On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 11:47:28AM -0700, Kon Lovett wrote:
> srfi-19 uses srfi-29 uses lookup-table. The "srfi-29.meta" file does  
> state the need for lookup-table, so I wonder why it is not installed.  
> How old is your copy of srfi-29? The need for lookup-table is from  
> version 1.2, quite awhile ago.

Aha, that explains.  I'm using the latest version, but I was looking
in the Chicken svn repos, libc, ld.elf_so etc.  I never thought that
the compilation would use another egg!  Stupid me :)

> You might as well also get the current locale, miscmacros, numbers, &  
> misc-extn eggs. These are also needed.

They should be automatically installed right?  Anyway, I have them.

> Hope you have a more productive time after re-installing.

I'll try and trace the segfault I got on lookup-table.  Then I can get
productive again :)

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 experience much like composing poetry or music."
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