On Thu, Jan 11, 2007 at 03:14:08PM -0500, Stephen C. Gilardi wrote:
> Thanks for the info.  It appears that "csc" offers the options I need  
> "-I/sw/include -L/sw/lib", but "chicken" (according to The User  
> Manual and "chicken -help") doesn't.  When I include these in  
> "CHICKEN_OPTIONS", chicken complains that they are unrecognized.  I  
> tried setting "CSC_OPTIONS", but it didn't have any effect.
> Where can I specify these options so that they work with chicken-setup?

Hmm, you're right, it doesn't appear to be possible to pass options to csc
itself, only to chicken.  chicken only compiles to C.  Otoh, csc first
calls chicken on an scm to get a C file, then calls a C compiler on the
output to generate a binary.  So chicken can't do it.  I'm not sure how you
can instruct csc to accept extra options for the C compiler.

Maybe someone else on the list knows.

"The process of preparing programs for a digital computer
 is especially attractive, not only because it can be economically
 and scientifically rewarding, but also because it can be an aesthetic
 experience much like composing poetry or music."
                                                        -- Donald Knuth

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