
>> > like a lambda, but that's the idea).
>> It's a really good logo! It could be improved by putting the ``spiff''
>> part at the same height as the black ``y'', so you get spiffy. And the
>> ``y'' could morph into a real lambda.
> I second it.

Thanks to all of you for your kind comments.   Attached you can find
some more attempts, which may (or may not :-)) look better.  But I'm
afraid I'm at the limit of my skills to use graphics software.

Maybe we can use the chicken wiki (or another location you find more
convenient) to put together the suggestions we have so far.

>> Just my 0.02 Euro.
> and my 2 yen:-)

2 centavos more. :-)

Best wishes,

Attachment: spiffy-1.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: spiffy-2.png
Description: PNG image

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